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Ecuador: flogging the US, the oil sharks & ol Henk Ruyssenaars - 16.10.2006 19:08
Ecuador election: the CIA also uses TV, radio, discussion forums, and the media to promote the US economic and political issues affecting Ecuadorian society, including free trade and globalization. No wonder: Ecuador is the second largest exporter of oil to the US. by Henk Ruyssenaars - Former Latin America correspondent FPF - 16 October 2006 - Next November 26th an election runoff must be held in Ecuador, which after yesterday's election results and a progressive tide rolling in, has Wall Street's usurers and Washington's war-for-profitmongers shaken. None of the candidates got more than half of the votes, so a second round has to be held. At stake for the Wall Street bankers is a $billion profit loss, equally based on the fact that Ecuador is the second largest exporter of oil to the US.* Early this Monday morning, when for the oil sharks and oligarchs annoying results were announced, presidential candidate Rafael Correa had about 27 percent backing in the polls, 7 points ahead of his closest challenger, Leon Roldos, seen as a populist banana tycoon and pro Wall Street ex vice-president. So in reality in Ecuador it's again a fight over oil and other natural resources: do the national resources of Ecuador belong to the Ecuadorians or to the international bankers/usurers, with their multinationals killing and drilling everywhere? - Quote: ''Ecuador produces more oil than it needs for domestic consumption and thus it is one of the country's leading exports. Therefore, any new drilling for oil is not intended to meet local demand - (nor the need for $billions to help the people live an acceptable life - HR) but is intended for export overseas, most likely to Japan and the United States. Beneath the surface in eastern Ecuador and within the Amazon rain forest, a relatively undisturbed and biologically rich area, are large amounts of oil.* LIKE SHELL IN NIGERIA etc. Critics warn that the habitat could suffer either through the direct spilling of product and soil contamination or through the opening of the area to the outside through the building of roads. It is believed that the building of an oil industry would have a severely adverse impact on the environment. Some argue against drilling for oil in Ecuador's Amazon area, particularly since the oil is intended for trade. SACRIFICING HUMAN BEINGS FOR PROFIT Many of the indigenous tribes in the Amazon region that once numbered in the thousands have been reduced to the hundreds as a result of the pollution generated by oil exploration and other assaults. Fifty percent of Ecuador's national budget is funded by oil earnings and continued oil exploration and production is thought to be necessary to ensure the countries' well being.* - [Whom's well being?] Even though various U.N. agencies have endorsed an international document that calls for full recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples, the United States, the UK private banking lobby - the London War Lords - and a handful of other with the usurers collaborating nations continue to stand in the way of its approval by the 192-member General Assembly, but it should be decided those days. DALE CORREA! - FLOG THEM! Correa likes to brandish a belt when speaking about the 'momios', the upper class 'mummies', the bankers, the oil sharks, the oligarchs and the bribed politicians who for ages have 'flogged' 95% of the Ecuadorians: Dale Correa! - Flog them! - it says on his election posters referring to his name. But the voters are not so sure of him either. Contrary to international US propaganda outlets like AP, ABC, UPI, BBC, FOX, CNN etc.- as usual the local reporting by for instance Indymedia Ecuador* has been very good for the past years. And via alternative media the voters learned too that Correa actually 'did economy' at Illinois University in the United States, where he got his doctorate. But after seven pro Wall Street crooks as so called 'presidents' in the last ten years - of which three were kicked out by the than again disappointed people - the Ecuadorians rightfully do not trust anybody any longer. And that goes for Correa as well, with his ''anti-US'' rhethoric and copying of progressive Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez slogans: people watch his deeds, not his words. People in charge know that the 'gringo' oligarchs in the US always safeguard their vested interests, and will use all kind of covert operations to reach their goals. The CIA in Ecuador as usual works for the international money makers* and has via the US embassy in Quito and one of it's cover organizations, the NED - (National Endowment for Democracy) - which is the US financed 'civil branch' of the CIA, done everything to stem the 'pink tide'. Because Ecuador has already by government decision taken a $billion of Occidental's assets following its "unethical and illegal" actions, and Correa in his election speeches says he wants ''to renegotiate contracts with foreign investors in the oil industry such as Repsol of Spain, Brazil's Petrobras, Andes Petroleum of China and Perenco of France.'' - so he's maybe not fully trusted by Wall Street. Correa's 'radical policy' platform gave him a rise in popularity and a lot of votes, but it has set alarm bells ringing in Wall Street and