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Castor blokkeren stop castor - 26.10.2006 10:47
nuclear waste-transport to Gorleben (Germany) in november 2006 Twelve huge "CASTOR"-Container with high-active nuclear waste (German origin) will be transported from La Hague (France) back to Germany by train. Several thousand people in Germany will try to stop the transport to demonstrate against the fact, that there is worldwide no real solution for a safe final place for the waste and further waste is still produced. This year the resistance against nuclear energy and transports of waste will increase, because the critical public realizes, that political tendency is, to leave the former plans of stopping nuclear power production in the next years and to continue the use of nuclear power in Germany unlimited. The center of resistance is the region of Wendland (Germany, a part of Lower-Saxony), where the waste will be transported to. Several thousand police-men and -women will be there to try to keep demonstrating people away from the transport-route. This causes conflicts of very different kinds. If you think about it, to support the resistance against nuclear energy and nuclear waste transports, you are invited to come to Wendland and take part. New information say the transport will start in France on Friday, 10th of November and could reach the Wendland-region on Sunday, 12th of November. On Saturday, 11th of November there will be a huge demonstration in Gorleben. On Sunday many people will try to stop the transport coming by train. When (or if) the transport arrives in the small town of Dannenberg, the CASTOR-Containers will be put from train to large transport-cars. This will take a few hours. Afterwards there will be a transport on streets for the last 20 kilometers to "Zwischenlager Gorleben". The street-transport is another chance to demonstrate against the unsolved and unlimited nuclear problem. Whether the street transport will be on Sunday evening or very early Monday morning is not clear yet. Demonstrators attempt to rise the ´political costs´ of these transports to show, that nuclear production is not accepted by the people. Why will more people demonstrating this year against nuclear energy ? - the above mentioned tendency in Politics and Economy to continue nuclear power unlimited, - the 20th year after the catastrophy of Tschernobyl - the shocking fact that a swedish nuclear power station had very dangerous problems in July 2006 - the chance to have a sort of training in powerful demonstration as a preparing for G8-activities in 2007 Some basic information in English about history of resistance in the region of Wendland you can find here:
http://www.castor.de/12english.html See you in Germany in November 2006. Website: http://www.castor.de/12english.html |
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