Broeinest-programma september (Amsterdam) Het Broeinest - 08.09.2006 23:23
De vakantie moet nu wel definitief voorbij zijn, want de zon gaat weer schijnen en zelfs het broeinest-programma komt weer op gang:  maandag 11 september FILM Lavorare con Lentezza: opstand en radio in Italie jaren '70 maandag 18 september INFO Erger dan de Wereldbank: hoe Nederland de export van wapensstimuleert ten kost van ontwikkelingslanden maandag 25 september De regulering van de internationale handel: de troebele herkomst van de WTO Hieronder vind je een langere uitleg you can find a programme in english below as well Alle avonden beginnen om 20.00 uur (zaal open 19.30) en eindigen om 24.00 uur. Adres: Plantage Doklaan 10-12 Amsterdam. Website: ************************** Maandag 11 september 20.00 uur: Film: Lavorare con Lentezza: opstand en radio in Italie jaren '70 Om het nieuwe broeinestseizoen te openen, vertonen we een nieuwe speelfilm over de beroemde Italiaanse vrije radio in de jaren '70, Radio Alice. Het script van de film is geschreven door Wu Ming, een Italiaans schrijverscollectief dat zich bezig houdt met het schrijven van boeken en het ageren tegen copyrights. Na de film volgt een korte presentatie van Cecile Landman over vrije media in het huidige Italië en vertelt Kees Hudig over Luther Blisset en Wu Ming. SNEAKY PREVIEW WORKING SLOWLY / RADIO ALICE Dir: Guido Chiesa 2004 111mins "At the centre of Lavorare con lentezza, at first entertaining, and then dramatic, changing gear halfway through (in the final scenes there are reminiscences of the tragedy of the G8 at Genoa in 2001, in which a teenager was killed by the police), there is the utopia of freedom and the sexual and feminist revolution, which were fundamental social gains, but were then dramatically submerged by the anni di piombo, the years of terrorism. It's a fast-paced and celebratory movie, a representation offering a mix between current affairs, history and social moeurs, supported by a fine cast, among whom Tommaso Ramenghi and Marco Luisi are outstanding." Maurizio Porro, - Corriere della Sera WHAT WAS RADIO ALICE? 11 March 1977, Bologna. During the violent clashes between police and youths that end up with the intervention of armoured vehicles, a Carabiniere kills the student Francesco Lo Russo. 12 March 1977. The brief history of Radio Alice, accused of having directed the battle by radio, ends with the Carabinieri breaking in. It is the first time in the history of the Italian republic that a radio station was closed down by military hands. Radio Alice was one of the most singular and original experiments on language and communication that ever took hold in Italy. Lacking a proper newsroom and even less a programme schedule, the Bologna broadcaster made spontaneity and linguistic contamination something more than just a flag to wave. It was a project where political, artistic and existential petitions blended in the common denominator of radio space. Today, after more than a quarter of a century, maybe we can start to talk about Alice again, to try to understand if there was something in that voice that could be used again today. WHO IS GUIDO CHIESA? Guido is a film director and a rock critic. He was born in Turin in 1959. In the early Eighties, after taking a degree in the History of cinema, he moved to the United States, where he worked as an assistant director with Jim Jarmusch, Amos Poe, and Michael Cimino. After returning to Italy, Guido directed several shorts, documentaries, videoclips and feature films. During the 1990's, the main subject of his works was the heritage and memory of antifascist Resistance. Sonic Youth named a song after him ("Guido", from the "Dirty" album, Deluxe edition, cd 2, track #10). --------------------------- Maandag 18 september 20.00 uur: Erger dan de Wereldbank: hoe Nederland de export van wapens stimuleert ten kost van ontwikkelingslanden Campagne tegen Wapenhandel, die zich vooral richt op de levering van oorlogsschepen aan Indonesië, voert sinds vorig jaar ook campagne tegen militaire exportkredieten; zonder hen zouden veel wapenleveranties aan ontwikkelingslanden niet mogelijk zijn. Vrijwel alle Westerse landen bieden bedrijven een verzekering om hun exporten te verzekeren tegen wanbetaling. Formeel is dit exportpromotie, informeel is het steun aan invloedrijke sectoren van de industrie, zoals baggerwerkzaamheden, dammen en dus ook wapens. Allerlei dingen die door de wereldbank niet (meer) steunt, steunt de overheid wel. Uiteraard tegen een hoge prijs - voor ontwikkelingslanden: bijna een derde van hun schulden is op deze manier ontstaan. Tijdens deze avond niet alleen meer over exportkredietverzekeringen en deze levering, ook info over de acties die we hebben gedaan en die je kunt doen. Georganiseerd door: Campagne tegen Wapenhandel,, of 020 - 616 4684 __________ ----------------------------------------------- Maandag 25 september 20.00 uur De regulering van de internationale handel: de troebele herkomst van de WTO Op maandag 25 september beginnen we met een cyclus in zelfscholing over economie en politiek "Wat en Hoe in Nederland?". De eerste kluif die we willen wassen - in drie maandelijkse sessies - is de regulering van de internationale handel. Nu de WTO weer eens in een crisis is beland en zowel het ministerie van EZ als de Novib ons komen vertellen dat dat heel erg is voor zowel de armsten der armen als de Nederlandse economie, terwijl veel van die armen juist staan te juichen, willen we wel eens weten wat de waarheid is. De eerste avond gaat over de recente geschiedenis van pogingen om internationale handel te sturen en te structureren. De WTO bestaat nog helemaal niet zo lang. Daarvoor vond de besluitvorming veel meer plaats bij instellingen als de UNCTAD, die veel meer gericht waren op daadwerkelijke ontwikkeling van 'het Zuiden' en juist de economische overmacht van het Noorden probeerde te verminderen. Daar is de WTO voor in de plaats gekomen, die zich alleen nog maar richt op puur neo-liberale beslissingen die multinationals en geïndustrialiseerde landen de buit toespelen. Hoe dit zo gekomen is, wordt op de eerste avond verteld, met inleiding van Rodrigo Fernandez. Voor de inleiding wordt kort geschetst hoe de huidige situatie met de WTO en andere handelsafspraken is. (zie voor achtergrondstuk: Op de