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Protesten Hongarije redax - 23.09.2006 21:30
Het massaprotest in Hongarije tegen de regering gaat nog steeds onafgebroken door. De hele week zijn er elke dag massabijeenkomsten bij de parlementsgebouwen. 's Nachts kamperen enkele honderden demonstranten op het plein, en in de loop van de dag loopt het plein weer vol met duizenden tegenstanders van de regering. Op dit moment staan er tussen de 20 en 30.000 mensen verzameld voor de parlementsgebouwen in Budapest. Het Kossuth Plein staat compleet vol met demonstranten die zich in de loop van de middag hebben aangesloten bij de protestbijeenkomst. Op het hoofdpodium spreken verschillende publieke figuren, afkomstig uit zowel het linker als het rechter politieke spectrum. De bekendste sprekers zijn tot nu toe: -Imre Pozsgay, ex-lid van de voormalige communistische partij MSZMP, was een sleutelfiguur binnen de hervormingen en democratisering na de val van het regime in 1990. -Laszlo Tokes, heeft een grote rol gespeeld binnen de Hongaarse gemeenscahap bij de Roemeense revolutie in 1989. -Maria Wittner, heldin in de Hongaarse revolutie van 1956. Ontvangster van de hoogste onderscheiding in Hongarije een paar jaar geleden. Belangrijkste van de gebeurtenissen vanavond is tot nu toe de aankondiging van de oprichting van een eenheidsverbond, genaamd 'Uj Magyarorszag' (Nieuw Hongarije) Dit verbond is een samenwerking van verschillende organisaties en personen, varierend van radicaal links tot conservatief rechts. Het belangrijkste verbindend element is het aftreden van de huidige regering, en het scheppen van een alternatief voor de vele problemen in Hongarije nu. De meest gehoorde leus van vandaag was 'Laat hem aftreden!', refererend aan Ferenc Gyurcsany, de minister-president van Hongarije. Verschillende extreem-rechtse groepjes hadden ook activiteiten aangekondigd voor vandaag, maar daar is tot nu toe nog niks van vernomen. Onder hen oa. "Lelkiismeret88", een gewelddadige neo-nazi splintergroepering en de voetbalhooligangroep "Fradi".
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2006/09/38948.shtml Ooggetuigeverslagen eerder deze week
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2006/09/38990.shtml Updates en achtergronden
http://www.indymedia.org/en/2006/09/847163.shtml reactie van Hongaarse activisten op de gebeurtenissen |
Lees meer over: europa vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | massprotests in Hungary continuing. | redax - 23.09.2006 21:24
Translation: Massprotests in Hungary are continuing every day. The whole week there have been mass gatherings near the parliamentbuildings at KossuthSquare. During the night several hundreds of protesters are camping at the square, at daytime joined by thousands of opposers of the government. At this moment between 20 and 30.000 people are gathered in front of the parliamentbuildings in Budapest. For the sixth day the square is completely filled with peaceful protesters who joined the protestgathering. In the afternoon and early evening, many public figures appear on the stage raised in front of the Parliament and held speeches. The ideological range of speakers was heterogenous, from reform-communist to conservative to radical-right. From about 18:00, the most notable speakers are: -Imre Pozsgay; ex-MSZMP member reform-communist, was a key figure of introducing democracy and pluralism to Hungary. -Laszlo Tokes; Ethnic Hungarian key figure of the 1989 Romanian Revolution. -Maria Wittner; Heroin of 1956 Revolution, received the highest civil award of the Republic of Hungary a few years ago. Announced at the event was the formation of a broad association called 'Uj Magyarorszag' (New Hungary), by public figures from the ideological left and right. I will add more details on it when they are available. The most-often used slogan by protesters was: "Let him step down!", referring to Ferenc Gyurcsany, the prime-minister of Hungary. Neonazis also announced activities for today, but luckily so far none of them has been spotted yet. Amongst them was "Lelkiismeret88", a violent neonazi splinter and a hardcore soccerhooligan group called "Fradi".
http://indymedia.nl/nl/2006/09/38948.shtml Eyewitnessreports earlier this week | hooligans | red - 23.09.2006 22:28
Zoals eerder gevreesd is rond 22:00 de harde kern van de voetbalsupporters dan toch aangekomen op het Kossuth plein. Enkele honderden aanhangers van 'Ferencvaros' staan nu aan de rand van de manifestatie met trommels, vlaggen en trompetten. Er is nog geen spoor van gewelddadigheden, maar de sfeer is redelijk gespannen nu. -- As feared earlier around 22:00 the hardcore hooligan group arrived at Kossuth square. Several hundred of supporters of the 'Ferencvaros' team are now standing at the edge of the manifestation with trumpets, flags and drums. As the crowd is so dense, they can't enter the centre of the square. There have been no signs of violence as yet, but the atmosphere has become more tensed now.
| protest is getting bigger | red - 23.09.2006 23:08
Volgens verschillende bronnen neemt het aantal mensen op het plein toe. Media spreken over 'tussen de 40 en 50.000 demonstranten' nu. Vanuit steden in heel Hongarije zijn mensen afgereisd naar Budapest vandaag. De laatste dagen vonden er in heel het land solidariteits betogingen plaats, vaak oplopend in de duizenden. Er is tot nu toe nog geen spoor van gewelddadigheden te bekennen, ook de politie is niet zichtbaar aanwezig. -- According to several sources the amount of people at the square is increasing. Corporate media speak about 'between the 40 and 50.000 protesters' now. People were travelling to Budapest today from other cities in Hungary as well. The last few days there have been a lot of solidarity protests all over the country, often massing in the thousands. There aren no signs of violence so far, and no visible signs of riotpolice present either.
