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Protest at Gronau uranium enrichment plant nirgendwo (translated by Diet Simon) - 19.06.2006 12:33
About 80 nuclear opponents gathered on Sunday outside the gate of Germany’s only uranium enrichment plant at Gronau for a symbolic inspection, reports the action group nirgendwo (nowhere). The activists demanded at the gate to be let in to see for themselves what goes on behind the fences of the plant.  When no one opened they rounded the factory grounds and hung a placard saying “Guaranteed Fatal” (Garantiert tödlich). The nirgendwo campaign criticises the double standard of the Western states in respect of uranium enrichment. “Iran is accused of wanting to enrich uranium because this technology can serve to build an atom bomb,” explains Florian Kollmann of the nirgendwo campaign, "while Germany and other Western states do exactly the same thing.” He points out that the Gronau plant, in joint German-Dutch-British ownership, is even being expanded. The West is measuring with two different standards in the nuclear dispute with Iran, he argues. The campaign especially opposes threatening Iran with force. The sabre rattling was advancing military armament and strengthening the undemocratic regime in Iran. "Primarily the population suffers from war, not the political and religious leaders,” says Kollmann. "Anyone stirring up fear of an attack promotes nationalism and fanaticism in Iran. That achieves the exact opposite of what is wanted.” The anti-nuclear activists point out that civilian use of atomic power contributes to proliferation of radioactive material not just in Iran and enables the construction of atom bombs. Anyone wanting to stop the spread of atomic technology could not at the same time push it ahead in their own country, the campaigners say. Russians protest against transports Representatives of the Russian environmentalist organisation Ecodefense demanded an end to exports of depleted uranium from the Gronau enrichment plant to Russia. “Depleted uranium is also used for weapon production,” said Vladimir Slivyjak of Ecodefense, "the use of armour-piercing uranium ammunition causes radioactive pollution of war areas and over the long term damages the health of civilians. “Even if the depleted uranium is not used militarily, atom waste export is immoral and poses the risk of terrorists attacks.” On Saturday night three activists got into the Gronau plant’s grounds unnoticed and inspected the expansion building site. Last Tuesday the nirgendwo campaign handed over a petition in Berlin protesting against threats of war and demanding that uranium enrichment in Germany be stopped. "A country like Germany, which can comfortably do without atomic power,” said Kollmann, "has to lead by good example. The long-term aim is the global abandonment of nuclear technology.” Website: http://nirgendwo.info/ phone #49 0175-6820969 |
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