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Nobel's Explosive Peace Prize Henk Ruyssenaars - Former Scandinavia corresp - 03.11.2006 17:02
She was the daughter of a pro Allende politician and wept. She told me she had lost count of Pinochet's gang raping her, and woke up 'corked with a bottle'. But the terror group let her live and waddle home. Kissinger, who also planned the rape of Chile with the CIA, that same month in 1973 was awarded Nobel's Peace Prize. THE OTHER SIDE OF THE NOBEL MEDAL Wealth from Nobel's Baku oil fields is still turning blood into gold. FPF - Amsterdam/Stockholm - November 3d - 2006 - What he read in all nasty obituaries after his death; truths that now could be said and written about him concerning his life and the huge profits from his weapons factories and dynamite, didn't make Alfred Bernhard Nobel happy at all. Fact is that some French and Swedish media in the 1890's were mistaken: the rumor of Nobel's death had been exaggerated and he was still very much alive and in business. SO ALFRED NOBEL GOT HIS PR PEOPLE TOGETHER AND CREATED HIS PEACE IMAGE. At the time Nobel - apart from factories in Sweden, Germany and the US - also had worked in his laboratories in Sevran, just outside of Paris. Getting richer and richer all the time, because the by him invented and patented dynamite sold like hot cakes and already was used globally in local armed conflicts and wars. But the explosives also were used in construction, in mines, in the building industry etc. Now Nobel and his spin doctors wanted people to only think about the constructive part, and think in a positive way. And Nobel succeeded, with the help from his friends in the global media. The name Nobel was connected to peace and the other Nobel Prizes, but not to reality. Publicity was as much as was possible suppressed concerning the horrors brought upon mankind by the explosives, ammunitions and weapons of all kind also made by Nobel's Bofors factories. DYNAMITE AND OIL FINANCED THE $MILLIONS NOBEL PRIZE FUND. The PR trick was simple: ''Think Panama canal or Simplon tunnel!'' - Or: "Think of how we made the Suez Canal." - as my great grandfather often said, who, as the Dutch 'grand vizier' in the area, assisted Ferdinand de Lesseps in building the Suez canal. No need anymore to ship cargo - including oil - around Africa anymore. It was cheaper and faster: ''Think positive about Nobel." was the message. Instead of thinking about all the battlefields and blood drenched trenches of the grueling wars, with millions of human beings blown to bits, losing lives and limbs, crippling and blinding many others. The suffering was - and is - immense and inhuman. Millions of young people which were - and still are - abused as cannon fodder, or - as Heinrich Kissinger called them: "dumb animals to be used." But those were millions of men and a lot of women who would never return home. Millions who would never see their parents nor children again. They were killed and maimed everywhere in all the armed conflicts in which they were sacrificed for the London warlords and the warmongers quest for power and profit.* And dynamite and the other weapons from Nobel's Bofors factories showed not only to be very effective, but were - and are - very profitable as well in the global weapons trade. And the Bofors factories are still managed by the same group of people. Call it what you feel like, brainwashing, a cover up or distortion of reality: but the obituaries later on - and maybe Nobel's bad conscience - fared very well by the PR actions. And - with repeated help from all friends in the global media - 110 years later the 'peace' cover still works the Orwellian way as was intended: War is Peace! is the fake's slogan. It is by the way not clear why Nobel decided that the Peace Prize be awarded by a Norwegian committee. The wishful thinking in Oslo is that Nobel favored the Norwegian parliament's ideas trying to find peaceful solutions to international armed conflicts. But still - and in Oslo chairwoman Åsa Lionäs later on confirmed that 'it was a dreadful mistake' - the Peace Prize was awarded in 1973 to one of the worst war criminals on earth, Henry Kissinger. Who by the way didn't dare to pick up the prize: the people would have lynched him.