| Extreme-right not welcome at the protest | red - 23.09.2006 23:50
Laszlo Toroczkai, een van de extreem-rechtse sleutelfiguren bij de rellen afgelopen maandag, is vanavond geweigerd om te spreken op het podium. Nadat hij een microfoon pakte werd het geluid direct weggedraaid, en moest hij het podium weer verlaten. Dit laat duidelijk zien dat de protestbeweging zich duidelijk distantieert van extreem-rechts, in tegenstelling tot wat de regering heeft beweerd de afgelopen tijd. -- Laszlo Toroczkai, one of the two extreme-right activists who wanted to hand over a petition at the TV Station riots last monday, has been held today from speaking. When he got on the stage and grabbed a microphone, the sound was turned off and he was turned away. This clearly shows that the protestmovement does not want to be affiliated with the far-right, in contrary to what the government wants to make the public believe.
| Countrywise Civil Forum founded | Translator - 25.09.2006 09:48
Just as reported by MTI, Magyar Radio, Duna TV and several news portals on Sunday, 16 intellectuals and public figures initiated the setup of a countrywise civil forum. "Membership of the forum would fulfil negotiating and mediating functions for local communities, trade leagues [translator: 'szakmai szervezetek' in the original instead of 'szakszervezetek' ie. trade unions] and civil groups. The forum is intended for building solidarity networks in society, enforcing responsibility on parliament, and limiting the power held by government." (from inforadio.hu) The full announcement (see below) is published at indymedia.hu for the very first time. http://www.indymedia.hu/cikk.shtml?x=32183 Let there be a Countrywise Civil Forum! - announcement by the propagators - There is confusion and disorder in the country today. The governing coalition parties deliberately mislead their voters, then started a program in direct contrast with their election campaign promises. But realisation of this fact did not breach the walls of apathy and disgust surrounding politics. The scandal was launched by the Prime Minister's speech that was leaked to the public. We do not know about the reason motivating the speaker, the leaker of the materials and those perpetrating violent acts and thus incriminating all mass protesters. And we do not ask for one, either. Yet we see the result of their actions: foulmouthed speech gaining ground, mutual accusations and unleashed emotions making any kind of valid dialog impossible about the crucial choices facing the country. That was perhaps the very reason behind it all. The Prime Minister's exalted and obscene speech was fairly striking a chord of objection. Rejection is to be made of his political program, though, as his program is damaging constitutional principles, is based on false analysis of the situation, and might bring fatal consequences about. It is imposing all the costs of building a hierarchy, the allowances and benefits to multinational corporations and the irresponsible budgetary policies to be paid by the citizens. It attempts to balance budgets by selling out all state properties and public services, but deficit is again and again regenerated in a growing degree by a management squande ring cultural and natural resources. The current crisis is in essence not as much economical as moral. We were made to believe that democracy can exist in an atmosphere of lies, fear and hate. We were passively tolerating publich speech turning more and more obscene and corruption going general. The intertwined economic, PR and executive management sectors became the source of squandering, despotism and utter unjustice. The political elite bearing the legacy of the old regime has lost all control by society. We got lost somewhere. Public liberty will be lost without strengthening local, workplace and trade level self-governments, without making decision processes public and increasing the personal responsibility of decision makers. Constitution becomes mere letters without meaning. A Prime Minister lacking moral authenticity must leave office, but that does not requires a change of government. Street protest is not sufficient for protecting the truth and justice missing from government-affiliated media. Civil society has to set up its own organised representation of interest to oppose the monopolized state, stolen economy and censored publicity. Only the informal authority of civil society can limit the over-the-edge activity of this new oligarchy. In our opinion the duty of thinking individuals in this situation must not be the embracement of lies and gaining public support for tax-squeezes. We propose the founding of a Countrywise Civil Forum for fulfilling negotiator and mediator roles for local communities, trade leagues* and civil groups. The forum is aimed at building solidarity networks in society, enforcing responsibility on parliament, and limiting the power held by government. [*translator's note: 'szakmai szervezetek' in the original instead of 'szakszervezetek' ie. trade unions] Sept.24, 2006, Budapest. Tamas Dercze, mayor of Ujpest Attila Ertsey, president of the 'Kos Karoly Alapitvany'[Karoly Kos foundation] Marton Farkas Attila, science historian Ferenc Gazso, university teacher Zsuzsa Hegedus, sociologist [living and working in France and Hungary] Zalan Horvath, president of 'Egyesulet a Felsooktatasert es Kutatasert'[Association for Higher Education and Research] Peter Kajner, economist Gabor Karatson, painter, writer Bela Karsai, independent mayor-candidate of Szekesfehervar Gabor Kardos, philosopher Andras Lanyi, member of the board at 'Elolanc Magyarorszagert' [Live Chain for Hungary civil interest group] Andras Lovasi, musician Gabor Naray-Szabo, university teacher Istvan Schneller, architect Tas Szebedy, president of the 'Gimnaziumok Orszagos Szovetsege'[Countrywise Association of Secondary Schools] Istvan Szilvasi, vice-president of 'Magyar Orvosi Kamara'[Hungarian Chamber of the Doctors of Medicine] Contact: civilforum2006@freemail.hu
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