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Dutch Airport illegal weapons transport cente Henk Ruyssenaars - 09.08.2006 16:52
The Netherlands officially confirms 23 uncontrolled flights with military cargos of great quantities of weapons and ammunition from the United States via Holland to Israel during the last two months. This according to the 'very underreported' gov't answers given to MP Farah Karimi. THE DUTCH GOV'T ALSO CONFIRMED THAT DURING 2005 THERE HAVE BEEN 'AROUND' 75 MILITARY UNCONTROLLED CARGOS TO ISRAEL VIA THE US. by Henk Ruyssenaars - Foreign correspondent FPF - Amsterdam - August 09 - 2006 - At present - and as usual - The Netherlands fully cooperates with the US/Israeli war machine concerning the transit and transport of 'very many weapons' from the United States to Israel. War or no war. This, according to a statement by Farah Karimi, member of the Dutch parliament, which can be found on her web site too.* The Green Left party Karimi represents, is - like the majority of the 16.5 million population - against every kind of war. And strongly condemns any transports of weapons to Israel, which is involved in another illegal war of aggression; this time their holocaust and ethnic cleansing in Lebanon, which they nearly have destroyed.* According to Karimi: ''It is absolutely unacceptable to transit/transport weapons to conflict areas like these, where human rights are trampled upon. This has to stop immediately." - The answers by the Dutch pro-Israeli 'government' were given a week ago, but nothing has been heard or seen since. It is a known - and utterly shameful fact - that the creatures running Holland use the country and it's people as a slavish American 'Lapdog of War'.* Because of the owner- and censorship of the major Dutch mainstream media, it is a rather unknown fact also in Holland that via Amsterdam's main airport Schiphol all kinds of weapons - including every form of banned weapons and US/Israeli WMD's* - as always have been flown to Israel. Plus great quantities of US-NATO ammunition - as in the Gulf War, and the illegal invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. And concerning the war theatre in lebanon Israel gets all the satellite and other information needed. Also via NATO headquarters in Brunssum, The Netherlands. Those acts of war are a disgrace for Holland. ACCORDING TO AN EARLIER STATEMENT BY 'CIDI' - THE ISRAELI PROPAGANDA & SLANDER GROUP IN HOLLAND, WHICH IS QUITE HAPPY ABOUT IT: ''AMSTERDAM AIRPORT SCHIPHOL IS A TRANSPORT CENTER FOR ISRAEL.* ONLY CONFIRMING AGAIN THAT HOLLAND IS A VERY ACTIVE PART OF THE US/ISRAELI WAR MACHINE, AND FOR AGES HAS BEEN ONE. Concerning legal and illegal weapon trade, The Netherlands is #6 on this world list of those criminals, and for the 'managers' of The Netherlands - SHELL's 'royal' fiefdom - it is #5 on the list of richest countries. And 'they' are bleeding Holland like the rest; permanently. The GL party and a few others in the pro Israel Dutch parliament - like most human beings - want armed conflicts to stop immediately. And groups of people, knowing about the cruel reality and the facts, are trying to get the responsibles into Court. The complaints and charges however, are always 'annulled' by the so called 'authorities. In 2005, and in this little country - according to their own figures - more than ONE million cases were 'annulled'... It is however only a matter of time before they'll be in court, like the other Dutch top war criminals. As soon as 'law' is valid again. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/662pp IN THE WRITTEN ANSWERS IT WAS CONFIRMED THAT DURING THE LAST YEAR - 2005 - THERE HAVE BEEN 'AROUND' 75 MILITARY AND UNCONTROLLED CARGOS TO ISRAEL VIA THE US. And now - contrary still to all human rights, war conventions and international law - the Dutch state fully but covertly takes part in the illegal Israeli genocide in Lebanon by allowing at least twenty-three flights with El Al planes from the United States weapon and ammunition factories, the war industry. The managers of Holland - via their puppets in the so called government' - not only have 'war criminalized' all Dutch, but also have - without any human decency - for ages defrauded the Dutch people of billions in taxes, mostly to finance the warmongers. IN AN INTERVIEW BY THE DUTCH NATIONAL PROPAGANDA TV NOS, former Dutch Defense minister Henk Vredeling, proudly - and not understanding his war criminal behavior - gave an example of the Dutch praxis and spoke about the secret weapon transports to Israel's Yom Kippur war in 1973. It was done than the same as now: secret, and tax paid. The Israeli secret service Mossad has it's main European transport quarters at Schiphol airport, which they run as a 'state within a state'. No control of the Israelis is ever done. They are untouchables. Their Shin Bet commandos also run the Belgian weapons and other contrabande hub at the airport of Zaventem. ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL EVER! ON JANUARY 29, 1999, DUTCH ATTORNEY GENERAL VRAKKING TESTIFIED THAT THE 'EL AL' SECURITY DETACHMENT AT SCHIPHOL AIRPORT WAS A BRANCH OF THE ISRAELI SECRET SERVICE MOSSAD. A Dutch 'Air Guidance Organization' employee told in a parliamentary hearing that the 'policy' since 1973 was to keep quiet about all El Al activities. Schiphol workers testified that El Al planes were never inspected by customs or the Dutch Flight Safety Board.* For all the Dutch know, Schiphol airport is most possibly a turntable for nukes and other US and Israeli biological and chemical WMD's, the so called BC-weapons. There is absolutely NO control. No wonder Amsterdam mayor Job Cohen has been nominated for the 'World Mayor' contest by 'The City Mayors organisation in London' - making a chance to be chosen as the best mayor of the world... ''THE NETHERLANDS DOES NOT GIVE ANY LICENSES FOR WEAPON EXPORTS TO ISRAEL'' In the same written answers to MP Karimi, the Dutch 'government' explains that: ''The Netherlands does NOT give any licenses for weapon exports to Israel; because of the human rights situation, internal tensions and the stability in the region." - As MP Karimi points out: "Using the same criteria, The Netherlands should never cooperate concerning the transit of weaponry to Israel. The transited arms can directly be used for the war by Israel.'' The majority in the world will absolutely agree with Karimi's remarks. And probably also think it's incredible to see the Dutch 'government' and its media megaphones - like so many other collaborators in the 'Coalition of the Killing' - make themselves in such an inhuman way also responsible for the global war crimes. Because, and according to all international law, even anybody NOT protesting the genocides by the inhuman US/Israeli war machine is guilty by association. And must and will be judged as such. LIKE ALL COLLABORATORS AND PROPAGANDISTS WHO TAKE PART IN THIS GLOBAL US/ISRAELI GORE AND WAR. ONE WONDERS: HOW DO THEY THINK THEY'LL SURVIVE THE WAVE OF RAGING REVENGE? Henk Ruyssenaars RELATED: * Dutch MP Farah Karimi - Groen Links - (sorry, in Dutch) - ''GroenLinks wil einde aan wapendoorvoer naar Israel. '' - Url.: http://www.groenlinks.nl/2ekamer/nieuws/Nieuwsbericht.2006-08-03.0114 * El Al planes were never inspected by customs or the Dutch Flight Safety Board. - Schiphol+Mossad - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/42ct3 * Holland - a slavish American 'Lapdog of War'. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/93c97 * Fearing Secret Weapons Transfers -- Dutch Parliament Investigates Deadly 1992 Crash of El Al Jet - Url.: http://www.pacificnews.org/jinn/stories/5.03/990211-cargo.html * ''Israeli WMD - Israel's Weapons of Mass Destruction'' - by Neil Sammonds - October 11, 2002, ZNet | Mideast - Url.: http://communication.ucsd.edu/911/massdestruction.html * ''Gaza & Lebanon: EU supports Israel shooting fish in a barrel'' - by Unicef + Henk Ruyssenaars - Wednesday, Aug. 02 - Url.: 2006 http://www.cemab.be/news/2006/08/1677.php * NRC-Handelsblad - (Israeli info - comparable to the Jerusalem Post, and of course the 'main' paper in Holland - Ex minister of Dutch defense Henk Vredeling on Dutch TV - Secret Weapon transports to Israel - Yom Kippur 1973 - in Dutch - http://archief.nrc.nl/?modus=l&text=Schiphol+%2Bwapens+%2BIsrael&hit=8&set=1 * NRC - Weapons for Israel via secret agreements with US - (in Dutch) - Url.: http://archief.nrc.nl/?modus=l&text=Schiphol+%2Bwapens+%2BIsrael&hit=11&set=2 * CIDI - THE ISRAELI PROPAGANDA & SLANDER FORUM IN HOLLAND (DUTCH JDL) - ''Amsterdam Airport is a transport center for Israel.'' - Url.: http://www.cidi.nl/isnbr/1999/comm-0399.html * Expatica - Amsterdam mayor Job Cohen nominated for World Mayor contest - The City Mayors organisation in London - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/g8b4m * CIA World 