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NOW-attack/evicton radio and APPO stronghold luna - 02.11.2006 16:48
the mexican government ocupation forces in oaxaca, the butchers of the federal police (PFP), the army and van fulls of armed paramilitaries. are attacking the APPO resistance stronghold, and host to Radio Universidad, radio resistance, apporadio - attacking the University. attack on autonomy and self organisation, against capitalism and fascism happeing NOW. the alarm was going to be sounded thru bell churches. when people went to do that, they pulled the ropes, but no sound came out. church gobernment supporters had removed the bit in the bell that strikes it. for what appo is about, their own statement:
http://www.asambleapopulardeoaxaca.com/ for what appo is about
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asamblea_popular_de_los_pueblos_de_Oaxaca radio appo under attack - listen live http://radio.indymedia.org:8000/appo.mp3.m3u
http://www.asambleapopulardeoaxaca.com/ CALL THE SON OF THE BITCH THAT YESTERDAY COME OUT IN THE DEMO IN FRON OF THE MEXICAN EMBASSY IN THE HAGUE AND GIVE HIM HELL. Embassy of Mexico in The Hague, Netherlands Burgemeester Patijnlaan 1930 2585cb La Haya, Países Bajos Phone: (31-70)3602900 |
Lees meer over: Oaxaca | aanvullingen | what happened before the attack | MM - 02.11.2006 19:28
PRI gangs organised to attack APPO
http://indymedia.nl/nl/2006/11/40134.shtml Subject started as PRI gangs organising, but during the night more news came about a possible comming attack on Radio Unversidad, what now turned out to be true. | Msgs since attack: last=first | (MM) OSAG - 02.11.2006 19:45
Those of you in the USA, Canada, Europe, Latin America, Australia, wherever, call right now to the Mexican authorities (Nancy) 8:07am: Radio Universidad anuncia que recibió disparos de la policía. Se dice que son paramilitares (Martha) ->Radio Universidad says they are paramilitaries who attack At noon it looks like the troops are landing helicopters on university property to invade the station. Invading an autonous university is a huge mistake on the part of Fox - People are gathered and resisitng with paint (throwing it on the armored cars), nails on the tires, gasoline (that sounds like fires). The military may be reinforcing, that's what they're saying but not verified --human rights observers, anybody with a camera or video should go, people are wounded and are being arrested. tear gas is all over Cinco Señores and the residents are taking to the streets. Tear gas was used durting the morning also. Sorriano area at Plaza del Valle is under attack, apparently there's a UABJO building there in the vicinity. Call is out for everyone to resist (Nancy) -shades of 1968 The war is on in Oaxaca. It began at 8:00 AM with the gathering of the PFP and an inflitartion of porros and state police in plain clothes.There are 5,000 PFP and many people if they're out there. The Rector of the universidad has called for unity and deonounced the federal gov. It is an autonomous community. The radio is calling for pacific resistance but since the feds are using tear gas the poeple are pissed off and the report is that they are starting to use rocks and sticks.Several people have been arrested and wounded, including three children. A helicopter is there and presumably may airlift people to the airport for getting them into custody. The barricades are up in Cinco Señores and the area surrounding University City. Most of the barricades are cars and barbed wire. Also calling for barricades at Santo Domingo where the APPO is camped (Nancy) 12:09.- La PFP anuncia que se retirara de C.U. Escrito por Prensa en Noticias [ http://www.asambleapopulardeoaxaca.com/boletines/] 12:09.- Por intermediación de la Iglesia Católica, la PFP anuncia que se replegara de Ciudad Universitaria. Estaremos informando si esto sucede, ya que por el momento continuan lanzando bombas de gas lacrimogeno y de color rojo, asi como las tanquetas de agua lanzan chorros sobre la UABJO, las casas y aun sobre Iglesias. ===== 12:09 - Through Catholic Church mediation the PFP has announced that it will leave the University grounds. We will inform you if this happens, since right now they keep throwing grenades of tear gas and a red gas, and the tanquetas keep throwing water against the University, the houses around it and even churches (Tomás) The war is on in Oaxaca. It began at 8:00 AM with the gathering of the PFP and an inflitartion of porros and state police in plain clothes.There are 5,000 PFP and many people if they're out there. The Rector of the universidad has called for unity and deonounced the federal gov. It is an autonomous community. The radio is calling for pacific resistance but since the feds are using tear gas the poeple are pissed off and the report is that they are starting to use rocks and sticks.Several people have been arrested and wounded, including three children. A helicopter is there and presumably may airlift people to the airport for getting them into custody. The barricades are up in Cinco Señores and the area surrounding University City. Most of the barricades are cars and barbed wire. Also calling for barricades at Santo Domingo where the APPO is camped (Nancy) current update 10:50 At 8:15 the PFp were grabbing people. Among them are three minor boys, in the company of one man aged 22. Tear gas was shot off, at the crucera de Cinco Señores. The radio called people to come to their defense. In belief that they were soon to be arrested (or worse) the radio announcers repeated the time and place of meetings, especially tomorrow AM at 11:00 for a massive march. University students are gathering at Radio Universidad. People are urged not to provoke incident