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Israel is to blame Digery Cohen - 05.08.2006 09:54
Israel is drunk on it's power.  Support the killers Israel is to blame. It is drunk on its power. Israel is to blame for Iraq, Iran, Gaza, West Bank and Lebanon. What did Iraq do? It invaded Kuwait. No big deal you might think as Israel invades Gaza and The West Bank every week. For Kuwait, Iraq was invaded and destroyed by America and the UK at Israel’s request.For Gaza and The West Bank Israel got large chunks of American money. What did Iran do? It went about enriching nuclear fuel, which it is legally entitled to do. What happened? Israel, the secret and illegal nuclear power of the area said Iran couldn’t have what they have. So America threatens Iran with destruction and brings it to the Security Council at Israel’s request. Gaza and The West Bank are illegally occupied and ethnically cleansed by the Israelis who continue to slaughter families there on a whim. Lebanon. Israel invades and bombs a peaceful and friendly country because two of its occupation troops are arrested and held for a swap. Israel now intends to hold on to South Lebanon and it’s water. Suspension or cessation or immediate ceasefire…call it what you like…the thief is here to stay. Someone is going to have to stop this bunch of gangsters and murderers. The Holocaust is wearing a bit thin now as an excuse. Anyway, the 6 million missing would not approve of what Israel is doing today. To start with The American Israeli Public Affairs Committee will have to be investigated. Are they working for a foreign power in America without being registered to do so? Do they blackmail, bribe and coerce members of Congress and The Senate? Do they threaten presidential candidates and have them investigated when they are elected if they don’t do as they are told? The AIPAC should be investigated under the racketeering laws. All senators and Congressmen who support the AIPAC should be investigated immediately in case they have sold our great democracy down the river. Recent achievements of the AIPAC as boasted by their own website. · Securing Critical Foreign Aid to Israel, totaling $2.52 billion this year in military and economic assistance. · Obtaining $9 Billion in Loan Guarantees for Israel to offset the economic crisis brought on by the global recession and Palestinian terrorist war. · Increasing Military Aid to Israel by $1 Billion in grants to help cover the escalating costs of the war on terrorism. · Conditioning Assistance to the Palestinian Authority by limiting aid to indirect assistance and requiring extensive reporting mechanisms to ensure that funds are properly spent. · Limiting the Flow of Illicit Weapons Technology to Iran and Syria by working with Congress to reauthorize and extend the Iran Nonproliferation Act. This legislation authorizes sanctions against organizations which provide technology to Tehran that can be used to produce missiles or weapons of mass destruction. · Holding Syria Accountable for their continued involvement in Lebanon and their support of terrorism. The Syria Accountability Act allows the President to sanction Syria for both. · Passing the Iran Libya Sanctions Act which reduces available foreign currency crucial to funding Iran's nuclear program by threatening sanctions against foreign companies investing in Iran's energy sector. · Condemning the Iranian Threats against Israel through resolutions in the House and Senate that passed unanimously in both the houses of Congress. · Passing a House Resolution Warning of Serious Policy Implications for U.S.-Palestinian relations should Hamas be part of the Palestinian government. A letter stressing similar concerns was sent to President Bush with the signatures of 73 Senators before the Palestinian legislative elections. · Securing $600 Million for Key U.S.-Israel Cooperative Defense Programs, including $133 million for the joint U.S.-Israel Arrow Missile Defense System. · Condemning the Arab League Boycott of Israel through the passage of congressional resolutions and key letters to the U.S. administration. · Helping Secure the Designation of Hezbollah's TV Station as a Terrorist Entity through key legislative language as well as support of a letter to the president signed by 51 senators. · Helping Secure Full Membership for Magen David Adom (the Israeli first aid agency) in the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement by supporting a congressional letter and legislative provisions pressing for Israel's inclusion. · Fostering U.S.-Israel Homeland Security Cooperation by taking U.S. homeland security professionals on trips to Israel to exchange information and techniques with their Israeli counterparts. E-Mail: digerycohen@yahoo.co.uk Website: http://digerycohen.blogspot.com |
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