royaldutchshell station occupied n bristol,uk mun - 25.10.2006 01:42 Bristol Chapter of Westside Neighbourhood Occupy Shell Garage Climatecamper | 24.10.2006 16:15 | Against Shell and in Solidarity with Rossport At a shell garage on the main commuter route in and out of Bristol, activists occupied a shell service station, against Shell's contribution to climate and in solidarity with Rossport Three People occupied the roof for around three hours, whilst about another dozen handed out leaflets and indulged in some in promptu street theatre. The police choose not to close down the petrol station, although they probably should have done on health and safety grounds not least since there was a polar bear, a pirate and a scuba diver on the roof. A small sound system kept things lively and a couple of passers by joined in with the protest. The police presence reached it’s peak at three squad cars, though even the law couldn’t control The Sea, who defied the Canute – like officers, washing over the forecourt due to rising sea levels. This is part of a on going campaign, which partly gained it’s impetus from the Climate Camp held in Yorkshire at the end of the summer. We hope to inspire others to take action in their locality, as the Camp inspired us to. climatecamper SHort video in If you have problems playing try Website: |