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National television under siege in Hungary lajos - 19.09.2006 12:57
Van www.indymedia.hu Angry demonstrators occupied the state television headquarters on Liberty Square in the heart of Budapest, Hungary. The people had been gathering at Kossuth square (in front of the parliament, pretty near to Liberty square) since Sunday evening, with the strong will to send away the government. Before that on the same day a record was leaked with a speech from Gyurcsány Ferenc, the prime minister. The tape was recorded during a closed meeting of the ruling socialist parties fraction in may, after they have won the elections.  Parliament „There is not much choice. There is not, because we fucked up. Not a little, a lot. No European country has done something as boneheaded as we have. Evidently, we lied throughout the last year-and-a-half, two years. It was totally clear that what we are saying is not true. You cannot quote any significant government measure we can be proud of, other than at the end we managed to bring the government back from the brink. Nothing. If we have to give account to the country about what we did for four years, then what do we say?” Gyurcsány Ferenc, prime minister „Content wise the yesterday leaked tape wasn’t a big news.” Sólyom László, president of state „In campaign season one could organize political gatherings without asking permission from the police. So as the police deems the demonstration is not illegal, told Gergényi Péter the head of the Budapest Police to one of the mainstream online portals.” The rioters burnt cars at the building of the TV, they also attacked water canons, after the fight one canon was demolished and the police officers run away – they came back after two a.m. A few police officers were disarmed while the spokesman of the police told that 5000 riot police could arrive in every minute. The rumor with the arriving riot police was spreading quite fast – so that people quickly dispersed. After some hours riot cops truly appeared on site and people had to run for real. Inside the building of the TV the people were looting chocolate automats, they were demolishing the interior, some people took out computers; and on the top of the barricade in the entrance of the building there was an empty shopping cart. The protesters represented mixed political convictions. Many nationalists, football hooligans mixed with the crowd, on Kossuth Square it was mostly right wing, but when we were at the television, the normal non-fascist workers and ghetto kids were kicking one of the cars of the television, while lovers photographed themselves on the top of the burnt-out water cannon... around a smoking car some happy anarchists (the September Eighteenth) distributed leaflets. By 5 o'clock in the morning, the police pushed out the few protesters who remained in the building, and began investigating the scene on Liberty Square. Tonight people have switched off the television and took the street. The siege of the TV. The siege of the Spectacle. Website: http://indymedia.hu/cikk.shtml?x=31932 |
Lees meer over: europa media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  |  | increasing right wing in hungary | robit - 19.09.2006 15:45
in the last few years the right wing in hungary is increasing.Last night the demonstartors who attacked the state television(MTV) where merrely a group of 400 people form wich 90% percent where moderate and extreme right wing people.The main 4 groups of extreme right who represented themselfs in rioting where:Lelkisimeret 88 (Conscience 88) ,Magyar Nemzeti Front (Hungarian National Front) ,Hatvannegy Varmegye Ifjusagi Mozgalom (64 Counties Youth Movement) and Ver es Becsulet (Blood and Honour).All 4 groups are legally operating registered organizations and all of them are enjoying the assistance of the central right group FIDESZ who lost the elections this year.Their main agenda is revizionism,anti-capitalism,racism,anti-communism.
| protesten dinsdagavond | x - 19.09.2006 22:56
Tussen de 80.000 en 100.000 demonstranten staan nu (dinsdagavond, 23:00 uur) op het plein in het centrum van Budapest. Politie is massaal aanwezig, en heeft ook versterking uit andere steden laten komen. Ze durven en willen niks doen, en lijken erg geintimideerd door de massale opkomst. Tot nu toe is er geen sprake van gewelddadigheden geweest. | veel demonstranten | fier - 20.09.2006 00:15
De protesten vinden zich dus plaats nu voor de parlementsgebouwen, aan Kossuth Ter. Sfeer is onveranderd nog steeds. Het publiek bestaat vooral uit 'gewone mensen', geen nazis of hooligans zoals in de pers wordt gesuggereerd. De tientallen nazis die wel de straat op zijn vanavond staan verzameld voor de gebouwen van de TV omroep, waar gosteren de onlusten plaatsvonden. In meer dan 60 plaatsen in heel Hongarije vinden nu ook solidariteitsdemonstraties plaats, met gemiddeld 2000 demonstranten per stad. meer nieuws volgt! | Robit, don't blend the shit with the sugar | thedesignerguy - 20.09.2006 08:56
Robit, I presume from your comments you are not aware of real current events, apart from pieces of info you got from media. You should stop blending a (believe me!) most philistine, word-of-mouth organised massive protest by just small guys and common ppl like me (my only vice is being a computer nerd), and "rioting by some nazis". If you choose to blend the two, you are collaborating with Hungary's current governing political elite. I think you better assist us, the people, in reaching our first ever direct intervention into government politics since the 1956 events. It is the fallen and unspeakably corrupt .hu political elite that ALWAYS blends any event outside of its interest with "extreme right" and "nazis" , and so far it is mostly local so-called "leftist intellectuals" that decide to collaborate with gorvernment, even against the people's will and best interest, turning the political left so fucking unpopular with most people here that you simply can't imagine! All this anger has been a long time coming, come and see for yourself what WE the people are doing every day and every evening now, we are welcoming foreign observers -- the more eyewitness accounts on the REAL stuff, the better, and the less 'casus belli' this regime can turn against us! Cheers! | |
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