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EU's President Finland does not respect Human A.J.T (On the behalf of) - 01.07.2006 22:16
Finnish Human Rights activists, who have formed www.oikeusturvanperikato.info web pages, states about accidentally disabled people and the life of their relatives, that becoming an accidentally injured person in Finland may follow an arbitrary juridical murder and a life-time sentence into suffering, pain and shame. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 EU'S PRESIDENT FINLAND DOES NOT RESPECT ITS CITIZENS HUMAN RIGHTS - THIS IS HOW EU'S PRESIDENT WORK IN ITS OWN COUNTRY Finnish Human Rights activists, who have formed www.oikeusturvanperikato.info web pages, states about accidentally disabled people and the life of their relatives, that becoming an accidentally injured person in Finland may follow an arbitrary juridical murder and a life-time sentence into suffering, pain and shame. Accidentally injured people, their reprehending expert lawyers and doctors are in fact not allowed to find out grounds, why against proving the evidence to court, accidentally disabled person has been refused his or her right for fair trial guaranteed f.x. in Charter of the United Nations. Nor are grounds being presented for refusing victims right to income, rehabilitation and medical care. Loosing health and income is not enough, but these people also become victims of judiciary in an arbitrary way. Inhumane and cruel treatment of patients and their relatives may results in the end severe mental sufferings together with physical pains due to disability. Even Finland's Ministry of Justice has stated years ago, that citizens do not get a fair trial in Finland, anyone hasn't still got involved to a grievance. Big insurance corporations are still allowed to make profit by stripping off rights belonging to insured people. This kind of callous disregard of Human Rights is also accepted in Finland on passive onlooking by several politicians and among those in legality control. In stead of solving out matters, are problems kept in silence or they are passed by using the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health empty and law evading phrases. In March 2001 several accidentally injured people went on 29 days long hunger strike. Strikers claim was to get a fair and neutral trial, and they claimed Finland would start following Human Rights declaration. This strike is one of those things happened, that Finland is about to keep in silence also during its starting EU's Presidency. It is a fact, that European Court of Human Rights receives more cases from Finland -besides to some Eastern Europe nations-, than from any other EU nation, when compared the amount of inhabitants to the placed complaints (complaints per inhabitant in EU nation). At the same time Finland announces untruthful and false information related to the appeal procedures of Human Rights and Legal Safety violations. Social Welfare Appellate Court and Supreme Court judgments say no further complaint should be placed, even very often judgments are not justified and are conflicting the presented court evidence. Such Court judgment is against Human Rights treaties and Charter of United Nations, and in this respects valid for placing a complaint in EU. Besides distorting facts related to placing complaints, has Finnish Legal Aid Office refused in assisting [and accepting] Human Rights Court cases by appealing to the new instructions [guidelines] given to them from the Ministry of Justice. Finland's alerting Human Rights situation is artificially kept High Society suitable in EU by making it difficult for a citizen to place his or her complaint. Finnish Human Rights activists emphasize, that fully high-handed treatment combined to acts against Human Rights, and endless vague, ambiguous and obscure circumstance will result in the end to multi-problem person, and is driving both patients and their relatives into suicides. Finland maintains a questionable credit of being one of the leading nations in European suicide statistics. Without any acceptable exception must Human Rights and the principles of legal state work in EU as well. Maintaining silence about this social injustice leads only to further human suffering and increases multi-problems in an deepening way. We ask international media and foreign civil organizations to raise this cry of distress no later than now when Finland is acting as EU's President. In Helsinki on 20th of May in 2006, Hannu Kukkonen Kalevi Hautakangas
tiedotus@oikeusturvanperikato.info More information available from http://www.oikeusturvanperikato.info and http://www.oikeusturva.info. Original article source:
http://www.oikeusturvanperikato.info/saatteeksi.doc This draft translation was provided to media by: Åke Tyvi DBE R&D, D.E.I. engineering student, datanomi www.curatores.info -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP 8.1 iQA/AwUBRKZJ8HJvIfdhs7sWEQLxMQCg0W/jt+PkM+YI7ffM0q0bohZQrbUAoKlk Ety3qyQoi0gQEbhokYO5Xid3 =hu/7 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Finland makes systematically opposite judgments to people. The same thing went on after II WW when Russia s.c. Truth Commission was visiting finland. MOst like reason is President Tarja Halonen's and SDP's policy, were Tarja Halonen has stated her wish to join Finland into Russia in a peaceful manner... Read more in news-group utexas.law. For example I have some 6 million EUR lost due to false precedures and judgments... Isuring people is making deal, a contract, between a person and insurance company. There is no point of taking an isurance, if they do not take care of their resposibilities. Åke Tyvi FINLAND puh/tel. +358.(0)50 573 9636 PGP-avain/PGP-key: http://www.curatores.info/henkilosto.html profile/profiili: https://www.openbc.com/hp/Ake_Tyvi Skype id: r0100034 |
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