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Paramilitairen doden Indymediavrijwilliger ~libertinus en anderen - 28.10.2006 07:54
Bij een aanslag van de Federale politie en paramilitairen tegen de barricades nabij het justitiegebouw van Oaxaca, in de gemeente Calicante. Hierbij zijn verschillende gewonden en vier doden gevallen. Een reporter voor Indymedia New York, William Bradley Roland, ook gekend als Brad Will, werd in de borst geschoten en overleed ter plaatse.  Will 2 dagen geleden - foto Narconews Oswaldo Ramírez, fotograaf voor Milenio Diario, werd ook getroffen en is gewond aan zijn voet. Dit weten we tot nu toe van Brad Will van iemand die bij hem was: - Hij was aan de barricade bij Santa Lucia - Hij werd neergeschoten van een afstand van 30 à 40 meter in zijn maagstreek - Er werd verteld dat het paramilitaire piristas (noot: aanhangers van de Partido Revolucionario Institucional) - Mensen trokken hem dan weg in veiligheid; het is bevestigd dat hij dood is; zijn lichaam ligt bij het Rode Kruis in Oaxaca - 3 andere dodelijke slachtoffers (vier in totaal); 1 persoon van de Radio Universidad was gewond, hij moest met een gewone auto naar het ziekenhuis omdat ambulances niet wilden of mochten komen
Meer informatie: Engelstalig verslag NarcoNews (Engels) - CML - La Jornada - IMC México Radio APPO steamt nu (Spaanstalig) | Live (Spaans) verslaggeving bij het CML Andere Spaanstalige media milenio.com - reforma.com Dit is een vertaling van een verslag op indymedia.org waar meer aanvullingen te vinden zijn. |
Lees meer over: vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Brad Will | Bas - 28.10.2006 21:46
Brad Will , het was mooi om te zien hoeveel je energie voor de vrije media gaf ! Ik heb de eer gehad om je aan het werk te zien en ik bedankt je voor alle hulp in Oaxaca. Het doet me vreselijk veel pijn om alle berichten te zien ! R.I.P BRAD ! INDYMEDIA GAAT DOOR ! | Brad | Carla - 28.10.2006 22:31
We hebben Brad leren kennen toen we begin oktober 8 dagen in Oaxaca waren. Hij was een gedreven journalist, een aardig iemand en een goede kameraad. We zijn enorm geschrokken door zijn dood. Het zou niet mogen gebeuren dat journalisten gericht dood geschoten worden als ze hun=haar werk doen. Ik hoop dat mensen de berichtgeving over Oaxaca blijven volgen en ook in Nederland akties gaan doen ter ondersteuning van de bevolking van Oaxaca. Brad, hoewel ik je kort kende had ik het idee dat ik je wel vaker zou gaan zien de komende jaren. Nu kan dat helaas niet. Ik zal je missen. | persbericht vanuit de VS | emmo - 28.10.2006 23:14
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release October 28, 2006, 12:40 a.m. Contact: Beka Economopoulos, (917) 202-5479 Brandon Jourdan, (646) 342-8169 Eric Laursen, (917) 806-6452 WILLIAM BRADLEY ROLAND, U.S. JOURNALIST/CAMERMAN, KILLED BY OAXACA PARAMILITARIES KILLER ID'D - ACTIONS BEING PLANNED IN U.S. William Bradley Roland, aka Brad Will, a U.S. journalist and camerman, was shot and killed yesterday in Oaxaca, Mexico, by paramiliaries affiliated with the PRI, the former Mexican ruling party. Will was in Oaxaca covering the continued resistance of teachers and other workers against the PRI-controlled government of the State of Oaxaca. According to reports from New York City Independent Media Center and La Jornada, Will, 36, was shot at the Santa Lucia Barricade from a distance of 30-40 meters in the pit of the stomach by plainclothes paramilitaries and died while enroute to the Red Cross. Centro de Medias Libres ( http://vientos.info/cml) in Mexico City reports that from Will's recovered videiotapes, they have identified his killer as a paramilitary named Pedro Carmona, ex-president of Felipe Carrillo Puerto de Santa Lucia del Camino, a colonia in Oaxaca. At last report, Will was one of five people who died in the last day, along with 17 wounded, as paramilitaries and federal police poured in to retake the city, according to Centro de Medias Libres. The city had been in the hands of the workers for five months. Will is the first American to be killed in the months-long confrontation. A longtime journalist and activist, he covered land occupations in the Pacific Northwest of the U.S., direct actions and rebellions in Argentina and Ecuador, land occupations in Brazil, and anti-privatization struggles in Bolivia. He was a much-beloved figure in the global justice movement in the U.S. and leaves behind many grieving friends. Friends of Brad in the U.S. will be calling actions in the next day to demand that the U.S. State Department press the Mexican government to investigate Brad's murder and address the terroristic regime that made it possible. Additionally, they will press for solidarity in the U.S. with the Mexican movement for social justice that Brad gave his life to document in Oaxaca. # # # # #
| protestbrief | emmo - 28.10.2006 23:16