Washington. This fear for a loss of profit is based on the claim that Ecuador is the second largest exporter of oil to the US. In the Pentagon and Washington power bubble they're not happy either - on the surface at last: Correa says he's not going to renew the contract for the US military base in Manta, and the murderous IMF has the shivers because here's another Latin American colony wanting to be independent from it's strangling usury. Correa who himself is an ex finance minister (?) says he's planning to 'restructure the country's external debt.' All CIA and other US channels are used to get Ecuador into line again. About one of them - the CIA/NED's cover group ''Center for International Private Enterprise'' - it is known that they got $125,806: "To encourage more democratic and informed decision-making structures. CIPE's subgrantee 'Ecuadorian Institute for Political Economy' will make use of television, radio, discussion forums, and the press to promote public debate on the main economic and political issues affecting Ecuadorian society, including free trade and globalization."* - This is their official figure: in reality it may be 10 or a thousand times more. One has to see it as an investment... In all ways and by all methods the US usurers try to salvage their loot, but the people in Ecuador, like in Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and elsewhere, will not accept another Washington Quisling or being sold out again by a CIA product and US stooge. The resistance by the Indians has grown since they marched against the oil drillers and killers a year ago, and they killed another illegal prospector/logger in their Amazon area.* The former information agency AP (now 'Assorted Propaganda') writes: "Correa has cozied up to Chavez, Latin America's outspoken anti-U.S. crusader. Correa describes himself as a man of "Christian leftist" ideals, telling foreign correspondents on Monday that "my political, economic and social thinking is nourished by the sacred writings and social doctrine of the church." - [Bush's bad genius Karl Rove: 'Christians are nuts' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/yym55u] "My guess is that some of the posture he's taking now is because that's the way he hopes to get elected and win votes," said University of Illinois economics professor Werner Baer, who sat on the committee that approved Correa's doctorate. "Once in power, I doubt that he would be virulently anti-American like Chavez." - The runoff in November and the time thereafter will prove if the people chose Correa as the lesser of two evils or that he meant what he said. CALLING BUSH THE DEVIL IS OFFENDING THE DEVIL Correa's rhetoric echoes that of other Chavez allies, including President Evo Morales of Bolivia and Ollanta Humala, the nationalist who came close to winning Peru's presidency this year but disappeared in the US propaganda war. Last week, Chavez called President Bush "the devil" in a speech to the U.N. General Assembly. "Calling Bush the devil is offending the devil," Correa told Channel 8 television "The devil is evil, but intelligent." "I believe Bush is a tremendously dimwitted president who has done great damage to his country and to the world," Correa said. Concerning that he's a 100% right at least. Concerning Ecuador: !Vamos a ver! Henk Ruyssenaars REFERENCES: * Ecuador - Popular uprising overthrows SELL OUT PRESIDENT Lucio Gutierrez - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/y6knzs * Rumsfeld's visit a threat to Latin America - During stops in Paraguay and Peru, Mr. Rumsfeld and his gringo aides warned of what they consider to be 'trouble making' by President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela and Cuba's President Fidel Castro. They fear the power of the people. - Url.: http://qollasuyu.indymedia.org/es/2005/08/2503.shtml * CIA/NED - Ecuador - ''To encourage more democratic and informed decision-making structures.'' - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/wuvy2 * United Nations sabotage (for decades) by the UK (private Bank of England group) and pro US lobby in the General Assembly concerning the ''Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples'' - Url.: http://www.ipsnews.net/news.asp?idnews=35103 * ANOTHER ATTEMPT ON CHAVEZ's LIFE - VHeadline.com news from Venezuela etc. - Chavez shooting was to occur as he exited a helicopter on a trip to Zulia... - Url.: http://www.vheadline.com/readnews.asp?id=68600 * Ecuador & oil - Url.: http://www.american.edu/TED/ecuador.htm * Ecuador - according to the CIA's World Fact Book - Url.: https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ec.html * Indian resistance - Amazone area logger killed - Url.: http://www.survival-international.org/news.php?id=1087 * Transamazonica - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ssawu * Indymedia Ecuador - in Spanish - Vote fraud? - Correa claims vote fraud - Url.: http://ecuador.indymedia.org/en/2006/10/16740.shtml - supported by "Ex presidente del Tribunal Supremo Electoral ecuatoriano teme fraude en el proceso." - Url.: http://www.aporrea.org/imprime/n85160.html * Google's mainstream selection on the election in Ecuador - Results 1 - 10 of about 1,120 - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/sc4tn * The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
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