MLCP International Bulletin No: 48 / August 2 MLCP - 05.08.2006 18:07
Marxist Leninist Communist Party (Turkey / Northern Kurdistan ) International Bulletin No: 48 / August 2006  Marxist Leninist Communist Party (Turkey / Northern Kurdistan ) International Bulletin No: 48 / August 2006 Staled Roaring of the Fascist Turkish State: Military Operation to the Southern Kurdistan Serious losses of the Turkish military forces in the face of PKK (Kurdistan Workers Party) guerrillas' active actions in recent months and fiasco of the military concentration with 250 thousand soldiers in the Northern Kurdistan have once more led Turkish government and the army to make statements of "cross-border operation". The killing of 15 Turkish soldiers by PKK guerrillas only in two days forced the Prime Minister T. Erdogan to make a statement full of anger. By saying "Tomorrow's cabinet meeting is pregnant to many things", he threatened the Kurdish people. And, about three months ago, he had also said "The necessary intervention would be done whether they are woman or child", in the face of the Kurdish people's uprising in Diyarbakir. The colonialist Turkish state is continuing with its traditional denial and annihilation policy towards the Kurdish people's national and democratic rights. Despite the severity of the political, military and economic consequences of this policy, it continues to put the burden of the policy on to the shoulders of the Turkish popular masses. Although the ink of the "strategic vision document" signed with the USA is still wet, and despite the objections raised by its "strategic partner", the furious Prime Minister T. Erdogan announced that they took the decision of cross-border operation. On the contrary of this announcement, Ross Wilson, the US ambassador to Ankara said "Turkey cannot do any unilateral cross-border operation". Then T. Erdogan said that the decision cannot be taken by the ambassadors and, therefore, they have already taken the decision and will implement it. This statement is followed by an opposition to the operation from the USA. The coming days will show what sort of dimensions this crisis would take or which manoeuvres would be evaded only for eye-wash. The fascist regime's roaring of cross-border operation has come at the same time with the new Anti-terror Law (TMY) and with Israel's Zionist war on Palestine and Lebanon. This, however, is happened not by a chance. Israel could continue with the attacks until the new regional-wide developments, a widening regional war. And there is no doubt that these attacks are carried out in connection with the USA's strategic aims and policies. As a matter of fact, the first statement of the US Secretary of State C. Rice is on the "inconvenience of the immediate ceasefire". And the other fact is the Iran, Syria and Iraq connection of this attack. We must also mention that the concentration with 250 thousand soldiers of Turkish army in Northern Kurdistan and the roaring of cross-border operation also carries an aspect of preparation for the possible developments in the region. The TMY practice and operational preparations also have an aspect of psychological support to the depressed Turkish army and to the masses influenced by the Turkish chauvinism. Between 1983 and 2000, the Turkish army forces have organised 24 times "cross-border operation" against PKK forces in the Southern Kurdistan (Iraqi Kurdistan). Each of those operations was organised with the purpose "to end PKK", and majority of them were realised together with Barzani's KDP (Kurdistan Democratic Party). But all of those operations are ended up with failure. For guerrilla were the people and the honour of the Kurdish people. They were waging a great struggle against the occupants. They had shed their bloods and sweats to the stone and soil of mountains, villages and valleys that they fought from. They were fighting for freedom. Kurdistan has given ten thousands of its sons and daughters as the martyrs and hundred thousands of them as captives. The oppressed Kurdish people have already begun to live freedom by their honourable national revival and stance, and it is not possible anymore for them to retreat from this and accept national humiliation. Once more, the colonial Turkish state is not going to be victorious. It is also aware of this. Because the political forces in Southern Kurdistan, the KDP and PUK (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan), this time, have announced that they are against the operation. The USA has stated its opposition. The EU and countries in the region may also refuse the possible attack. It's another fact that Turkey's revolutionary dynamics and parties will increase the struggle in the side of the Kurdish national movement against the possible attack. May be, the Turkish State can choose the way -as Iran did- of bombing through USA's closing of its eyes; it can make go in-go out with limited forces to the Southern Kurdistan, because, an occupation and attack beyond this can bring face to face the Turkish state with the USA, Iraq and Southern Kurdistan forces. And it can provoke a regional war. The Turkish Prime Minister, T. Erdogan, stated that "Israel is using inappropriate force", but -at the same time- he put in force with TMY the shooting a person who do not obey to the stop warning. He also did not hesitate to use inappropriate force through 250 thousands of troops ready for war in Kurdistan and threats of cross-border operations and through the bombing of mountains and forests. He touched on the mercilessly killing of Palestinian children by Israel, but he did not hesitate even in stating that the Kurdish children can be killed. The use and would-be use of inappropriate force in these areas is unquestionable. Untill today, MLCP has replied