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Advertentie Israëlische vredesbeweging Gush Shalom - 25.07.2006 20:56
Advertentie geplaatst door de Israëlische vredesbeweging Gush Shalom in de krant Ha'aretz van 26 juli 2006. BACK TO 1982 THEN: The war was prepared well in advance. THIS TIME: The same. THEN: We went to war only to protect "the Peace of Galilee". THIS TIME: We go to war to protect Haifa and Afula, too. THEN: We waited for a provocation (the attempt on the life of Ambassador Argov). THIS TIME: We waited for a provocation (the capture of two soldiers). THEN: "We shall advance only 40 KM in order to eliminate the Katyushas." THIS TIME: "We shall advance only a few kilometers in order to eliminate the rockets." THEN: Sharon acted behind the back of the cabinet. THIS TIME: Olmert-Peretz-Halutz act behind the back of the ministers. THEN: We destroyed Lebanon. THIS TIME: We are destroying Lebanon. THEN: Only the PLO profited from the war. A few years later they returned to Palestine. THIS TIME: Only Hezbollah will profit from the war. Their prestige in the Arab world increases every day. THEN: We were stuck in the quagmire for 18 years. FOR HOW LONG SHALL WE BE STUCK THIS TIME? GUSH SHALOM The Israeli Peace Block E-Mail: info@gush-shalom.org Website: http://zope.gush-shalom.org/home/en |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme militarisme wereldcrisis | aanvullingen | |