LETTER OF SOLIDARITY ; send protest letter (in attachment) SAY NO TO IMPUNITY FOR THE KILLERS OF SILVINO TALAVERA www.silvinotalavera.phy.ca. Dear compañeras/os and organizations: The court case that deals with the events surrounding the death of 11 year old Silvino Talavera, which was caused by agrochemical poisoning in Itapúa, Paraguay, on 7th January 2003, is in danger of being dropped next month, and the crime going unpunished by the law.The case has been static in court in an ongoing appeal process for over a year. We ask for solidarity from individuals and organizations to pressure the Paraguayan State and Justice system to obtain a resolution of this process. To this end, we ask you to spread this message and to send the letter below to Paraguayan institutions and to the embassies of Paraguay in your countries. It is more than 3 years since Petrona Villasboa, (Silvano’s mother) together with CONAMURI, The National Coordinator of Organizations of Rural and Indigenous Women Workers, (a member of Via Campesina), started to work on the case of Silvano’s murder by the soybean producers Hermann Schlender and Alfred Laustenlage, who indiscriminately fumigated the boy and contaminated the whole family. The Talavera Villasboa family live surrounded by monocultures of Monsanto’s Roundup Ready genetically engineered soy, the aggressive marketing and consequent use of which has been the cause of the exponential increase in glyphosate spraying over the Paraguayan countryside and its people. Due to the indiscriminate use of a cocktail of agrotoxics, a wave of illnesses is sweeping through Paraguayan peasant families, on top of the poverty that condemns this population under siege by mechanized monocultures. The government has closed its eyes shut to this genocide, refusing to correlate these deaths and illnesses to the model of production of genetically modified soy. This situation extends to the whole of Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina, where every day there are more cases of children and adults who suffer respiratory problems and serious chronic illness, with little or no condemnation from official quarters. The soybean Agrobusiness is powerful and the agroexport model is a state policy which is neither discussed nor challenged in the South. In this sense the struggle of Petrona Villasboa together with CONAMURI in search of justice for the murder of Silvino is a reference and a benchmark for thousands of families affected by agrotoxics. Faced with this situation of injustice and impunity, despite the enormous efforts undertaken so far to obtain an answer from the Paraguayan justice system; we ask for national and international solidarity of sister organizations, institutions and individuals to demand from the representatives of the judicial system and the government of Paraguay to see justice done for Silvino and his family. There is just a period of 6 weeks left before the court case is expired. We will be organizing actions and mobilizations throughout the month of November to achieve justice for Silvino Talavera. Dear friends, you can find out more information about this campaign in the Justice for Silvino Talavera website as well as being able to publish your thoughts, support messages and signatures to this call out. In Solidarity, CONAMURI and the Support group for the Silvino Talavera campaign,CODEHUP, SOBREVIVENCIA, CECTEC, BASEIS, ALTERVIDA, CEIDRA, ASEED- Europe, Social Equity in Environmental Decisions (SEEDS) GRR- Argentina. For a list of official addresses to send messages expressing your opposition and support, see the end of this message. For more information see: http://www.silvinotalavera.phy.ca or in english, http://www.aseed.net or email conamuri@rieder.net.py/ baseis@baseis.org.py For info in english, dutch, italian, french and german email: nina@corporateeurope.org
| hier de brief zelf | emmo - 28.10.2006 23:17
Please send letters and messages addressed to the following, with copy (cc:) to conamuri@rieder.net.py PRESIDENT OF THE SUPREME COURT OF JUSTICE Dr. Raul Kirmse Towers Telephone/Fax: +595 21 425 493 email: eticajudicial@pj.gov.py With Copy to: PRESIDENT OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION - CHAMBER OF SENATORS Ana Maria Juanita Mendoza de Acha email: amendoza@senado.gov.py VICE-PRESIDENT Candido Vera Bejarano email: vbejarano@senado.gov.py RELATOR Jose Nicholas Morínigo email: Alcarazjnmorinigo@senado.gov.py AND email: ddhh@senado.gov.py ====== Dear Ministers, Consejo de Superintendencia de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, Republic of Paraguay We address you to voice our concern in relation to the case “Querella criminal c/ Lauro. A.Laustenlager y Hermann Schlender s/ producción de riesgos comunes y homicidio culposo en Pirapey”, which investigates the murder of the child Silvino Talavera, who died from acute poisoning after being sprayed with agrotoxics in 2003 by the soya producers Hermann Schlender and Alfred Laustenlager in