twee vervolgavonden willen we ingaan op respectievelijk: wat zijn de ware oorzaken van armoede? (maandag 30 oktober) en wat zijn alternatieven en tegenstrategieën die werkelijk hout snijden? (27 november) **************** September programme in englsih Monday 11 September 8pm Film: Lavorare con Lentezza: revolt and radio in Italy in the '70s The opening of the second Broeinest season starts with a new docu-drama about the infamous Italian free radio station of the 70s, Radio Alice. The script of the film is written by Wu Ming, an Italian writers collective which also campaigns against copyrights. After the film there will be a short presentation by Cecile Landman about free media in Italy today and Kees Hudig, who will talk about Wu Ming and Luther Blisset. SNEAKY PREVIEW WORKING SLOWLY / RADIO ALICE Dir: Guido Chiesa 2004 111mins "At the centre of *Lavorare* *con* *lentezza*, at first entertaining, and then dramatic, changing gear halfway through (in the final scenes there are reminiscences of the tragedy of the G8 at Genoa in 2001, in which a teenager was killed by the police), there is the utopia of freedom and the sexual and feminist revolution, which were fundamental social gains, but were then dramatically submerged by the anni di piombo, the years of terrorism. It's a fast-paced and celebratory movie, a representation offering a mix between current affairs, history and social moeurs, supported by a fine cast, among whom Tommaso Ramenghi and Marco Luisi are outstanding." Maurizio Porro, -Corriere della Sera WHAT WAS RADIO ALICE? 11 March 1977, Bologna. During the violent clashes between police and youths that end up with the intervention of armoured vehicles, a Carabiniere kills the student Francesco Lo Russo. 12 March 1977. The brief history of Radio Alice, accused of having directed the battle by radio, ends with the Carabinieri breaking in. It is the first time in the history of the Italian republic that a radio station was closed down by military hands. Radio Alice was one of the most singular and original experiments on language and communication that ever took hold in Italy. Lacking a proper newsroom and even less a programme schedule, the Bologna broadcaster made spontaneity and linguistic contamination something more than just a flag to wave. It was a project where political, artistic and existential petitions blended in the common denominator of radio space. Today, after more than a quarter of a century, maybe we can start to talk about Alice again, to try to understand if there was something in that voice that could be used again today. WHO IS GUIDO CHIESA? Guido is a film director and a rock critic. He was born in Turin in 1959. In the early Eighties, after taking a degree in the History of Cinema, he moved to the United States, where he worked as an assistant director with Jim Jarmusch, Amos Poe, and Michael Cimino. After returning to Italy, Guido directed several shorts, documentaries, videoclips and feature films. During the 1990's, the main subject of his works was the heritage and memory of antifascist Resistance. Sonic Youth named a song after him ("Guido", from the "Dirty" album, Deluxe edition, cd 2, track #10). --------------------------- Monday 18 September 8 pm Worse than the World Bank: how the Netherlands stimulates weapons export at the expense of developing countries The Dutch Campaign against the Arms Trade fights the export of war ships to Indonesia and since last year it has started a campaign against military export credits, without which many weapons export to poor countries would not be possible. Almost all industrialised countries offer their companies favourable export insurances against political and economic risk scenarios. Formally, this is called the promotion of export, informally, it is the support of influential sectors such as construction or dam building, but also the weapons industry. All sorts of activities that are no longer supported even by the World Bank, are still financed by national governments. However, this comes at a high price for developing countries: almost one third of their national debt stems from this export insurance. During this evening, the Campaign against the Arms Trade will inform about these exports credit insurances, weapons export and what you can do against it. Organised by: Campagne tegen Wapenhandel Telephone: +31- 020 - 616 4684 __________ ----------------------------------------------- Monday 25 September 8pm The regulation of international trade: the murky origins of the WTO On Monday 25 September, we will start a series of theme nights entitled Wat en Hoe in Nederland?, starting with the root of all evil and therefore its solution: the economy and politics. The first issue to tackle in this 3 months long session of self-schooling is the regulation of international trade. Now that the WTO has yet again been ailed by crisis and that the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs as well as Oxfam/Novib is trying to convince us that this is really bad for poor countries as well as the Dutch economy (whilst many poor countries are crying with joy in the face if this development) we want to know once and for all what the truth really is. The first evening will talk about the recent history of attempts to manage and structure international trade. The WTO is a relatively new invention. Before its creation, other institutions such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) had the aim of using international trade to foster development in the South, particularly by reducing the economic domination of the North. This system has been superseded by the WTO, which is pursuing a strict neo-liberal agenda that favours only multi-nationals and industrialised countries with the so-called invisible hand of the free market. How the current situation came about will be the theme of the first evening, with an introduction by Rodrigo Fernandez. The introduction provides a brief overview of the current situation of the WTO and other trade agreements, for a background article see On the two follow-up evenings we would like to debate the questions, respectively, of what the real cause of poverty is (Monday 30 October) and which alternatives and counter strategies would really work to fight the neo-liberal dogma (Monday 27 November). Website: |