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Federale politie/leger klaar voor aanval op Oaxaca MM - 29.10.2006 19:11
Federale politie en leger staat op alle 4 toegangswegen rond Oaxaca en wacht slechts op de definitieve order van Fox. Een overzicht van recente ontwikkelingen + bronnen voor het allerlaatse internet nieuws. De PFP; Policia Federal Preventiva (je zou zeggen ME, maar dan een iets meer militaire versie), staat oog in oog rondom Oaxaca en wachten slechts op definitieve orders. "tanks" zouden er ook zijn met daarachter bulldozers. Maar waarschijnlijk worden pansterwagens bedoeld. Verder vloog er een helicopter over het centrum. Er is een groep van APPO die niet van plan is weg te lopen en zal verdedigen, ook al weten ze dat ze geen schijn van kans hebben. Sommigen denken dat er nog een laatste onderhandelings ronde zal zijn. Ook heeft president Fox natuurlijk de wind van voren gekregen van de USA ambassadeur. Die zei als een van de eersten dat het waarschijnlijk locale politie was die Brad vermoorde. En nu is bevestigd wie het zijn. Dus om nu militair in te grijpen, is internationaal niet zo gewenst. (Heel jammer dat deze zaken ook gebruikt worden om een muur tussen de USA en Mexico te bouwen, terwijl het nu juist eerder de CIA & NAFTA & EU politiek was om deze APPO 'revolutie' en tevens de verkiezings overwinning van de socialistische PRD-er Lopez Obrador, in beginsel te smoren) Evenmin nationaal gewenst, gezien de verkiezingsfraude waarmee Calderon op 1 december nationaal moet zien aan te treden, zonder regelrechte volksopstand. En APPO is momenteel enigzins succesvol naar andere staten aan het exporteren. Dat terwijl men in de andere staten inmiddels ruimschoots kennis genomen heeft van de problemen en moorden in Oaxaca. Anderen denken weer dat Fox bij klaarlichte dag politie en leger laat komen. Dat geeft de APPO de tijd om zich terug te trekken, i.t.t. een aanval bij nacht. Of dat maandag de dag zal zijn van de aanval/binnenkomst, omdat er nog meer troepen onderweg zijn. In ieder geval zijn alle 4 toegangswegen tot Oaxaca-stad 'geblokkeerd'(?) door PFP eenheden. ======= Volg het laatste nieuws over Oaxaca zelf: OaxacaStudyActionGroup (English &some Spanish)
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oaxacastudyactiongroup/messages (messages below are the latest!) English:
http://news.google.com/news?ned=us&q=oaxaca&scoring=d Change back to sorted by "relevance" from "date" in the right above corner, if you're looking for some structure and not the real latest minute-to-minute news that drops in! Spanish (mostly more actual):
http://news.google.com/news?hl=es&ned=es_mx&q=oaxaca&scoring=d |
Lees meer over: Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten wereldcrisis | aanvullingen |  | bulldozers met waterkanon | MM - 29.10.2006 19:18
"tanks" zouden er ook zijn met daarachter bulldozers... = bulldozers met waterkanon! | Radio APPO live wereldwijd! | Vrij Radiootje - 29.10.2006 23:56
Luister Radio APPO, vanuit het belegerde gebied in Oaxaca!
