Woe. 25 okt.Feminist Salon: Private revisited Diepvriesdame - 20.10.2006 15:23
Met: De Diepvriesdames present.... Music Bingo The Big Card Game of Forgotten Feminists Het Met Je Billen Bloot Spel Associationtest: are you a REAL feminist?! Knitting, stitching and bitching  Flyer Feminist Salon Feminist salon in the Peper at Wednesday, Oct. 25th. 2006 Now that women found power and pleasure in the public sphere, does anybody still give a damn about the private sphere? Never a better time to enjoy the coziness of the home then in the cold and rainy autumn season. Come share a hot chocolate, nice meal and good conversation with feminist minded people from all sort of genders. And don't forget to bring your own favourite toys, games and knitting devices! Dinner's served at 19.00 It's vegan and organic, and costs 6 euros Please reserve (after 4 o'clock) at 020 4122954 Program starts at 20.30 Location: De Peper, Overtoom 301, Amsterdam Date: Wednesday, Oct. 25th. 2006 |