* Vietnamese Le Duc Tho refused the Nobel Peace Prize he was supposed to share with serial killer Kissinger - diploma, medal and money - as he did not believe peace had been reached in Vietnam. "It violates my honor." Le Duc Tho said. And much more was violated. The American war machine was still there, further slaughtering people as farmers do with useless animals, and among other techniques using dynamite sticks to blow up the Vietnamese resistance's tunnel systems. With the people and their wounded in it. Destroying people and land ''in order to save it''? Save what? And for whom? PRIZE WINNER CHURCHILL AND THE BRITISH CONCENTRATION CAMPS Whiskey guzzling and cigar chain smoker Winston Churchill, as a wealthy and biased 'war reporter' for the Morning Post in England 'covering' the Boer war in by the British usurped South Africa, thought the 'concentration camps' they had invented there were OK.* Even if a lot of human beings suffered and died, which also the International Red Cross protested against; the concentration camps in the English press were described as 'a good solution'. Leaving the question again: 'good' for whom? But, as is known, the Nobel Prizes always have been used in and for politics - and thus Churchill got a Literature Nobel Prize anyhow. The concentration camps disappeared in the memory hole until they reappeared in the Holocaust* of the jews again. And Churchill, as it was justified: ''won the 1953 Nobel Prize in Literature for his many books on English and world history. Sir Winston Churchill was voted the greatest ever Briton in the 2002 BBC poll The 100 Greatest Britons."* WEALTH FROM THE BAKU OIL FIELDS ARE STILL GUSHING GOLD, AND THOSE WHO HOLD THE GOLD HOLD THE POWER. So Nobel, who thought the obituaries were too bad on him, like many others rewrote history. Nobel's PR people decided that not too much ought to be said about the family's background in Russia, nor concerning father Immanuel Nobel's making of all kinds of weapons - underwater mines and torpedoes too - for the Tzar's Russian army. It was, and is, also remarkably quiet in the global media concerning the enormous wealth which was gathered by the Nobel brothers with their company in the Baku oil fields in Azerbaijan. As the (President Putin disliking) Russian paper 'Kommersant' - now owned by 'Robber Baron' Alisher Usmanov, an Uzbek-born Russian oligarch and president of Gazprominvestholding - wrote: "A significant portion of funding for the Prize can also be traced to Azerbaijan. Alfred's brothers, Robert and Ludvig, owned the Nobel Brothers' Petroleum Company at the time when Baku was producing more than 50% of the world's oil. As Alfred was the largest single shareholder in the company, it is said that the decision to allow the withdrawal of his shares from Baku (a reported 12% of the Prize Fund) enabled the awards to be established." - [ http://tinyurl.com/yxvhcj] - The oil fields are still gushing gold via old and many new pipelines, which are still fought about - and against - with explosives. Apparently people are still thinking that dynamite makes right. The earlier called 'Seven Sisters' - the criminal multinational oil companies - are still fighting 'the Russian Bear' after failing to steal major Russian energy sources like Yukos - [ http://tinyurl.com/7nc8b] - and now also fight the massively emerging 'Chinese Dragon' everywhere on earth where oil or other energy resources are. Anywhere where their 'killing and drilling' is profitable to the managers and their collaborators, including the share-holders. It is of course never profitable for the legal owners, the local populations. Which, if they dare to demonstrate, are made to shut up; many times forever. Like SHELL exterminating the Ogoni people in Nigeria, to name just one out of many inhuman examples.* - Or the US/Israeli war machine sending twenty thousand more heavily armed troops - which they call 'peace keepers' to the rich oil fields of Darfur in Sudan. One can see the same usurping system everywhere: first you create the problem, than you insist upon solving it. Whether people and government in a country want it or not. The UN's and/or NATO forces always use 'humanitarian help' and supporting propaganda by their media megaphones as the fig leaf for the invasions. In 99% of the cases these are all 'false flag' operations, from the top of the pole to the bottom. And as I said earlier, the 'Project for a New American Century' is sinking so fast that only the blood besmirched US/Israeli false flag is still visible above the ruins in many countries. Waving limply over