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oproep: Woonstrijd in Rotterdam needs help! zwachteltje - 16.10.2006 17:20
Rotterdam needs mobilisation! The new squatted place from Krakendrotterdam/Woonstrijd on Tour open day saterday was nice. The neighboorhood showed his curiosity and sympathy by coming along. The give away shop already made quite some people pleased! However, the owner has been contacted today. The PWS states that he already has a one month old renting contract (temporary contract so called anti-kraak) with an artist. We can guarantee that the space has not been used the last months!!! The door has been sealed with small paper seals which were unbroken. No electricity, gas or water connexion, the space was completely empty (and the plants are dead ages ago...). There is absolutetly no "feitelijk gebruik" !!! An appointment has been made with the PWS tomorrow at 15.00. Woonstrijd calls all people not involved in the eviction wave in Amsterdam to join us: Schieweg 61 Rotterdam (10mn walk from the back side of Central Station) |
Lees meer over: Agenda vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wonen/kraken | aanvullingen | tuesday october 17th, talk with PWS (owner) | krakendrotterdam - 17.10.2006 17:17
The newly woonstrijd squat in Rotterdam still has some troubles. Today we had a conversation with the PWS (owner) about this house. They claim there is a antikraak contract on this house from august 15th. However we never saw any movement in the house, neither did the neighbours. We sealed the door months ago, the seal was never broken. When we squatted this house there was no elektricity, gas or even water. The toilet didn't work. So how could there be a antikraker that was using this place? We told PWS all this. They agreed that the place was not suitable for a antikraker, and they were willing to let us stay but only if we wanted to make an agreement with them. But they still want to file a report to the police about violating domestic peace (huisvredebreuk) art. 138 Sr. They said they will tell the police that they should not evict us, because they are okay with the situation as it is now. But still it's a bit weird story. - PWS wants to make an agreement with us, but still will file a report to the police. - We doubt if there ever was a contract in the first place. But even if there was, there is no factual use (feitelijk gebruik). So we faxed today a letter to the Public Prosecutor (Officier van Justitie) and will go to the police station for the neighbourhood cop and 'chef van dienst' to tell our side of the story and request that they will not evict us. If this doesn't work, we still can file a 'kort geding tegen de staat', we than summon the cops to court, and in theory they have to waith with the eviction till the judge has made a verdict. Anyway, the story has no end yet. So please, come by if you can and support us with the occupation of Schieweg 61, cause it might be that the police will try to evict us, even if PWS does keep his word about telling the police not to evict. WE STILL NEED HELP! We will not go! more info will follow Website: http://www.krakendrotterdam.org | Meeting with PWS, tomorrow 19/10 | krakend rotterdam - 18.10.2006 23:22
Yesterday evening and this morning we talked to the police about the Schieweg 61. This because PWS threatened us with filing a report for violating domestic peace when squatting this house. The police told us there has no report made yet and they will not do anything when we are still talking with PWS. However, tomorrow (19/10) PWS will stop by the place and have a meeting with us. They will come between 2 and 3. Everyone that is avaible please come to Schieweg 61 before 2 o'clock. We would like to be there with a lot of people. PWS is doing a dirty job with this negotiation under the threat of filing a report to the police. We will not be intimidated! Come and join us! -- and of course, you're also more than welcome at the BRAAKSMAAK info night about resistance against the G8, thursday evening from 19:00, Schieweg 61 -- | dreiging voorlopig afgewend | krakend rotterdam - 21.10.2006 14:21
De politie heeft beloofd niet te ontruimen zolang de krakers in gesprek zijn met de eigenaar. Het ziet er wel naar uit dat de onderhandelingen met de eigenaar goed uit zullen pakken en ze hun aangifte niet zullen doorduwen. Eind volgende week weten we meer. Iedereen die langs is geweest, bedankt voor jullie steun. Dit weekend is de Groene Voltage open voor publiek. De weggeefwinkel (al aardig gevuld) en infowinkel zullen dan hun deuren openen. Koffie en thee is aanwezig. Voor iedereen die toevallig in de buurt is, kom gezellig langs. Volgende week zullen er ook een paar activiteiten plaatsvinden. Hierover later meer. | |
aanvullingen | |