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Wat is er aan de hand met Indymedia Beirut? Henk Ruyssenaars - 27.07.2006 10:37
Wat is er met de medewerkers gebeurd? Sedert gistermiddag is het onmogelijk geworden berichten te plaatsen op de web site van Indymedia in Beiroet. Na een serie informatieve en kritische artikelen werd Indymedia Beiroet gistermiddag ineens gestopt. Indymedia.org. en Indymedia Italia zijn ook geïnformeerd. The text of the article published this morning at Indymedia Italy is the following: Indymedia Italia ------------------------------------------------------------------------ L'articolo originale e' all'indirizzo / The original article can be found at Url.: http://italy.indymedia.org/news/2006/07/1121775.php Stampa i commenti. - (Press & comments) WHAT HAPPENED AND HAPPENS TO INDYMEDIA BEIRUT? by Henk Ruyssenaars Thursday, Jul. 27, 2006 at 8:27 AM Since yesterday - as the front/home page shows - at 14.58 hours local time - the last posting appeared. Since then Indymedia Beirut is accessable, but posting and publishing is not possible anymore. Who or what silenced the editors? INDYMEDIA BEIRUT ALSO VICTIM OF THE ILLEGAL AND INHUMAN US/ISRAELI SLAUGHTER OF LEBANON? Indymedia Beirut, home page today, Thursday July 27th 2006 - Url.: http://beirut.indymedia.org/ Editors and friends in Italy, around the world and especially in Lebanon: WHAT HAPPENED AND HAPPENS TO INDYMEDIA BEIRUT? by Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - Amsterdam - The last publishing/posting on the pages of Indymedia Beirut were in the afternoon yesterday; it was an informative article questioning the war propaganda and other lies under the title: ''Kidnapped in Israel or Captured in Lebanon?'' - which as date has 26-07-2006 14:58 hrs. When I afterwards tried to publish Mike Whitney's honest and open letter, which you can read here below, questioning Fouad Siniora, the Lebanese prime minister, a letter by the way, with which I fully agree, the web site of Indymedia Beirut had been 'stopped' by 'unknown'. Could people who know about the fate and the editors of Indymedia in Lebanon, or the editors themselves, please find a way to report and tell us all on the 'how and what' of the forced silence? We know Who profits? - but would like to know: 'Whodunit?'... Here's the letter by Mike Whitney which could not any more be published by Indymedia Beirut: Mike Whitney: My Letter to Lebanon’s Prime Minister Fouad Siniora
http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14190.htm FPF-fwd. agreeing with Mike Whitney The blood of innocent victims is the seed of the resistance. IN THAT AREA WATER IS OFTEN MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE AND MORE DIFFICULT TO FIND THAN OIL. Intro by Henk Ruyssenaars July 26 - 2006 - The letter below by Mike Whitney, concerns every collaborator of every nationality, race or color, in every country and in every function, supporting - even by silence - the atrocities of the US/Israeli war machine: it concerns all those war criminals with their propagandists who do this to humanity. The letter is also addressed to all those bad geniuses who - like the group which has taken charge of the economy and thus politics in many countries - where they as usual abuse the population and via their banks and media rip off the people's mind and money. To give an example: the 'managers' of The Netherlands and their propagandists wallow like pigs in the mud in the blood of their innocent victims, and do not want to know nor understand why globally billions of us start seeing red. Starting to understand what they are guilty of and realizing we are forced to pay for their war crimes and sacrifice thousands of human beings as unwitting cannon fodder. Millions of what the killers call 'collateral damage' - a genocide which normnal people know are human beings killed by the US/israeli war machine. And we pay those lousy criminals for that? We want justice! JUSTICE FROM THE BARRELS OF OUR GUNS? And all those PM's and other war criminals on all levels know - and should never forget - that the very second law is made valid again, they all will suffer what they deserve. - [ http://tinyurl.com/662pp ] - And I'm afraid - knowing and seeing what they have done - and again do everywhere to so many human beings - that they will be gurgling in the blood they now have on their hands. I'm against capital punishment normally, but they break every pain limit. The by us paid miliary troops must turn the weapons around! We want functioning laws and justice! HR MY LETTER TO LEBANON’S PRIME MINISTER FOUAD SINIORA By Mike Whitney - 07/25/06 "Information Clearing House" Dear Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, Perhaps you will be kind enough to answer a few questions regarding the recent visit of United States Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, so that people around the world who have looked on with sympathy as your country has been ravaged by Israeli aggression can understand your feelings on these important matters. FIRST OF ALL, WHY DID YOU ALLOW THE SECRETARY OF STATE TO VISIT BEIRUT? The Bush administration had already made its position entirely clear and everyone who followed the issue knew that the US would continue to give Israel the “green light” until it finished its military operations according to its original plans. Were you unaware that Rice had already stated that she was not prepared to offer a “cease fire”? Were you unaware that the United States was “rushing a shipment of precision-guided bombs to Israel” to continue the slaughter of Lebanese civilians and the destruction of the nation’s infrastructure? Why would you allow yourself to be photographed “smiley-faced” and shaking hands with the woman who is destroying your country and killing your people? Haven’t you seen the pictures of the vast devastation in the south of the country where 750,000 of your people have been forced off their land and shunted into refugee camps? Haven’t you heard of the many incidents of the Israeli military intentionally bombing civilians, homes, bridges, milk factories, mosques, airports, power-plants, lighthouses, and ports? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14069.htm Haven’t you seen the photos of the mass graves and the improvised coffins which have been laid side-by-side in long rows following Israeli bombardment? - Url.: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14137.htm Haven’t you heard the reports that Israel is using strange banned weapons in southern Lebanon including cluster-grenades, laser-weaponry, and white phosphorus? http://www.uruknet.info/?p=m25033&hd=0&size=1&l=e Haven’t you heard the haunting shrieks of the young boy who was filmed in hospital by CNN after being incinerated by Israeli napalm? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14181.htm Haven’t you seen the heartrending picture of the dying Lebanese mother peering up for the last time at her blood-spattered and inconsolable child; another victim of the Israeli onslaught? http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14180.htm What type of man would put out the “red carpet” for his enemy while his people are still being slaughtered in the field? A SIMPLE PHONE CALL TO THE STATE DEPARTMENT COULD HAVE STOPPED THE SECRETARY FROM LANDING IN LEBANON. HOW MUCH COURAGE DOES THAT TAKE? If you were a brave man you would have placed the Secretary and her entire entourage under “house arrest” demanding that Israel stop its “scorched earth” campaign before releasing Rice and her people. But, we do not expect you to do the “courageous thing”, just the “decent thing”. No one expects you to join the resistance and fight the butchers who have invaded your country from the south. No one expects you to risk your life to show your love for Lebanon or your willingness to die for your countryman. But why would you humiliate yourself by posing with the very people who have devastated your homeland and killed your country’s children? Is your dignity worth so little that you would grovel at Israel/America’s feet for a villa in the Riviera and a pocket full of silver? Jesus Christ said, “For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world but lose his soul.” WHAT ABOUT YOUR SOUL, PRIME MINISTER? WAS THAT PART OF AMERICA’S BARGAIN, TOO? You have disgraced your country and betrayed your people. You should do the honorable thing and submit your resignation so that your people can elect a leader worthy of their respect. Sincerely, Mike Whitney [andend] - Url.: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article14190.htm P.S.: Please do never forget that if for instance you were the head of the secret service in your country, and you had not already a long time ago infiltrated the important alternative news sources - like Indymedia too - you would be fired today! There's nothing new under that particular and dark sun, but always keep this reality in mind. There's more historical proof than you want to know. RICE - #1 WAR CRIMINAL P.S. 2: In the PNAC's propaganda sheet New York Times, in the article* concerning Rice visit to Israel, it says that their was a sign saying "Rice Go Home!" Reality - as could be seen in Israel and on TV in Europe etc. were hundreds of people protesting, even with those heavy security measures, of which some had other, adequate signs reading: RICE - #1 WAR CRIMINAL! Very appropriate! * New York Times war propaganda: ''Israel to Occupy Area of Lebanon as Security Zone'' - The Israeli holocausting of the world, this time destroying much of Lebanon, and the attempt - by also killing UN observers - to keep all 'foreigners' out until 'the job is finished', shows the malignant intentions of the managers of the US/Israeli war machine. - Propaganda sewer #1 - New York Times - - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/mhf8n They are trying to occupy - together with their US weaponry, new US bombs and satellite info - the southern part of Lebanon, up to the Litani river and it's water. Under the pretext of a 'security zone', sending in fake 'peace troops', NATO 'restorers' or whatever. Like the Golan Heights they keep occupied. - Map - Url.: http://worldatlas.com/webimage/countrys/asia/lgcolor/lbcolor.htm IT IS A WATER WAR AS WELL. Because in that area water is much more expensive many times than oil. And the oil they have already - so here's the Lebanese water project - Url.: http://www.isiimm.agropolis.org/index.php?page=worksites&country=4 * RELATED: BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/fhln9 * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
http://tinyurl.com/66dmo The Netherlands
fpf@chello.nl -0- E-Mail: fpf@chello.nl Website: http://tinyurl.com/66dmo |
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