the genocides, the immense killing fields, it's mass grave and cemeteries. But it has attracted the globally growing waves of the intense contempt of billions of human beings who abhor what they see and what has been done to them. And they strike back. Even if their resistance is called 'terrorism': it's their legal right and plight. Everywhere on earth. But, the big deal for Alfred Nobel was to turn around his bad image of being a 'killing scientist and war profiteer' - as he had read in the obituaries - into the 'noble inventor and scientist' who 'advocated peace'. Mid-european Bertha Kinsky, later von Suttner, in vain tried to convince the dynamiter of the advantages for mankind of peace, and since it fitted the peace image - and strongly supported by the usual brainwashing - it worked. So when Alfred Nobel got a heart attack on December 10th, 1896, and died in his villa in San Remo in Italy, the obituaries were a lot better. Best were of course those published in his friends global media. But the destruction of human beings and many countries by the group's US war machine is 110 years later only getting worse. The six-hundred-and-fiftyfive-thousand dead in Iraq alone are evidence enough of the US war machine's malignancy. And again the sell outs, the Judasses in the mainstream media as their Masters Voices keep rewriting and fixing the facts for the by their bosses wished history. As if it is a Nobel obituary. THE GREAT NOBEL PEACE PRIZE CONCERT IN OSLO* The above mentioned facts again however will be drowned in a tsunami of (some very good) music during the great Nobel Peace Prize concert in Oslo on Monday December 11th 2006. The day after this year's honoree, Bangladeshi professor Muhammad Yunus, has received the Peace Prize. This multi-millionair's Grameen Bank's innovative micro credit program is said to have helped the cause of economic and social development in Bangladesh and beyond. And, as Geir Lundestad, Secretary of the Norwegian Nobel Committee said: ''That will help spread the positive message manifested by the Nobel Peace Prize throughout the world.'' The friends in the mainstream media will see to it that the Nobel Peace Prize Award and the Nobel concert are broadcasted live to more than 100 countries around the world. That's how it works. And people 'know' it is true: ''Because I have seen it on TV!" - It shows the lobotomizing effect of the mainstream media propaganda. And, just in case you didn't know: what you read in the in 1962 first published novel by the famous Ken Kesey, or later on saw in the 1975 made movie "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" - with Jack Nicholson - was all true. Not only that, it's worse: the mad medic who invented lobotomy even got a Nobel Prize in Medicine for it... PUNCHING AN ICE PICK INTO THE BRAIN ABOVE THE EYE SOCKET Now relatives of patients who underwent the mutilating procedure want the Nobel Prize revoked. According to an AP story last year they are pushing the Nobel Foundation to posthumously strip the prize given to the lobotomy's pioneer, Portuguese neurologist Egas Moniz in 1949.* He was awarded the Nobel Prize even if already by the late 1930's doctors were reporting that many lobotomy patients were left childlike, apathetic and withdrawn. Rosemary Kennedy for instance, former President Kennedy's mildly retarded sister, was one of many. She had a lobotomy in the 1940's at age 23 after which she was totally incapacitated for the rest of her life. The nice young men in their clean white coats were coming to take her away, and she remained locked up in an institution until she died on January 7th in 2005. Other doctors used a more primitive version than Moniz, punching an ice pick into the brain above the eye socket and blindly manipulating it to sever nerve fibers. Anyhow, Moniz got the Nobel Prize in medicine, but he was shot and paralyzed by a disgruntled patient, and his lobotomy operation understandably fell into disrepute. In Stockholm the Nobel Institute and Karolinska Institutet, awarding the Medicine Prizes, think about the matter... WHY NOT ASK THE PEOPLE IN HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI Alfred Nobel, for the by him developed dynamite and it's use against humanity, always offered the same lame and bad excuse as the 'Manhattan Project' madmen: Robert Oppenheimer's 'Dr. Strangeloves' making the nuclear bombs 50 years later also would use: ''This weapon will be so horribly strong that it will function as a deterrent. With such a destructive power at hand nobody will ever again dare to make war.'' They lied. For a reality check they could ask the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki who were hit by their nukes. Or look at US tanks or ammunition of all calibers and sizes, enforced with so called 'depleted uranium' and 'suiciding' mankind in the global radioactive radiation poisoning going on now.