Bye Bye Rita party jo - 08.07.2006 13:23
Sunday 9th of July, undreground Amsterdam says Bye Bye Rita in the form of an illegal party at the Buitenland, Oude Haagseweg 51, on the shore of the Nieuwe Meer. Streamtime will be streaming from about 2 AM, Amsterdam time. The party may well last deep into the night. Chat freenode #bye Local Pirate Radio Patapoe will broadcast the party in the ether at 88.3 FM.  Bye bye, minister of intimidation Rita Verdonk is officially the Dutch minister of immigration and integration. In reality all of us who live in the Netherlands that is really is minister of INTIMIDATION. After she denied Ayaan Hirsi Ali, the world famous Somali agent provocateur and womens' liberator, the right to call herself a Dutch citizen, the cabinet was boomeranged out of office. But now they are back, and Rita is still claiming to be minister of Intimidation. Sunday 9th of july an illegal party will take place to celebrate the disappearance of Ayaan (who joins the American Enterprise Institute in Washington DC), the disappearance of the government, AND the expected pronto disappearance of Rita Verdonk to a place where she will be less harmful. So far she has received one job offer: teaching migration and Mogadishy University, and a scholarship to study Somali family law. E-Mail: Website: |