Itapua, Paraguay. It has been over 3 years since the legal process started and up until today it has yet to be resolved; because the statutory time limit is due to expire, the case could be dropped this coming December, without the Paraguayan Justice System having delivered a veredict in the death of Silvino Talavera. In the state of Itapua, in 2003, Silvino Talavera was 11 years of age when he was sprayed with an agrotoxic cocktail used to fumigate “RoundUp Ready” soy fields. The spraying also contaminated the food that Silvino was carrying which consequently meant the poisoning of 22 members of his family. As well as Silvino, his sisters Sofía (13) and Patricia (2), had to be hospitalised during the following days due to the extreme exposure to agrotoxics that they had suffered. When the health of the children had stabilized they returned home, but again this family was exposed to more fumigations, this time by another soya growing neighbour. Silvino didn’t survive this second attack and died a few days later. Phenol, carbamatol and glysophate were found in the blood of the children . The whole family group is at present suffering from an ever worsening health profile due to the indiscriminate use of agrotoxins in the region. On the 11th of September this year, five month old Vidal Ocampos, son of Sofia Talavera (Silvino’s sister, now 17) also died. The baby died due to hydrocephalus, a deformity of the central nervous system related to agrotoxics exposure. The family has received incredible pressure to drop the court case, including death threats. In the first court case dealing with the death of Silvino Talavera in the year 2004, Hermann Schlender and Alfred Laustenlager were found guilty of manslaughter and production of risks to the public ( Article 203 criminal code ). The trial was quashed by a motion on the part of the condemned. A second trial in June that year pronounced a guilty verdict once more. Immediately, the soy producers appealed against the 2 year sentence again. The tribunal had 2 weeks to make a follow up declaration, according to artice 471 of the penal code process; however 15 months have passed without a decision on the case. This whole situation, in practice, implies a delay and denial of justice; it is extremely serious, as in addition to the death of a child, the natural means of sustenance and good health of his whole family have been terribly damaged. Enduring great difficulties, they have survived the profound after-effects of their own poisoning by agrotoxics, on top of the grief from the death of a young family member. Therefore we ask: - THAT the Supreme Court of Justice, in compliance with its own function as Superintendent’s Office ( Law n. 609/95 ), demands from the Appeal Court’s members under whose jurisdiction this case falls, to fulfill the duties established for the judges, that is, in this case, to resolve an appeal posed. - THAT the Supreme Court of Justice investigates the possible irregularities that are causing this unnecessary delay of justice for the family of Silvino Talavera. - THAT the Supreme Court of Justice intervenes by all means necessary to ensure that the murder of Silvino Talavera is not exempt from punishment and that a path begins to be traced towards the Right to live in a healthy environment being recognized as a Basic Human Right for each and every citizen, town, village dweller, peasant and indigenous men and women living on Paraguayan soil. We seize the opportunity to urge you to take under consideration the points exposed in this letter and above all, we beg you not to forget the many victims of agrochemical contamination who are spread all over Paraguay. Yours sincerely, us/nosotrxs
| Identiteit moordenaars bekendgemaakt | MM - 28.10.2006 23:24
 Oaxaca: confirma edil identidad de agresores en tiroteo
http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/384234.html Abel Santiago Zárate, regidor de Seguridad Pública, a la derecha, viste de camisa roja; la persona que aparece en tercer lugar–de izquierda a derecha-, es un habitante de la colonia Felipe Carrillo Puerto(Foto: Raúl Estrella) ... | pic from brads killer | s - 29.10.2006 18:50
 paramilitary swines hunting civilians in oaxaca, mexico  brads killer  brad A paramilitary hired thug has shot down New York City Indymedia journalist Bradley Will in Oaxaca, Mexico. Brad died before reaching the hospital, according to La Jornada. A photographer from the newspaper millenio diario, who was at Wills side, was shot in the foot and reported injured, his status unknown. Radio APPO, the radio of the Assembly Popular of the Oaxacan People, are reporting truckloads of armed paramilitaries entering the city. There are also calling for people to reinforce the thousands of barricades that have been constructed for months as part of the statewide teacher strike and popular uprising that has demanded the removal of PRI governor ulisis Ortiz Ruiz.