each of the colonialist fascist regime's attacks on the Kurdish people and PKK with a political sensitiveness and reflex. As the socialist patriots, MLCP's Kurdistan Organisation has always become defenders in commitment of the national and democratic demands of the Kurdish people, and waged struggle that cannot be belittled for this cause. They will again combat with the same revolutionary will and commitment against the threat of offence. There could be a military landing to Kurdistan, but never the victory! ------------------------------------------------- TMY WILL FACE THE SAME DESTINY TMY (Anti-terror Law), which was debated for about a year, have passed from the parliament last month and also signed by the president. While the colonialist Turkish fascism has stopped up in the face of the Kurdish national struggle, the development dynamics of workers and labourers' fight in the West has also strengthened despite the neo-liberal offensive laws. For the ruling classes, TMY is the inevitable continuity of the concept of offence that was started with the flag provocation during the Newroz demonstrations in 2005 by the dictatorship. It is the regime's necessity of organising its legal ground according to needs of the process. Throughout the period, the dictatorship did not hesitate to implement attacks which were representing an exercise for the new law. House raids, arrests and imprisonment of revolutionaries in various cities; the police shootings on the masses during the period of Amed uprising; tortures, imprisonments and prevention of people from seeing their lawyers and relatives while being in detention; imprisonment, banning and court cases against the press and journalists, at first the Kurdish press; imprisonment of Limter-Is union leaders and etc. were the de facto implementation of what is being tried to be legalized by the TMY. However, certain disagreements among the ruling cliques and anti-TMY opposition caused some delays for draft law to be put into force. It is the Kurdish uprisings extending from Semdinli to Amed which finally have led the rulers to bring about a united will. In this period, the Generals have strengthened their initiatives. The bourgeoisie, through at first the AKP government, its media and oppositional parties, have combined their words and told the same things. Despite active opposition of wide-ranged social sections, from revolutionary forces to unions and democratic mass organisations, from journalists to intellectuals, the TMY has passed. The real content of the illusion of democratization within the axes of EU among the wide masses, which was caused by the laws that were passed from the parliament one after another by the AKP during the first period of its government and which were containing some changes based on the achievements of the Kurdish national struggle, revolutionary, democratic struggle and the internal-clique conflicts among the ruling classes, have came to the open through TMY. Although the new TMY is not an "Integration Packet to the EU", it is a “packet integrated to the EU”. Because it is fully appropriate with the process of political reaction which amounted by the USA and EU imperialists after the 11 September and was inspired in the content from the anti-terror laws putted into force after the London bombings in Britain. It has got the patent from the EU and the licenses from the USA. The concept of anti-terror now became an international instrument to consider all kinds of attacks on the working class and labouring masses as legitimate. This situation turns the anti-terror laws into a concrete agenda for the workers and labourers, the oppressed peoples' struggle and solidarity on the international level. TMY legalizes the shooting of a person who do not obey the stop warning of the police, it turns into a reason the report given by a spy whose identity is not declassified through the concept of "pre-emptive detention", it puts limits on the lawyer-detainee conversations, gives the right to make "criminal control" to the security forces even for the crimes which require maximum penalty. Thus it frees the hands of the torturers, counter-guerrillas and assassins. It clears the way for banning of political parties and mass organisations, for arbitrary attacks on the labourers' freedom of organisation and for arbitrary imprisonment and detention against the right to assemble and protest, and prepares the ground for much more intensive attacks towards the oppositional press, at first the revolutionary and the Kurdish national press. Thus, under the concept of terror, it declares all sorts of democratic, economic and politic demands by the workers and labourers as a crime. In Turkey and Northern Kurdistan, the revolutionary, democratic and patriotic movement have succeeded in repulsing or making ineffective the numerous fascist laws such as the TMY, and have cleared its road with de facto legitimate struggle in spite of fascist prohibitions. Therefore, the TMY's destiny is not going to be different. ------------------------------------------------- Imprisoned Unionists are Freed The resistance of Desan workers, who began their industrial action on the 24th of May 2006 to get their unpaid wages, had become a spark in Tuzla shipyard. Fearing from the expansion of the resistance of Desan workers organised in Limter-Is to whole shipyard, the bosses and state forces had many times attacked mercilessly to the workers and unionists in order to break the resistance. But the resistance was grown because of the workers' and unionists' insistence in their fight. The bosses, who were searching for ways to end the resistance, thought that they can finish it by the imprisonment of Cem Dinc, the President of Limter-Is Union, and Kamber Saygili, education expert. There