No Fortress Europe Edoardo Boggio, Marzet - 29.09.2006 15:35
EUROPEAN CAMPAIGN FOR THE SHUTTING DOWN OF ALL DETENTION CENTRES FOR MIGRANTS IN EUROPE "NO FORTRESS EUROPE"  EUROPEAN CAMPAIGN FOR THE SHUTTING DOWN OF ALL DETENTION CENTRES FOR MIGRANTS IN EUROPE "NO FORTRESS EUROPE" With a view to the parliamentary discussion on the directive establishing "Common standards for returning illegal migrants", we would like to lead a European campaign for the shutting down of all migrant holding centres located in Europe. With this legislation, such detention would become extendible to a maximum of six months, therefore legalising administrative detention for migrants all over Europe. The site contains, among many, sections on: the holding centres across Europe- see the Interactive Map, European Legislation database and Deaths in Europe. Join the campaign and get others to join by signing the online petition in any one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Greek. The campaign seeks the closure of some 174 temporary holding centres for migrants in the European Union and neighbouring countries. How can you help us ? 1) Send to your friends the site: or forward this email. 2) Print out the Paper Petition and help us to collect more signatures. 3) Join the "No Fortress Europe" Newsletter. Contact "Europe in Cage"- Link to the Photo exhibition on the Holding Centres in Europe GUE/NGL Political Group at the European Parliament Edoardo Boggio Marzet E-Mail: |