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Indymedia journalist shot dead by paramilitar UK Indymedia - 28.10.2006 13:23
'Bradley Will, 36, a documentary filmmaker and reporter for Indymedia New York in Mexico, Bolivia and Brazil, died today of a gunshot to the chest when pro-government attackers opened fire on a barricade in the neighborhood of Santa Lucia El Camino, on the outskirts of Oaxaca, Mexico. He died with his video camera in his hands.' (source: Narconews) Brad had been in Oaxaca taking video and reporting on the state wide popular uprising and teacher strike that began in June with the violent attempted removal of the striking teachers from their encampment in the center of Oaxaca City by federal police forces. 3 others were also killed alongside him (making 4 dead in total); 1 member of Radio Universidad was also injured: he was taken to the hospital in a volkswagen van as police would not let any ambulances come. Since the beginning of the strike in June, teachers and other groups have formed the APPO - the Popular Assembly of the Oaxacan People - and have called for the removal of the governor of state Ulises Ruiz of the PRI. There is a long history of Mexico using government sponsored paramilitaries to repress social movements, including a massacre of hundreds of students in Mexico City in 1968. As reports of protesters surrounded by armed government forces and police continue to pour in, activists in cities around the world are planning protests at Mexican embassies in outcry against the violent aggression against the people of Oaxaca. Links: Last Communique from NYC Indymedia Journalist Brad Will | NYC Indymedia | UK Indymedia | IMC Mexico | Narco News | CML | La Jornada  Brad Will's death has been confirmed by La Jornada (Mexico) and Radio APPO Oaxaca. A photographer from the newspaper Milenio Diario, who was at Will's side, was shot in the foot and reportedly injured, his status currently unknown. Radio APPO, the radio of the Popular Assembly of the Oaxacan People, is reporting truckloads of armed paramilitaries entering the city. They are calling for people to reinforce the thousands of barricades that have been constructed for months as part of the statewide teachers' strike and popular uprising that has demanded the removal of PRI governor Ulisis Ortiz Ruiz. As reported on the global Indymedia site, Brad was at the Santa Lucia Barricade and was shot from a distance of 30-40 meters right in the pit of the stomach. They say it was urban paramilitary PRI-istas in plain clothes who shot him. People then pulled him away to safety, however it is confirmed that he is dead; his body is at the Red Cross in Oaxaca. Articles: NYC Indymedia volunteer Brad Will killed in attack by Paramilitaries in Oaxaca | Brad Will, New York Documentary Filmmaker and Indymedia Reporter, Assassinated by Pro-Government Gunshot in Oaxaca While Reporting the Story | NYC indymedia journalist was killed by police or paramilitaries according to locals; oaxacans remain under violent siege | NYC Indymedia journalist Brad Will shot dead by government forces in Oaxaca | Journalist dies in Mexico protest Previous feature article: Hundreds of thousands protested against government and police violence in Oaxaca UK newswire: news about mexico, a photograper of indymedia was killed | Troops threat to protestors in Oaxaca, Mexico | Bilingual Bulletin from Oaxaca | Bullets and Barricades in Oaxaca, Mexico | Two Days in the Life of Oaxaca's Revolution | COURAGE AND RESISTANCE IN OAXACA AND MEXICO CITY | The situation tonight in Oaxaca, Mexico | Read more on the Zapatista topic page |
Lees meer over: media vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Updates | UK Indymedia - 28.10.2006 15:02
Updates 27/10/06: (i) It was been confirmed that Oswaldo Ramírez, photographer for Milenio Diario, has also been shot and is injured. (ii) According to a post at CML at 23:06 local time the murderer of Brad Will has been identified as Pedro Carmona, a paramilitary who was the mayor of neighboorhood of Felipe Carrillo Puerto de Santa Lucía del Camino. (iii) The APPO has confirmed that schoolteacher Emilio Alfonso Fabián has died from three bullet wounds after an attack by shooters for Governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz. (iv) Al Giordano, a friend of Brad Will, wrote on Narco News: Tonight, from the Oaxaca City Morgue, Brad Will shouts "Ya Basta!" - Enough Already! - to the death and suffering imposed by an economic system, the capitalist system. His death will be avenged when that system is destroyed. And Brad Will's ultimate sacrifice exposes the Mexican regime for the brutal authoritarian violence that the Commercial Media hides from the world, and thus speeds the day that justice will come from below and sweep out the regimes of pain and repression that system requires. Brad gave his life tonight so that you and I could know the truth. We owe him to act upon it, and to share the risks that he took.
Some photos of the shooting Website: http://www.indymedia.org.uk | letter of IMC brasil imcer to brad | mun - 28.10.2006 17:03
original @ http://www.midiaindependente.org/pt/blue/2006/10/363250.shtml In the afternoon of this friday, 27th of October, we receive with a lot of sadness the news of the death of our companion Brad Will. i met brad at some stage in 2002 during the global resistance movilisations. brad had been evicted from an occupation in Nove Iorque sued the cops and with the money he recieved went on a long trip around latin america. After this trip in 2002 there would be others, closely following important events in the continent in these last years. The mobilisation against multilateral organisms in Fortaleza and Quito, the resistance of the movement of the homeless in Goiania; the mobilisations of the Aymara in El Alto, Bolivia, the road blocks and the popular assemblies in Argentina, and finally the Oaxaca Commune, Mexico. Brad was chasing the history of our continent, and his death, apparently by the paramilitary forces that were repressing the commune, is a painful injustice. Every death appears unexplainable for the ones that remain, but the death of a young person, being assassinated and dying for one's beliefs in specially unforgivable. the death of Brad doesn't stop being worthy of the choices he undertook. Brad died trying to show the world what the mass media doesn't show. he died supporting the compañeros of Oaxaca who have been building a direct democracy. he died in Latin america which is where his hope was. If he had chosen a place, a cause and an circumstance, he would possibly have chosen to die like this: in Oaxaca, in Latin America, in the defense of a revolutionary process and with a camera in one of his hands. greetings, comarade, greetings! | Brad, vaarwel | Carla - 28.10.2006 21:35
We hebben Brad leren kennen in de tijd dat we in Oaxaca waren, begin oktober. Brad was een gedreven journalist en een erg aardig iemand. Ik ben ontzettend geschrokken door zijn dood. Natuurlijk wisten we dat er risico s waren aan ons verblijf in Oaxaca. Maar toch... Brad is gericht doodgeschoten geworden door paramilitairen. Ik weet niet zo goed wat nog meer te schrijven. Brad, we zullen aan je blijven denken|
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