were organised dozens of support actions for the unionists who were imprisoned under the pretext of holding out the police on 10 June. As a result of the campaign that involved many methods of struggle from hunger strikes to press conferences, petition campaigns to protests in front of the governorships, the state was forced to take a back step. On 20 July, 100 people organised a picket in front of the court during the first trial of unionists and shouted the slogan "Release the imprisoned unionists". By waiting in front of the court and wearing aprons writing "End to the killing at work-Shipyard workers are not slaves", the Desan workers also did not left Dinc and Saygili alone. Under the pressure of all these actions, the court decided to release unionists and but to continue with the case. ------------------------------------------------- Document of "Criminal Partnership" US secretary of state, C. Rice, who came to Turkey in April, had stated together with A. Gul, Turkish Foreign Minister, that Turkey and USA will prepare a "Strategic Vision Document". By once more coming together in the beginning of July in US, they both have announced at the press conference made after the talks, that the prepared Common Vision Document is completed and Turkey and the USA are strategic partners. By saying that the document is "not in the characteristics of a treaty" but "reflects the priorities of both countries", M. Bryza, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs, also stated the value given by the US to the document which has been considered as important by the Turkish bourgeoisie. In the document both sides are expressing the view "We share the same set of values and ideals in our region and global objectives: the promotion of peace, democracy, freedom and prosperity". There is everything in the document which serves to the American imperialism's interests: "peace and stability in the broader Middle East through democracy; to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict on the basis of a two-state solution; fostering stability, democracy and prosperity in a unified Iraq; supporting diplomatic efforts on Iran's nuclear programme; contributing to stability, democracy and prosperity in the Black Sea region, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Afghanistan; supporting the achievement of a just and lasting, comprehensive and mutually-acceptable settlement of the Cyprus question under the auspices of the UN and in this context ending the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots; enhancing energy security; countering terrorism, including the fight against the PKK and its affiliates; preventing WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) proliferation; economic, commercial, military, technologic cooperation; strong US support for Turkey's accession to the European Union and the accession process now under way". Almost all problems regarding the American imperialism's "Eurasia" geo-policy and, in the context of this strategy, the Broader Middle East Project have been lined up in the "strategic vision document". US wants settlement of the Palestinian question according to the interests of Israel; establishment of its domination in Iraq through occupation and, on the basis of this, breaking of the resistance; surrender of Iran; making ineffective the rival countries in the Black Sea, Caucasus, Afghanistan and Central Asia in the interest of the future of its geo-policy; development of the energy security, which plays defining role in the world hegemony, in accordance with its interests. The role to be played by the fascist dictatorship in all these areas puts its mark on to the document. Turkey's demand for support on the Cyprus question and relations with the EU is also included in the document. Moreover, the US repeats its "promise" on the subject of the PKK's liquidation which forms the first priority of Turkey. The "Strategic Vision Document", in fact, does not include anything new in the context of relations between the US imperialism and Turkey which is dependent of the first one on ever aspect. They only re-express on the written format the dependency on the basis of new factors. The issues lined up in the document show the content is determined by the American imperialism. They have, in the mean time, given some place for various demands by the Turkish bourgeoisie. Both countries have talked many times over the issues which are included in the document, and -on each time- mentioned their priorities. So, despite that, why they felt a need for such a document or on which problems in the relations of both countries does it going to make contributions? The "Strategic Vision Document" is the document of refreshing a marriage. With this, the American imperialism documents Turkey's role in realizing its demands which are vitally important in terms of the world hegemony and that it takes into consideration the interests of its "strategic partner". However, it is not the partnership in the re-sharing of interests. The American imperialism pushes Turkey into the minefield in order to realize its interests. The document, therefore, anticipates going war in the name of American imperialism against the people of Middle East and Caucasus and the other imperialist countries who are interested in the region. This document foresees partnership with the massacres and occupation of the American imperialism and, by accepting the document, fascist dictatorship shows that it is ready to defend American interests. With the document, they refresh their trust to each other. Therefore, the "Strategic Vision Document" is not the document of "strategic partnership", but the document of "criminal partnership". ------------------------------------------------- International Solidarity with