http://icecast.freeteam.nl:8000/appu.mp3.m3u (24 kbps Mp3 audio) Wereldwijd wordt deze livestream gerelayed op verschillende radiostations en servers. Zondagavond is ook een mirror livestream opgezet op de Nederlandse vrije radio streamserver Freeteam. Op deze nieuwe Radio APPO livestream zaten binnen enkele uren al bijna 1000 luisteraars! Live vertalingen in het engels op IRC kanaal #radioappo , server irc.indymedia.org ( Svp niet chatten, maar alleen lezen in dit IRC kanaal, om het daar overzichtelijk te houden!) Chatten kan kan op de kanalen #nl (Nederlandstalig indymedia kanaal), #kroeg (off-topic geklets) en #indymedia (meestal engelstalig) Website: http:// http://chat.indymedia.org/?chans=nl,kroeg,indymedia,radioappo | AANVAL IN VOLLE GANG | MM - 30.10.2006 00:40
 Weinig tegenstand SEE ABOVE -/^ NEWSLINKS FOR LATEST Pic's belong to this new article:
http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/166936/7/rebeldes/retirada/oaxaca/ ================ Subject: [oaxacastudyactiongroup] 5:15 (Nancy) The areas presently under attack are the technological institute and the zocalo, where a pincer is gradually trapping people inside. Radio universidad is calling for people to defend the station. Several vehicles of PFP are moving toward that area. The PFP helicopters are again firing tear gas, indiscriminately on the concenetration of people in the zocalo. The reconnaissance flights today must have paid off, they are approaching in several areas in coordinated attack. ================ OSAG post from "Jan Norden": Oaxaca Is Burning W Radio México is reporting live from Oaxaca that the population was not letting the federal police (PFP) enter the city. In one case, a group of 150 police were surrounded by at least 1,000 people chanting “Ulises cayó, ya cayó, ya cayó, Ulises ya cayó” (Ulises Ruiz, the governor, has fallen, the main slogan of the strike that has lasted more than five months). The radio announcers are saying that the situation is very delicate and the population has been blocking the police in four different directions. At about 3:30 p.m., Oaxaca time, it was reported there were “at least 15-20 cars burning” in the city center, as well as some tires. As of 4:32 p.m., Reforma (a major Mexico City daily) and Radio W are reporting that the PFP withdrew from the Zócalo after briefly occupying it. The APPO is occupying another part. On the radio we heard bells ringing (from the Government Palace). The announcer, with a literary sense, asked for whom the bells were tolling. The reporter replied, that’s the problem right now, we don’t know. The barricades in the city center were taken down yesterday evening, but the barricades on outskirts were reinforced. The government issued an ultimatum to the APPO to turn over the city, which the APPO refused, saying that they were not renouncing the demand for the removal of the governor, Ulises Ruiz, and they would not turn over anything. They said there would be a “moment of civil resistance,” at the same time as they instructed people not to attack the PFP. Now the governor is complaining that APPO went back on its word because they are resisting. When the police started moving from the airport toward the city center earlier this morning, people came out with banners and signs telling the police and army to leave. “Oaxaca no es un cuartel, ejército fuera” (Oaxaca is not a barracks, army get out) was one held by a father holding two children about 20 meters in front of a line of police. Supposedly the front lines of the police do not have firearms. There are seven tanquetas (armored personnel carriers) with water cannon and some tractors with shovels to remove barricades, but they have not been able to enter. Right now it sounds like there is a stand-off. The Fox government is claiming that they are not supporting “either side to the conflict.” So far there are no casualties or reports of weapons being used. You can get W Radio on the Internet at
http://www.wradio.com.mx/ Obviously, they are not particularly sympathetic to the strikers, but it seems to be more or less objective coverage. We have not been able to get Radio Universidad
http://www.uabjo.mx/radio/radioOnLine.php , which may mean that it has been knocked off the air. | Earlier 4pm report | MM - 30.10.2006 00:50
From Nancy Davies: Tear gas is being used in several place. Avoid it, and the police also. The APPO says the people are concentrating on the zocalo. The two important points are the zocalo and the Radio Universidad. Another report: " - 4:00 pm - The police commandered four city buses to enter the zocalo from the west side. The protestors at first confronted the police who were pushing their way to the zocalo in order to remove the planton. Eventually several young men in masks started pushing against the policeman's shields and the police did not react. This encouraged the crowd and more joined in pushing back the police and eventually succeeded in forcing the police to retreat four blocks from the zocalo. The crowd was shouting ya cayo, ya cayo quite loudly. The crowd popped the tires on the four city buses and then decided to use the buses to blockade the city streets north of the zocalo. The crowd is also quite chaotic and jumpy as marchers are entering the zocalo from Benito Juarez. Several burning vehicles are in the area including a pickup truck that exploded. Members of the movement have asked that protestors back away from the zocalo in order to avoid violence and conflict. Also on the south side of the zocalo police are forming a line and awaiting orders." | Radio Universidad 5.56 | MM - 30.10.2006 00:54
Subject: [oaxacastudyactiongroup] re Situation in Oaxaca, 5:56pm (post from "dean_gibbson") Eadio Universidad is transmitting
http://vientos.info/cml/?q=node/5916 They are calm but excited, calling for people to come to their aid... | De juiste webchatlink | Vrij Radiootje - 30.10.2006 01:22
Live vertalingen in het engels op IRC kanaal #radioappo , server irc.indymedia.org ( Svp niet chatten, maar alleen lezen in dit IRC kanaal, om het daar overzichtelijk te houden!) Chatten kan kan op de kanalen #nl (Nederlandstalig indymedia kanaal), #kroeg (off-topic geklets) en #indymedia (meestal engelstalig) Gebruik je eigen favoriete IRC client of via deze link kom je op de genoemde kanalen met een webbrowser: Website: http://chat.indymedia.org/?chans=nl,kroeg,indymedia,radioappo | kpfa Oaxaca transmission | MM - 30.10.2006 02:09
On your computer stream the KPFA 6PM news tonight (8PM Oaxaca time) to hear a Oaxaca update by our Sharon Hallas. => in half an hour from now(?)
