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1 million anti-nuclear petition going strong 1 Million Europeans Against Nuclear Power - 16.06.2006 13:30
A campaign to collect one million signatures against nuclear power across Europe claims to be going strong, with 391,000 signatures already in the bag. A range of campaigning materials is being made available. 1 MILLION PETITION AGAINST NUCLEAR POWER Dear friends for a nuclear-free Europe, The one million campaign is in full swing! We have now 391,000 signatures counted at the Atomstopp office in Austria and new envelopes full of petition lists come in every day. Through the websites we are receiving around 4,000 digital signatures per week! Signature collection continues, many individuals and groups are ordering action packs and the volunteers at the Amsterdam office can hardly keep up with all these orders in different languages. We think this campaign is a major success! We have a reach-out all over Europe, thanks to all the volunteers and organisations that are helping us. In 25 countries people are collecting signatures at schools, in churches, at markets and at festivals. The petition is included in magazines and conference packs. Many people hear again that nuclear power is not a solution but a problem, and that it is no answer to climate change or energy shortage. It is in the direct personal contact that much of the wonderful work is done. Thanks to all of you! Now it is time for a ‘summer offensive’! Please continue your support and help collecting signatures. We make this campaign happen! We send you a list of the old and new free materials and suggestions of activities. If you have any questions or need support, please contact us at "mailto: info@million-against-nuclear.net" Kind regards Frank van Schaik Wendela de Vries One Million Europeans Against Nuclear Energy LIST OF FREE CAMPAIGN MATERIALS We have: A set of four different A1 posters against nuclear power with impressive pictures and the key arguments. The posters are in English, but the text can easily be glued over in your national language (A4 sheet). A2 general campaign posters with the Smiling Sun logo. A4 petition signature lists (space for 20 signatures). A5 flyers to hand out to general audience. Nuclear Power – Myth and Reality: The risks and prospects of nuclear power – the English translation of the Heinrich Böll Foundation report (for German: www.boell.de). An activist tool kit containing a) action ideas, b) a sample press release (please adjust text for use after April 26th!), c) tips how to use the media, and d) Everything you’ve always wanted to explain about nuclear power, but were afraid to do… Questions and answers - Myths and misunderstandings about nuclear energy. WHAT LANGUAGES ARE AVAILABLE? We have paper versions in: Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German. We have PDF versions to download from the website in Bulgarian, Greek, Macedonian, Portuguese, Serbo-Croatian, Spanish, Ukrainian, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German. More languages (Catalan, Hungarian, Italian, Russian) are in the making. If your language is not there and you want to make a translation, please contact us, and we’ll make it into laid-out material! WHAT MORE CAN YOU DO? - Do you know of other magazines that might be willing to include a petition list? Ask them, or inform us so we can ask them! - Tell us what you did, how and where you collected signatures and how people reacted. Are people positive to the materials? What kind of discussions do you get? Your stories and pictures can inspire others! - If possible, send a picture! We will put some of them on our web site. PROMOTE THE PETITION IN YOUR MAGAZINE Everybody is free to use the material from the 1 million campaign in a printed or photocopied version. For example, you can insert the signature list in your church magazine, in your local newsletter or student’s paper. Or you can print a copy on the back page of the magazine. You can write an article about the campaign, asking people to go to the website and sign. For background information, you can use the website as a source. MAKE A WEBSITE BANNER Many NGOs that have signed the 1 million petition have a website. It is easy to make a link to the 1 million website, preferably by using a banner. Banners really work, as they make it easy for people to sign. You can download banners at http://www.million-against-nuclear.net/domore/banners.htm COLLECT SIGNATURES AT A FESTIVAL During summer, there are many festivals; music festivals, ecological festivals, cultural festivals. This is an ideal place to collect signatures. With a couple of volunteers and some of the colourful posters and petition lists you can dress up a table and ask people to take a stand against nuclear power. SOME NUCLEAR NEWS … The experimental EPR nuclear power plant under construction in Finland has already fallen nine months behind schedule – the project started just a year ago. The delays have been caused by safety concerns over the quality of concrete used for the base of the reactor. It was discovered that too much water had been used in the cement mix, making the concrete too porous, and some steel forgings were also found to be of poor quality (The Guardian, April 24 2006). Japan Nuclear Fuel Ltd broke news of a radioactive water leakage at the Rokkasho nuclear reprocessing plant where the latest round of trial operations started on March 31. Some 40 litres of water containing plutonium and uranium leaked inside a concrete-lined cell when a worker apparently made a mistake in a remote-controlled process (Nuclear Monitor 645-646, June 2006). 1 Million Europeans Against Nuclear Power PO Box 59636 1040 LC Amsterdam – The Netherlands Tel: +31-20-6126368 Fax: +31-20-6892179
info@million-against-nuclear.net www.million-against-nuclear.net |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | Nucleair afval. | Djhwal Khul. - 17.06.2006 10:39
Op het moment betaalt Noorwegen als enige land ter wereld aan het min of meer veilig bergen van nucleair afval van oude atoom-onderzeeers van de Sovjet Unie, in Murmansk. Er is ook nog een berg vaten opgeslagen in midden Azie en Kazakhstan. Er schijnt alleen een Nederlands team te zijn die dit soort dingen kan; Russen weten niet hoe het moet en er liggen enorme hoveelheden vaten radio actief afval te lekken of letterlijk weg te rotten, zo vernam ik van een van de twee medewerkers die op reis is naar Murmansk. Hij noemde het kern-afval een letterlijk doemscenario. Zo makkelijk kern-energie schijnt op te wekken, zo moeilijk is het af te breken. Het schijnt dat de hele wereld al min of meer besmet is, en radio actief afval een van de belangrijkste oorzaken is van moderne ziekten. Een sigaretje meer of minder, daar gaat ons voortbestaan niet over; dit is een tamelijk plaatsvervangende, zelf-excuserende zorg in feite, als we deze feiten onder ogen zien. Succes. Website: http://shareintl.org | |
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