* Explosives are day and night raining down on people, and their life isn't worth a dime. Only their oil or other natural resources, whereas they are 'collateral damage'. And more than ever before power and profit is the Great Game and the Great Prize. When next December 10th in Oslo the Peace Prize is the usual center of global media attention, the mantra will be repeated that Alfred Nobel's Prize is symbolizing Peace. But the truth is that this so called 'peace' for centuries has been exploding all around the globe. Showing that the base of Nobel's Peace Prize is not so noble at all. It's a racket called war. Henk Ruyssenaars RELATED: ALFRED BERNHARD NOBEL was a Swedish chemist, engineer, innovator, armaments manufacturer and the inventor of dynamite. He owned Bofors, a major armaments manufacturer, which he had redirected from its previous role as an iron and steel mill. In his last will, he used his enormous fortune to institute the Nobel Prizes. - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Nobel 2006 NOBEL PEACE PRIZE CONCERT - Url.: http://thecelebritycafe.com/features/7977.html NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVE HERITAGE STILL IN THE SAME HANDS - SWEDEN: NOT ONLY SEX, SIN & SMÖRGÅSBORD - After an election the 'Volvo' 5 weeks ago changed color from reddish to blatant blue, but is still made and driven by the same group. - Url.: http://www.cemab.be/news/2006/09/1971_comment.php THE LONDON WAR LORDS & THE EVIL EMPIRE - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/hcrg7 ALFRED NOBEL'S WILL - NOBEL INSTITUTE/ORGANISATION - Url.: http://nobelprize.org/alfred_nobel/will/will-full.html THE NOT-SO-NOBLE PRIZE - ASIAMEDIA - Monday, October 30, 2006 - An economist won the Nobel Peace Prize, but Vinay Lal is waiting for the day when a peace activist wins the Nobel Prize in economics. - Url.: http://www.asiamedia.ucla.edu/columns.asp?parentid=56707 CONCENTRATION CAMPS IN SOUTH AFRICA AND THE BOER WAR - article with documentation - Url.: http://library.stanford.edu/africa/boers.html KILLING AND DRILLING - SHELL and the Seven Sisters have blood on their hands - Url.: http://tinyurl.com/ybhfoc KISSINGER DIDN'T EVEN DARE TO PICK UP THE PEACE PRIZE - Url.: http://beirut.indymedia.org/ar/2005/12/3538.shtml RELATIVES OF LOBOTOMY PATIENTS WANT NOBEL PRIZE REVOKED - Associated Press - 14 July 2005 - Url.: http://www.livescience.com/humanbiology/ap_050714_lobotomy.html NOBEL PRIZE FOR LOBOTOMY - 1949: PROFESSOR EGAS MONIZ won the first Nobel Prize in Medicine for Portugal for developing the techniques of lobotomy, lobectomy and angiography. - The Odyssey of the Portuguese Jews - Url.: http://www.apol.net/dightonrock/odyssey_of_port_jews.htm PULITZER PRIZE FOR A HOLOCAUST DENIER - Url.: http://www.cemab.be/print.php?id=1360 GLOBAL POISONING BY DU TOO - Who makes us commit suicide? - Global suicide? - Url.:
http://melbourne.indymedia.org/news/2006/10/128567.php AFTER NOBEL THE GROUP STARTED ON THE 'MANHATTAN PROJECT' - Url.: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_Project * The Dutch author this far has lived and worked abroad - never in an English speaking country - for more than 4 decades for international media as an independent foreign correspondent, of which 10 years - also during Gulf War I - in the Arab World and the Middle East. Seeing worldwide that every bullet and every bomb breeds more terrorism! * FPF-COPYRIGHT NOTICE - In accordance with Title 17 U. S. C. Section 107 - any copyrighted work in this message is distributed by the Foreign Press Foundation under fair use, without profit or payment, to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the information. Url.: http://liimirror.warwick.ac.uk/uscode/17/107.html FOREIGN PRESS FOUNDATION Editor: Henk Ruyssenaars
http://tinyurl.com/gpr4j The Netherlands
fpf@chello.nl -0- E-Mail: fpf@chello.nl Website: http://beirut.indymedia.org/ar/2005/12/3538.shtml |
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