Friday 23:"MAPUCHE NEW YEAR" Benefit Concert MAPUNDIAL - 21.06.2006 15:07
A NEW YEAR BEGINS FOR THE NATIVES OF SOUTH AMERICA  The Mapuche, one of the native people of Chile and Argentina, will celebrate the Wetripantu, the indigenous New Year, with purification ceremonies. It is one of the nation's most important celebration, wanting to show a profound will of identity and continuity, in opposition to the Western culture. The celebration will take place during the night of 23rd June in a familiar reunion, in which traditional stories will be told, as a preparation for the Sunrise of the 24th. This day is generally considered an occasion that tends towards reunion, harmony, and the balance of family relations. Cecilia Mendez will introduce us into the cosmic cycle according to the knowledge of the indigenous people of Central and South America, where the living of Time equals Art. The bands named below will take us to other places with their Latin American rhytms en spirit. All the money raised with this benefitparty will go to the legal struggle of the Mapuches in Chili. Let's help renew an unjust system. Dansgroep "Colores de mexico" Storyteller Gods, pyramids, kings, exotic animals, huge forests, volcanoes and beautiful tropical beaches Join us on our journey to Mexico through a story!!! The storytellers of "Colores de México" introduce the public into an interactive way to the famous and less famous Mexican stories and legends. These stories find their origin, among others, in prehispanic cultures like the Aztec or Mayan. 21,3 gr 21,3 gr aims to get the warmth of poetry and the initials of the earth. Using rhythm and South American vibes, we can sail for a no limit musical journey, flowing into a special link with the spirit of the Nature as a whole, breaking barriers between the artist and the public, achieving a unique ancestral dimension coming from the infinite. "We invoke to wake up the forgotten senses of the invisible world" Veronica Castro... Vocals, cuatro Yerpun...Guitar Elias... Bass guitar Thomas... Drums Wira Sasha The music of Wira Sasha comes from de southern part of the world. A mystical trip from the Andes to the alps creates wira sasha's musical bridge between cultures. Wira Sasha is a message inspired by the voice of the minorities, the ones the sistem left behind... The sound of Wira Sasha is a unique blend of tribal sounds melted with urban electronics and western grooves. Screaming indian horns, spacy trumpet soundscapes, stormy vocals over on funky basslines, bashing rock beats, dance, latin, jungle beats are some of the elements of the Wira Sasha live experience Gerri Jaeger...Drums Peter Huber ...Trumpet Alejandro Arrate...Bass Guitar Takuri Adasme...Lead singer & indian winds Federico Olivares ...Guitar Dj Koldun The brains behind Lionstyle, Koldun is Amsterdam's No1 Jungle, Reggae, Dub and Fat Beat's dj. Having cut his teeth playing on the underground scene worldwide he settled in Amsterdam, now responsible for the majority of proper jungle raves in the city Koldun is as dedicated as ever to developing the scene and keeping the fire alive! Koldun is also spending time in the studio creating his own unique style of audio wreckage so keep an eye out for future releases. Dj Snikers Psychedelic-Trance Snikers , born in Portugal on 1976, and have been Dj'ing Psytrance since 1996 . He was studing for Audio Enginner at the SAE Audio College in Amsterdam... and his producing his own tracks... Datum: Vrijdag 23 juni Plaats: Vrankrijk (Spuistraat 216 Amsterdam) Tijd: Aanvang 21.00 uur Toegang: ~@ 3,- E-Mail: Website: |