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Powerless judges: Are we entering America's d Henk Ruyssenaars + Franklin’s Focus - 02.10.2006 15:47
During the Nazi occupation of European countries in WW Two, judges and courts practically without protest applied occupation measures, even in cases where it was contrary to existing positive law. All were silent and continued, even after the assassination of several judges in Amsterdam. België komt er veel beter vanaf dan Nederland, terwijl Luxemburg echt huilen met de pet op is... POWERLESS JUDGES Henk Ruyssenaars FPF - October 2nd - 2006: In the article below, the author in the United States is focussing on, and warning for, another of many negative developments in the US, where, as he writes: "Attorney General Gonzales has issued a warning to all federal judges not to meddle with the newly garnered dictatorial powers of the president." The facts indeed are scaring, because this is not a 'warning shot in front of the bow' of the US system of jurisprudence: it's a torpedo to sink the whole 'justice vessel' and capture passengers and crew. Especially those swimming against the mainstream, using Internet as an information life jacket. In the article the question is raised where the cabal, their 'Attorney General' Gonzales and their nefarious 'Project for a New American Century' will go from here, after openly intimidating the judges: ''A final trampling of the judicial branch strikes me as likely, now that the cabal has steamrolled the legislative branch of government." - All in the name of 'Homeland Security' and the other clichés of course. And even if one or other judge wants and dares to protest: most dissent as usual will be drowned and disappear in the cabal's mainstream propaganda tsunami. But it keeps millionfold and globally spreading on Internet. The whole disastrous situation in the US - and many of it's colonies - reminds of the years between 1939 and 1945, when Nazi troops 'steamrolled' the main part of Europe: a rare study concerning the role of judges and courts during an enemy occupation was done at the University of Maastricht in The Netherlands in 2004.* Comparing The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. The outcome - (How did you judge during the war, Daddy?) - is a shame, a damning combination of cowardice, mental incapacity, lack of imagination, fear and spineless and/or opportunistic collaboration of many judges involved. Why, by the way, would any judge deserve some kind of respect in 'peace time', when we know they'll let us down the very second some Gestapo creature tells them to do so? And it seems to be the same misery in many countries: they're not representing us nor the law, but those who hold the gold and thus the power. Using the laws in full illegal force against us: laws, agreements and conventions which we thought were there to protect rights, plights and 'justice' for all human beings and our earth. THE COURTS REMAINED SILENT AND CONTINUED THEIR DUTIES "During the occupation of World War Two, courts in The Netherlands seldom used the opportunities that national and international law offered to resist application of occupation measures. Practically without protest, occupation measures were applied, even in cases where these measures were contrary to existing positive law. [ ] Occupation measures would be applied in The Netherlands without judicial review. Legal safeguards for an independent functioning of the courts were increasingly violated. Even after two judges were removed from office for protesting against the inhumane treatment of prisoners in detention camps in the so-called Ommen incident and the assassination of several judges in Amsterdam, the courts remained silent and continued their duties. In Belgium on the other hand, the 'Cour de cassation' ('Supreme court of appeal' - HR) - constantly intervened in the application of occupation measures, using legal instruments to resist their application. These are the conclusions of mr Yuri Michielsen's Ph.D. research on The ‘Nazification’ and ‘Denazification’ of the Courts in Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands, which he 'defended' on 22 December 2004 at Maastricht University. - [He was promoted - HR] But a judge working according to the law is a danger for the people in power and their profit. French investigating judge ('juge d'instruction') Eva Joly* wrote a book about her fights as a judge after surviving the investigation of the (sick) French oil multinational ELF, and the threats by hired killers and authorities. Quote : "Logic would suggest that our efforts were encouraged by successive governments. On the contrary: our investigations were monitored and at times hampered," she writes in an extract published in the daily Le Parisien. Elsewhere she describes being visited by a man named 'Franz' who warned her: "Ninety-eight percent of crimes can be tried, but there remain two percent that justice cannot settle. They are called State secrets. ... Be careful. The state has guardians for its secrets. They are not gentle." - Judge Eva Joly also reported about a meeting with a "very senior French general" who advised her against investigating the world of arms sales: "With us there