with PFP. Vehicles gathered on all sides at (9:50 they were thought to be entering but that did not happen. People gathered, some being beaten. The recorr spoke twice by phone, urging the people to stat strong, and ended his call "hasta la victoria siempre". Two phone calls of support have come from Canada. the Poeple are advised to step back from the PFP at 10:45 those reporters and video filmers are kidnapped and apparently are being taken to airport. The PFP may be backed up by military -? Certainly they are infiltrated with PRI in plain clothes police and porros both. The crowd is building barricades and fortifying the side streets and shouting at the PFP. It looks to me like the face-off either could last for a while or explode at any moment --depends on the number of people who show up. The police aare using tear gas on the crowd again (Nancy) As best I can tell, the PFP is attacking Radio Universidad in Cinco Señores and capturing people off the street. They are shooting. Radio is boradcasting an appeal for help (Nancy) | Recent news + ANP false news | MM - 02.11.2006 20:06
The attack from minute to minute (Spanish)
http://vientos.info/cml/ English translation (delayed):
http://vientos.info/cml/?q=node/6185 FAR delayed (last evening): They could use some translation help, as they are a very valuabe newssource! ITS A MEDIA WAR; That was what is what it always was and is. So OFCOURSE tehy take this station out; the game is only about manipulating s called 'free-press' and so called 'democracy'. But these people are democratic: An assamblea means a peoples-tribunal; one vote, vote for vote, no real leaders who can be bought, manipulated and infiltrated. The Media belongs to societies who manipulate the people. Same for the Netherlands: The Dutch ANP belongs to family Fenteners van Vlissingen who connect to former right wing Dutch Orange BV prince Berhard who founded the Bilderberg Group and has fascist connections. That is why the offcicial Dutch press -only relaying the false ANP messages- didn't inform the Dutch public about the 3-4 murders by police force in the last attack on Sunday The Dutch are a people of collaborators, as they did with the Nazi's in WWII and they still are. But they should take down/over ANP for who aren't. => Radio Universidad stil transmitting. Police are going to confront demonstartors who march to Radio Universidad. | LIES | luna - 02.11.2006 20:14
ok, the police and church negociators made a deal where the PFP would stop their attack on the university and retrieve. immediatly after the announcemet. they were seen leaving. however they only did so to refill their water cannons ( which are so full of red chilli pepper that people sprayed are left with red faces- chemical attack ) they immediatly have come back, supported by the socalled Ministerial Police. they are armed with conventional weapons too. they drop a 707 cartridge 7.62 mm caliber. they ahave already been shooting live ammunition against people. so they have absolutly NOT retrieved their presence and we have not won this push yet. keep the preassure up. oaxaca somos todos. a freem media reporter, mexican, mario, who has been beaten. has one broken arm and his head is split. other free and independent reporters injured. | non-IRC live translations! | (MM) WW - 02.11.2006 21:20
Problems with IRC, try this now (&IRC later):
http://www.iteration.org/radioappo.txt Refreshes every 20 seconds I've been lurking here since Friday morning pretty much nonstop I haven't bothered to post as you folks in Oaxaca have enough on your plate. I've been reposting everything at Democraticunderground.com My home website. You have many friends here. Not much more I can do here in Tennessee (from WW) | One dead, at least one severely wounded | (MM) Dean - 02.11.2006 21:23
Asking people to put bed sheets underneath where helicopters will land, so will get sucked up into rotors. More water cannon trucks are advancing. The injured man is Angel Santos Gailegos, University professor. Cruz Roja isnt responding, so they are trying to transport him to a hospital. source: radio Universidad Radio Zapatista, announcing the death of a compañero in Cinco Senores | wounded,choppers, reporters arrested&attacked | (MM) Nancy - 02.11.2006 21:33
This is as bad as we could imagine. The APPO people in the Santo Domingo area are moblizing. The military is backing the PFP with heavy weapons. The gas attacks are everywhere. Children have been injured and according to reports, abducted by helicopters. The first report, probably more accurate, is that arrested people get loaded into helicopters to be taken to the airport, that was the case yesterday. Especially people with videos and cameras get grabbed or shot. All-out resistance is underway. More helicopters are arriving. The rumor that Fox ordered the PFP to back off appears false. The radio is calling for an ambulance at 1:50, someone badly wounded. A confrontation is taking place between the people and the PFP at 1:45. | Police retreats and is surrounded | MM - 02.11.2006 22:49
First battle won! + masses of people walking East on Mata, in the direction of the university. I couldn't make a count as I could only see part of the street, but it as a continuous thread of people for at least ten or fifteen minutes. I assume they're near the Mata/Universidad intersection by now (CK) Radio U reports the sighting. They see the march approaching.
| older msg: wounded arrested at hospital | (MM) Dean - 02.11.2006 23:09
Reports are that the Cruz Roja Mexicana in Oaxaca isnt answering emergency calls, and the hospitals are also not attending the injured, but instead they are being arrested! source: radio zapatista | |
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