Art&Activism Caravan EYFA - 27.07.2006 16:03
News from the border crossing project travelling from Greece (early June) via Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Hungary to the eco-activist gathering Ecotopia in Slovakia. Supporting and connecting local youth groups, their actions and campaigns with the power of creative activism, the Caravan will share skills in the field of media, music, theatre, and street performance.  A & A Truck  samba workshop for student protests Athens  participants Tirana  filmscreenings Macedonia  protest against demolishing park Belgrade In 2 weeks the Art & Activism Caravan is coming to its end. But better late then never an intro and some pics. For the background stories to the pics see this link or this link . What is the AA Caravan? The AA Caravan Caravan is a border crossing project organised by Amsterdam based EYFA, travelling from Greece (early June) via Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Hungary to the annual activist environmentalist gathering Ecotopia in Slovakia, August 6-20. See The crew is made up by EYFA (European Youth For Action), The Mischief Makers (art and activist collective, Nottingham), Rhythms of Resistance (Berlin Samba), Undercurrents (UK video collective), Rebel Clown Army and VideA (video collective, Turkey). The main aim is to support and connect local youth groups, their actions and campaigns with the power of Activist Art. They'll visit host activist/youth groups for a week, to give workshops together with local artists. Participants can be local activists, art students, anybody interested in artivism. Next to this, local artists will travel with the Caravan to the neighbouring country, to join the workshops there and strengthen regional activist and artistic networks. The artists and participants will together brainstorm about ways to put art and activism into practice, using local and international themes. Workshops last up to five days, working toward public creative activism outcome(s) in the end of the week. The main objectives of this Caravan project are to * promote the use of art and creativity in activism and campaigning * create/strengthen the link between artists, art students, and activists * strengthen regional and international, east-west cooperation among activists and artists * support local groups in their campaigns and activities * involve more youth in social, creative activism. * use art as tool for social inclusion and political participation |