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12/10 Neo colonialism and indigenous resistan MAPUNDIAL - 05.10.2006 13:15
Neo colonialism and indigenous resistance in Latin America The 12th of October is celebrated in many countries in the Americas to commemorate the discovery of the New World by Christopher Colombus in 1492. However, for indigenous people in this continent this date has been a historical turning point that marks the beginning of their colonization and suppression. ![Dia de resistencia]() Dia de resistencia 514 years after the beginning of colonization, indigenous people still have to face exploitation, discrimination and repression. Their human rights are often violated by national and international actors. Transnational corporations expell them from their territories and exploit their natural resources. The 12 Oktober Committee is a platform of social, cultural and political organizations based in the Netherlands which aims to conmemorate the day when Columbus discovered the Americas in a different way and to raise awareness in Dutch society about the backside of globalisation. Therefore we organize a cultural and informative evening about the resistance of indigenous groups in Latin America as well as the current involvement of transnational corporations in this region. 12 Oktober Programme 18:00 18:30 - Open doors and brief presentation about the cultural and informative night by Oktober 12 Committee. 18:30 18:45 TNI (Transnational Institute) 18:45 18:55 Questions, answers and comments. 19:00 19:30 Percussion with Sandra Morales Percusionemos (activist on woman rights from Guatemala). 19:30 19:45 Pause 19:45 20:10 Documentary 20:10 20:25 The youth group of Milieudefensie Launch of the soy campaign. 20:25 20:35 Questions, answers and comments. 20:35 20:50 St. Indianen in Brasil 20:50 21:00 Questions, answers and comments. 21:00 21:10 Bolivia Minka dance performance 21:10 21:25 Presentation Robin Wood Campaign (Germany). 21:25 21:35 Questions, answers and comments. 21:35 21:45 Bolivia Minka dance performance Pause and Drinks 22:00 Folklore night De Badcuyp Eerste Sweelinckstraat 10 Amsterdam 2 euro: from 18:00 hrs. 4 euro: from 21:00 uur E-Mail: mapundial@yahoo.com Website: http://www.mapundial.org |
Lees meer over: Agenda anti-fascisme / racisme kunst, cultuur en muziek vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | |