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geen titel | geen neem - 14.06.2006 13:50
Poster (pdf formaat) - De poster in PDF formaat om drukken makkelijker te maken. | Greek students continue their struggle | Greek student - 14.06.2006 14:30
It is also important to stress, that although the government moved one step backwards, the Greek students continue their struggle. The first assemblies of the student unions after the announcement of the Ministry, decided to continue with occupying the Universities till the government withdraws completely the proposed reform. Although the right wing students call all their colleagues to boycott the assemblies or sometimes they try to break the occupations by force (this happened today in the Sports Academy - TEFAA - in Athens), the assemblies have even more participants than last week. The students call for new demos in all the cities where a University exists, tomorrow morning. Some other education related trade unions (primary and high school teachers) have called their members to participate in the demo and few of them have even called for a strike tomorrow. | |
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