Our chief editor under custody Atilim.org - 13.09.2006 19:14
Our chief editor under custody Our chief editor under custody ENGLISH (10.09.06) Police terror elevates as the government passes the decree for sending troops to Lebanon. The chief editor of our newspaper Ibrahim Cicek, together with our vice chief editor, Sedat Senoglu were arrested by the police. Totally 23 revolutionaries were arrested from different cities of Turkey, with the claim of being members of the clandestine communist party, MLKP. The detained people include one of our newspaper's writers, Bayram Namaz and our ex-chief editor, Ziya Ulusoy. The police does not make a proper decleration about the custodies, so the families are worried about the lives of their sons. Our chief editor, Ibrahim Cicek was taken under custody from Manisa, while he was travelling on a car. The detained persons are well known for their revolutionary, socialist identities. Our newspaper demands international solidarity from all the proggressive, antiimperialist, socialist institutions, labor unions, parties and individuals. You can fax or mail your protests to: Minister of Interior Abdulkadir Aksu, E-Mail: aaksu@icisleri.gov.tr Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan, E-Mail: bimer@basbakanlik.gov.tr "Anti-terror police" adminstration office: TEL: 0090 212 636 12 15, Fax: 0090 212 636 28 71 İstanbul Police Headquarters: Tel: 0090 212 635 00 00 (Please send one copy of your mails to:
varyos@ttnet.net.tr ... or one copy of your faxes to: 0090 212 633 46 13) |