'fact' book - SHELL's Royal Fiefdom of The Netherlands - (slightly less than twice the size of New Jersey, 16,5 million inhabitants) - Url.: https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/nl.html * Google's selection - Web results 1-10 of about 19,500 for ''Schiphol +weapons +Israel'' - Url.: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=Schiphol+%2Bweapons+%2BIsrael * Thank you Holland! - Article in Dutch concerning the weapon parts for Israel's IDF. - ''Holland bedankt!; Wapenonderdelen voor Israëlische leger - Uit Ravage nr. 6, 27 april 2002 - Url.: http://www.antenna.nl/amokmar/art/106.html * DEFENDING ISRAELI GENOCIDES: ''During time of war, enemy has no innocents'' - the Israeli 'Yesha Rabbinical Council' announced in response to an IDF war crime in Kfar Qanna that killed 54 Lebanese civilians, including 37 children. - [ http://tinyurl.com/rsw33] - "According to Jewish law, during a time of battle and war, there is no such term as 'innocents' of the enemy. - All of the discussions on Christian morality are weakening the spirit of the army and the nation and are costing us in the blood of our soldiers and civilians." the statement said. (Efrat Weiss) - Url.: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3283720,00.html * THE US/ISRAELI COLLABORATORS IN 'THE NETHERLANDS' - AS ALL OTHER MEMBERS OF THE 'COALITION OF THE KILLING' - SUPPORT THE US/ISRAELI GENOCIDES AND INHUMANITIES. THEY KEEP SILENT, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE GUILTY OF WAR CRIMES. THEY SILENCE EVERYBODY, WHILE DOING NOTHING TO STOP THE SLAUGHTER. THEY HAVE BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS: AFTER THE NUREMBERG WAR CRIMES TRIBUNALS, NAZI CRIMINALS LIKE THESE WERE HANGED BY THE AMERICANS. * ISRAELI WRITER URI AVNERY - JUNKIES OF WAR - Israel is conquering South Lebanon as flies conquer fly-paper - Indymedia Beirut/Lebanon - Url.: http://beirut.indymedia.org/ar/2006/08/5184.shtml * NEWS FROM INDYMEDIA in LEBANON - BEIRUT - Url.: http://beirut.indymedia.org/en/ * DEFINITION OF SEMITES: from The Collin’s English Dictionary -1984 - "Semitic: a member of the group of Caucasoid people who speak a Semitic language, including the Jews and Arabs as well as the Ancient Babylonians (Iraqis), the Assyrians (Syria), and the Phoenicians (the Lebanese of today). Semitic: a branch or sub-family of languages that includes Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew.” - THE PALESTINIANS ARE PURE SEMITES! * PREPARING THE GENOCIDE FOR 'ERETZ ISRAEL' - 'A Clean Break: Strategy for Securing the Realm' - The new Israeli ''Pentagon Papers'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/zksqh * US/ISRAELI GENOCIDE NEWS: ''MORE TIME TO BOMB'' - ESSENTIAL 6 MINUTE VIDEO - We defy anyone to watch this 6 minute video, entitled MORE TIME TO BOMB, and not be so enraged at the scale of Israel's atrocities in Lebanon and Gaza, that they commit themselves to persuade everyone they know to join the Emergency National Demonstration on SATURDAY 5 AUGUST. - 6 minute video - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/k8mm5 * "THE ISRAELITE PEOPLE OF THE ENTIRE WORLD DECLARE ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL WAR ON GERMANY" - 24 March 1933 - On the front page of the London Daily Express appeared the main headlines: "Judaea declares war on Germany: Jews of all the world unite" - Url.: http://www.heretical.com/mkilliam/wwii.html - * March 1933 also was the month this same group in London knew about their 'Brethren in the jewish Faith' which were holocausting up to ten million people in Ukraine. Via the Sovjet Union, where they were in power too. In their Sovjet 'Gulag system' around 40 million human beings were killed. The New York Times Moscow 'correspondent' Walter Duranty even got a Pulitzer prize - dispensed by the same people - for his slander and inhuman silence. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/eqkgq * The Dutch author this far has worked abroad for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Having practical experience of coups and the obscenity of war: seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! * RELATED: BACKGROUND LINKS TO THOSE RESPONSIBLE - If after checking a factual error is found, pls. send an email. - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/fhln9 * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
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