the People of Palestine and Lebanon The operations, started by Israel under the pretext of rescuing the kidnapped soldiers, put the people of Palestine and Lebanon into the stain of blood. Peoples of the world are showing their angers to Israel, which attacks to the life recourses by bombing the infra-structure of Palestine and Lebanon. Workers, labourers, youth, women and intellectuals all over the world are organising actions to support the people of Palestine and Lebanon. Also in our country, nearest to the sufferings of the Middle East, the workers and labourers are shouting as one fist: "We are all Palestinian, we are all Lebanese". ESP: The people of Palestine and Lebanon are not alone! Socialist Platform of Oppressed (ESP) have organised actions in many cities of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan to support the people of Palestine and Lebanon. The ESP activists, who organised a rally with torches and banners writing "Intifada in Palestine, resistance in Lebanon will win, perpetrators will be brought to justice!", called on the people of Okmeydani to be in solidarity with the people of Palestine. And in the evening of 16 July, ESP organised a demonstration with torches in the Ikitelli district, and shouted slogans: "Everywhere is Palestine, all of us Palestinian", "Stone against tank, long live the free Middle East" and "The people of Lebanon are not alone". In Sariyer and Yenibosna districts, the activists have distributed leaflets with the heading of "Resist Palestine, we are with you". On 15 July, the ESP forces in the city of Antep have condemned the media, which tries to show as legitimate the Israel terror, and sent the message of support Palestine by organising a manifestation. The activists at this manifestation opened Palestinian flags and ended their action with slogan: "The people of Palestine are not alone". And ESP has organised a march in the Gulsuyu neighbourhood of Istanbul. ESP organised an action in front of the Israeli Consulate by opening banner writing: "The people of Palestine and Lebanon are not alone. Zionist Israel will give account to the people". While the Israeli terror was condemned in the action, the activists stated that the National Security Council and the governing Party, AKP, are the partners of the blood that's being shed in Palestine and Lebanon. The action was also supported by BEKSAV, FHDD (Association of Solidarity with the Palestinian People) and Textile-Sen Union. And on 8 July, FHDD, No to Occupation in Iraq Coordination, DIvrigi Cultural Allsociation, TKP, ESP, EMEP, People's Houses, HKP, Workers Struggle, Yapi Art House and PSAKD realized a march towards the Israeli Consulate by opening banners: "The resisting Palestine will win, Israeli Zionism will loose". On same date, the democratic mass organisation and political parties condemned the Israeli terror in the city of Kayseri. On 20 July, ESP, HOC, BDSP, Revolutionary Movement, Kaldirac, DHP, Nakliyat-Is, EHP, Partizan, HKP and CHD organised a common action in the Ankara Yuksel Street, shouted slogans "Imperialism will loose, the resisting peoples will win", "Murderer USA, Go out of the Middle East" and "long live people's brotherhood", and stated that they will not be silent against the attacks in the Middle East. Same day, ESP, Partizan, SODAP and DTP organised an action in the Umraniye district of Istanbul and saluted the resistance of the Middle East. In the action, a film called "You will not pass", prepared by the BEKAV Cinema Workshop was also shown. Our Arab people in Antakya and Samandag showed that their Palestinian and Lebanese brother and sisters are not alone by organising a support action. In the action, demonstrators have asked for the withdrawal of Israel from Lebanon and the cancellation of Turkey's all agreements with the USA and Israel. They shouted slogans: "The people of Lebanon are not alone", "The people of Palestine are not alone". On 18 July, ESP, SDP, EMEP, DTP, HOC, EHP, IHD, Haci Bektas Veli Association, Sivaslilar Association and Tunceliler Association have supported the Palestinian resistance by organising a march towards the Human Rights Park in Izmit. The political parties, organisations and democratic mass organisations in Malatya, Van, Izmir and Izmit have also organised support actions for the people of Palestine and Lebanon. The biggest action in our country was organised in Istanbul-Sisli on the 9th of July. The demonstration was organised by the Saadet Party (Party of Happiness -a party that exploits the religion and made the most agreements with Israel during its government period) and supported by 60 institutions. There were 100 thousands of participators. The people at the demonstration opened a giant Palestinian flag -about 150 metre- and shouted slogans: "Palestine is out life", "Do not sleep Turkey, defend Palestine", Down with Israel". The Palestinian Prime Minister Ismael Hamaney also made a speech during the demo through phone. The people asked for the cancellation of all agreements and treaties between Turkey and Israel. Violence of the Oppressed is legitimate MLCP militias have wrote slogans: "Everywhere is Palestine, all of us Palestinian", "Murderer Israel get out of Palestine" on to the walls in the labourer districts of Istanbul and Adana. On 15 July, the Armed Forces of the Poor and Oppressed (FESK) bombed the Izmir-Balcova Presidency of AKP (Justice and Development Party), the governing party of Turkish state. In its statement, FESK stated that "the imperialist forces and their collaborators who support the Zionist state of Israel can not avoid from the violence of the oppressed". ------------------------------------------------- Marxist Leninist Communist Party (Turkey / Northern Kurdistan ) International Bulletin No: 48 / August 2006 |