is no warning. If you start inquiring, I give you 48 hours," the general said." FUTURE DEVELOPMENT IN THE US? In Franklin’s Focus under the headline "Are we entering America's darkest hour?" the following is published: "The passage of what can only be described as neofascist laws that dramatically undermine the American system of jurisprudence strikes me as a momentous bellwether. On top of this stunning event in American history, Attorney General Gonzales has issued a warning to all federal judges not to meddle with the newly garnered dictatorial powers of the president. I BELIEVE THIS DIRECTIVE IS A SERIOUS WARNING. So, you ask, what could happen to a judge snubbing his nose at this warning? Here's what might happen: any judge ignoring such an implied threat of retribution might find himself actually facing an 'in camera' hearing during which the judge would find himself summarily impeached and removed from the bench. 'In camera' means 'in a chamber'. The term is applied to hearings held secretly in a courtroom or judicial chambers. I absolutely do not put it past the cabal to stamp out judicial opposition using this blunt fascist maneuver. Would it be legal? Of course not, but legality long ago stopped being a consideration for the ruling cabal. The PNAC gang members almost certainly are feeling their oats after their stunning victories on the Hill. They just might feel that now is the time to strike powerfully against what they see as an annoying American jurisprudence and to do so with stunning forcefulness and secrecy before the country can even grasp what has happened. It is now apparent that a namby pamby Congress would not stand in the way of a move to crush the judiciary. CONSIDER THAT BUSH WILL NOW HAVE THE POWER TO DECLARE ANY DEFENSE ATTORNEY IN AMERICA AN 'ENEMY COMBATANT' AND THEN DISAPPEAR HIM OR HER FOREVER. That fundamentally cripples justice in America. So where does the cabal go from there? Use your imagination. A final trampling of the judicial branch strikes me as likely, now that the cabal has steamrolled the legislative branch of government. HONEST ABOUT WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THIS COUNTRY One can hardly overly inflate one's speculations at this time in American history if as I suspect we now may be entering America's darkest hour. I know this may seem like wild guessing, but it's about time we started being honest about what has happened to this country. Please understand that I'm not predicting anything. I'm only painting possible scenarios that may have seemed totally mad not so long ago, but now seem perilously close to being possible. This is an extraordinarily perilous moment in American history. Anybody who can't see that is wearing blinders. We are now all sitting on the deck of Lusitania, while an orchestra plays to calm our fears. I repeat, the Attorney General of the United States has warned federal judges not to meddle with the new powers of the president. I cannot remember an AG ever warning judges not to tamper with the expanding powers of a president. That warning has to be characterized as ominous. Keep in mind that the cabal killed three thousand citizens on 9/11 without a twitching of moral conscience.* The cabal that is now in control of this nation quite possibly sees a complete transmuting of America into a fascist state within their grasp. They need only cross the Rubicon. Think about it. Warmest regards, Richard P.S. The Documentary Film 'American Blackout': The early reviews of this documentary have been excellent. - Read Greg Palast's articles and watch his reports at Url.: GregPalast.com -0- RELATED: * NETHERLANDS COURTS TOO PASSIVE; BELGIAN COURTS MILITANT - THE ‘NAZIFICATION’ AND ‘DENAZIFICATION‘ of the Courts in Belgium, Luxembourg and The Netherlands, Yuri Michielsen, LL.M (Harvard), has been written in English and was published by 'Universitaire Pers' - Maastricht. A summary is available in Limbourgish and Dutch. For more information, please contact Yuri Michielsen via j.michielsen@ir.unimaas.nl - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/fy7f9 * GOOGLE SEARCH 'HABEAS CORPUS' + R.I.P. IN THE US - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/g83tn * US LEGALIZES TORTURE - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/eom7k * FRENCH JUDGE EVA JOLY - Google selection - info in different languages - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/je9jz * US "DEATH SQUAD PROTECTION ACT" - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/6xdfw * SCHOLARS FOR 9/11 TRUTH - American and other scientists, diplomats, researchers etc.: What happened on 9/11? - What is happening to our world? - How can we improve our situation? - Url.: http://www.st911.org/ * SUPPORTING THE WAR: Throw out propagandists like the BBC, FOX, CNN etc.! - Url.: http://www.cemab.be/news/2006/07/1632.php * The Dutch author this far has worked abroad for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb - including cluster bombs - breeds more terrorism! * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
http://tinyurl.com/jwgqa The Netherlands
fpf@chello.nl -0- E-Mail: fpf@chello.nl Website: http://GregPalast.com |
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