| KPFA | MM - 30.10.2006 02:23
Confusing times; Oax, CA, Netherlands + winter time change... "The 8:00 report was just a few minutes, but reinforces what Nancy et al. have been reporting, e.g. the maneuvering of the people and the PFP, and ended by saying that the people in general came out today, not just the activists. Perhaps more during this hour, and then Sharon is on at 9 as previously reported." So another report in half an hour(?) in English AT the hour.
| 7 areas of fighting + father & son killed??? | MM - 30.10.2006 02:31
OSAG msg: Rumors fly, just heard from a friend in the centro that there is fighting in 7 areas of the city, a bus was taken and rammed in to one of the water tanks, and that a father and his 14 year old son have been killed.
| Radio Universidad back to air | MM - 30.10.2006 02:39
OSAG msg: Radio Zapote reports that the electricity was cut in the Cinco Senores area.....explaining why Radio Universidad was off the air. Now they are back on the air.... ->Seems to be this site(?):
http://www.uabjo.mx/ | pic's | MM - 30.10.2006 05:18
 Oaxaca tripple bus fire  PFP 'tanks'  Policia Federal Preventiva (Militair) A few of today's pics | 15 year old dead +50arrests +house searchings | MM - 30.10.2006 05:28
Federal police storm Mexico's embattled Oaxaca; 15-year-old killed
http://www.680news.com/news/international/article.jsp?content=w102961A "..A human rights worker said a 15-year-old protester was killed but authorities did not immediately confirm his death. ..." "...Protest spokesman Roberto Garcia said 50 of their supporters had been arrested and police were searching houses, looking for leaders of the unrest. Human rights worker Jesica Sanchez said the 15-year-old boy was killed when he was hit by a tear-gas canister. ..." Heard nothing from Nancy Davies and Georges Salzman (Narconews & OSAG) who live in Oaxaca, in the recent hours, what is strange. No posts anymore; hope they're not arrested, | APPO reports 2 other deaths | MM - 30.10.2006 06:31
APPO Reports Two Dead in Confrontations with Federal Police in Oaxaca
http://narcosphere.narconews.com/story/2006/10/29/233030/04 (Note: it is unclear whether the outage of Radio Universidad being reported here is a new outage, or the earlier outage due to power cut, after which the station returned to the air. --richard myers)
| Some PPO conversation: | MM - 30.10.2006 07:10
A rush translation is being provided on IRC at irc.indymedia.org, channel #radioappo and being uploaded to
http://www.oaxacarevolt.org/log.txt | PFP stopped advance? +25000 new protestors DF | MM - 30.10.2006 07:42
Subject: [oaxacastudyactiongroup] Victory? -"Dean Gibson" They are announcing victory because the PFP has stopped their advance! And a caravan of 25,000 is starting to march from DF! However, over 300 missing.........
| 3 nieuwe doden 'bevestigd' + betoging L.A. | MM - 30.10.2006 08:46
correction: over 30 missing. Source: APPO radio ===== Fwd: ALTO A LA REPRESION EN OAXACA!!! PROTESTAS SIGUEN--CONSULADO
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oaxacastudyactiongroup/message/1171 from K Flores Oproep betoging ambassade Mexico in L.A. De PFP kwam niet om de burgers te beschermen, maar de moordenaars van de PRI aan de macht te houden. Verder wordt er opnieuw gesproken van drie doden.
| oaxacarevolt.org | MM - 30.10.2006 09:22
http://www.oaxacarevolt.org veel info kwam daar vandaan; kwam ik zelf vrij laat achter; kreeg die ook secundair via OSAG!
| PFP used chemical-water mixture | MM - 30.10.2006 18:03
Dean from http://www.oaxacarevolt.org/ : Apparently the water sprayed a mixture of a chemical and water, that leaves a stinging sensation and a yellow stain on the skin, supposedly for later identification. The vehicles used were bought by Salinas in 1994 in expectation of the Zapatista rebellion, but were never used till now... source: Journalist for Radio UNAM, Miguel Angel Granados Chapa | |
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