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Meer dan 260 arrestaties bij rellen in Kopenhagen fierman - 24.09.2006 23:32
Meer dan 260 mensen zijn tot nu toe opgepakt in Kopenhagen tijdens een solidariteitsdemonstratie voor het Ungdomshuset. Ongeveer 800 mensen namen deel aan de manifestatie, die begon als een 'reclaim the streets party' voor het met ontruiming bedreigde autonoom cultureel centrum.  De politie was vanaf het begin massaal aanwezig, en volgde de groep van alle kanten totdat ze de demonstratie geheel tegenhield. De groep demonstranten sloeg vervolgens een andere weg in, nog steeds vreedzaam en vrolijk, totdat ze compleet omsingeld en aangevallen werd door de politie. Gemaskerde activisten reageerden met het opzetten van brandende barricades en het gooien van stenen en flessen. Gedurende de hele dag stelde de politie zich uitermate aggressief op, waarbij mensen in steegjes werden gedreven en compleet in elkaar geslagen, en met gevaar voor omstanders er met grote snelheid op barricades werd ingereden. Volgens de burgerlijke media waren het de activisten die de gewelddadigheden begonnen, het was echter duidelijk dat het de politie was die de situatie heeft uitgelokt en het geweld begon. De rellen vandaag waren de ernstigste in Denemarken van de afgelopen zes jaar. Het hele weekend was Kopenhagen het toneel van grote protesten en manifestaties tegen de dreigende sluiting van het cultureel centrum. Zaterdag namen meer dan 3000 mensen deel aan een vreedzame betoging die van Christiania naar het Ungdomshuset liep. Deze demonstratie was de grootste voor het Ungdomshuset tot nu toe. Vrijdag kwamen meer dan 2000 mensen af op een festival in het gebouw, waar dj's, bands en kunst werden gepresenteerd. De problemen voor het Ungdomshuset komen niet uit de lucht vallen: de plek wordt al jaren bedreigd. De dreiging werd echter serieuzer twee jaar geleden toen de gemeenteraad het complex verkocht aan een groep christenfundamentalisten, die de plek willen gebruiken voor zichzelf. De rechtzaken rondom het complex zijn nu bijna afgerond, en waarschijnlijk gaan de huidige gebruikers die verliezen. links:
http://indymedia.dk/newswire.php?story_id=662 verslag zondag
http://indymedia.dk/newswire.php?story_id=661 verslag zaterdag
http://nathue.dk/ungeren/2006/2006-09-23/ fotos demonstratie zaterdag
http://video.indymedia.org/en/2006/09/473.shtml soli aktie in Ierland
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ungdomshuset algemene info over Ungdomshuset
http://indymedia.dk/newswire.php?story_id=663 ooggetuigeverslag van het hele gebeuren vandaag. Meer info en foto's op http://www.cemab.be/news/2006/09/1974.php en http://www.cemab.be/archives/display_by_id.php?feature_id=69
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2006/09/39071.shtml meer informatie en aanvullingen hier. |
Lees meer over: europa wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  |  | Eywitness report Copenhagen 24 september | Rebe| - 24.09.2006 23:37
Reclaim the streets: Eye witness account af Reclaimer Sunday, Sep 24 2006, 11:01pm københavn I'm an activist from Denmark who participated in a Reclaim The Streets party for ungdomshuset (The Youth House). I have used ungdomshuset for a few years as a place for great parties and cool atmosphere. I hate the fact that christian fundamentalists are to take it over and i've been to many protests supporting the place. None of them like the one today. None of them escalating to this degree of violence. At the beginning of this protest we started from Skt. Hans Torv where the sound van came in and kicked the party alive. We were with about 500 protesters but many people joined in when they saw the cool partying. Noone wore masks or did anything provocative towards the police present. Then the party started moving in the direction of the inner city. The day before we had a great protest walking all the way through town with a nice atmosphere the whole way and no confrontations of any kind. Because of that noone anticipated any troubles. However as soon as we went to cross the bridge leading to the inner city the police massively blocked the road standing in riot gear and using armored cars. This of course scared the protesters a little bit, standing in front of what looked like an army ready to charge. The speakervan informed people that they should stay calm and that this didn't affect the party. The party then simply unfolded itself on the bridge. A lot of people seemed to have joined in on the protest. People were handing out sandwiches and the sunny weather only hightened the mood. The police didnt seem to want to start any trouble even though they occasionally drove their cars back and forth a little bit. After an hour or so the demo decided to walk back the way it came. The police then started to drive their cars into the crowd pushing it along. This was ofcourse a bit provocative but soon after we lost them and walked through some of the smaller roads near another bridge into the inner city. As soon as we got near another bridge two police drove angrily near the demo and riot cops jumped out of the vans. Then they charged the crowd with their batons. A few people threw whatever bottles they had at the officers but most just ran away. This triggered a series of attacks from all sides where the police charged with batons penning people into a little street called Rantzausgade. Me and a friend just saw a hole in their formation and jumped out through the police. We could then see police charging the penned in people who werent fast enough to run away with batons from all sides beating and kicking people unable to move. This crowd was later mass arrested. Note that as far as i could see this crowd consisted solely of protesters from the demo who didn't run fast enough. The ones who actually did throw stuff at the police were mostly able to run away in time. This police assault triggered a lot of anger in many of the protesters. At first some tried to charge down a side street near the police pen but the police hid in their armored cars which didn't have much trouble from of the hail of rocks being thrown at them. Then people started building barricades in the streets close to the police pen and hurled rocks at the police cars as they passed through. The police then drove their armoured vans at a very high speed through the crowd forcing people to literally jump for their lives. Had anyone tripped or fallen there was no way the vans would have been able to stop in time. This of course angered people even more and some local youths decided to join in the fighting as well. Though some attempts were made people were unable to free their comrades. However some of the people penned in for a mass arrest kicked down a gate to a backyard an managed to escape that way. After an hour or so the riots died out. This has been the worst riots in denmark and as far as i've seen its solely due to provocative police behavior. Had the protest been allowed to go on i don't think anything violent would have happened. The riots looked improvised and unorganised. Far more importantly the use of armored police vans as battering rams is clearly a disrespect for peoples lives! Had anyone been run over i'd never forgive them. These riots are a small taste of whats to come if a solution is not found. There is no way the house will be given up without a fight! | fotos | denmark - 25.09.2006 01:04
   foto's van de vreedzame demonstratie afgelopen zaterdag, waar meer dan 3000 mensen aan mee deden. | Christiania | Wouter - 25.09.2006 16:52
Kan iemand me uitleggen waar het verband ligt tussen Ungdomshuset en christiania? Ben er nooit geweest, maar heb er wel verhalen over gehoord En wat voor situatie is het nu in Kopenhagen? BVD, Wout | info | f - 25.09.2006 18:04
Verband tussen christiania en ungdomshuset is dat ze beiden bedreigd worden. Christiania weer op een hele andere manier: de overheid probeert daar de boel 'kapot te reguleren'. (staat oa. hier uitgelegd: http://indymedia.nl/nl/2005/09/30274.shtml).. voor vandaag niet veel te vertellen, alleen dat er nog 5 mensen vastzitten. Ze gaan aangeklaagd worden voor het gebruik van geweld tegen de politie.
| free | .. - 26.09.2006 13:15
the 4 people from amsterdam are released , sunday evening . 3 of them are charged of taking part in an illegal demonstration , and one of them for resisting arrest , violence against police and illegal weapon possesion . this person will have a courtcase in denmark later . | |
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