| Woensdag 1 nov: protest bij Mexicaanse ambas | Solidariteitscomite Steun het volk van Oaxaca - 31.10.2006 00:27
English, Spanish, Nederlands:
http://www.indymedia.nl/nl/2006/10/39995.shtml Woensdag 1 november: protest bij Mexicaanse ambassade Stop de moorden in Oaxaca! Wat begon als een lerarenstaking en een vreedzaam protest tegen corruptie in de Mexicaanse deelstaat Oaxaca, escaleert op dit moment in een bloedbad. Demonstreer op woensdag 1 november bij de Mexicaanse ambassade in Den Haag tegen de repressie in Oaxaca. Al sinds mei worden er in Oaxaca grootschalige demonstraties en bezettingen gehouden. De Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca (APPO), een coalitie van diverse sociale organisaties, strijdt voor het aftreden van gouverneurUlises Ruiz Ortiz. Zij beschuldigen de gouverneur van fraude, corruptie en het onderdrukken van de oppositie. Meerdere keren probeerde de politie dit protest op gewelddadige wijze te beëindigen. Inmiddels zijn minstens dertien mensen vermoord en honderden mensen gewond of vermist geraakt. Deze week kwam een onafhankelijke Amerikaanse journalist van Indymedia New York om het leven. Deze gebeurtenissen zijn voor President Fox een excuus om groen licht gegeven aan het leger om massaal naar Oaxaca te trekken. Dat kan alleen maar tot verdere escalatie leiden. De bevolking van Oaxaca doet een wereldwijde oproep om te protesteren tegen het geweld door de federale politie en paramilitairen. Erwordt opgeroepen massaal de straat op te gaan met portretten van deslachtoffers en bloemen. Uit protest tegen de aanval op de bevolking van Oaxaca roepen wij iedereenop voor een protestbijeenkomst bij de Mexicaanse ambassade in Nederland. DATUM + TIJD + LOCATIE: Woensdag 1 november a.s. om 11:00 Nassauplein 28 Den Haag Neem mee: goed lawaai-materiaal, spandoeken, bloemen en foto’s van de overledenen. Mensen uit Amsterdam: om 9:15 uur verzamelen op het centraal station bij de taxi-ingang. Als je niet kunt komen maar je bent bezorgd: Alarmlijn ambassade:06-10885120 !!!!!!! 24 uur bereikbaar. Solidariteitscomite Steun het volk van Oaxaca steunoaxaca@gmail.com - E-Mail: steunoaxaca@gmail.com | adios Brad | Suzanne - 01.11.2006 18:24
Ik ontmoette Brad in de bus van Porto Alegre naar Sao Paolo na afloop van het forum social mundial van 2005. Een beetje gek maar een zeer gedreven journalist. Later troffen we elkaar weer in La Paz, Bolivia waar hij me de oren van mijn hoofd vroeg over de politieke situatie op dat moment. Toen ik hoorde van de neergeschoten journalist, wist ik gelijk dat hij het was. In Bolivia herdenken ze nu de doden van de opstanden in oktober 2003, in Mexico gebeurt opnieuw hetzelfde. Paramilitairen, burgerdoden en een regering doof en blind voor de stem van het volk. Leve de vrije pers en fuerza para Oaxaca!
E-Mail: suzanne@ojala.nl | |
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