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Oaxaca, help radio in de lucht te houden Grassrootsprojects - 04.11.2006 23:56
Hierbij een verzoek van mensen in Oaxaca. Het telecomdepartment van de Mexicaanse overheid probeert het signaal van Radio Universidad te blokkeren. Radio Universidad is de radiozender van APPO. Op dit moment wordt de programma´s ook via een paar lokale radiostations en wat internetsites doorgezonden, zodat de boodschap voor iedereen toegankelijk blijft. Het verzoek is om naar de homepage van de SCT te gaan en hen, via de mogelijkheid ´denuncias´ te zeggen dat ze moeten stoppen het signaal te blokkeren. En natuurlijk Radio Universidad op veel plekken beluisterbaar maken! Website: http://www.grassrootsprojects.com |
Lees meer over: Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | uit dit artikel zijn aanvullingen verplaatst naar de ruispagina |  | Zeer zware slag vandaag; alles wijst daarop? | MM - 05.11.2006 09:43
It's difficult to predict the future, but all ingredients are there: Appr. 40.000 -or this time maybe much more- demonstrators for the new "Mega Marcha" tomorrow, of whom part want's to reclaim the by miltary PFP police force lost barricades. The powerfull PRD party, who probably won the elections before fraud, supports this demo for the first time. Militaries and police enforcements have been flown by DC planes into Oaxaca airport today and new PFP convoys came also. Right now there might be as many as, or more than: 10.000 military PFP police + local PRI police + Militaries + PRI gangs + Paramilitary Zeta's, availabe. (not all of them at the scene!) Caravans of autobusses and the characteristic heavily overloaded pickups full of Mexicans, were stopped by PFP and searched and photographed. Some arrests were made, some people were freed by angry protestors. Even there was a message that PFP had forbidden the gasoline station selling gasoline to this convoy, and they were stopped for some time. When they arrive in Oaxaca, there are new military checkpoints to search people for weapons. The PFP has retreated somewhat to the outskirts of Oaxaca-city, as they for sure will loose a battle inside town (unless they use their overwhelming force by shooting the people). It doesn't look like the police and military was that wise to backup, untill this MegaMarcha is over and come back afterwards... So there might be some chance this is going into the history books, as the official first day of the Mexican revolution. And then it could get over to The States; as many think the Nov 7th elections will be falsified again. That because of voting computers, merely installed/made by Republican companies. And a last minute false flag operation has been done on election day, before. (possible hint: Dec. 7th sunk the USS Arizona; that is on election day 65 years ago minus exactly one month). INFO-RESOURCES: Activists from the whole world and different groups worked together, to get news systems, channels and sites ready in time: What happened Saterday evening in and around Oaxaca:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=364&topic_id=2574847&mesg_id=2574847 (don't forget the follow-up postings! Most news is there!) Same as above: Light edit from a newsflash radio translation channel:
http://cxs2.info/w/index.php?title=IRC_oaxacatrans_first CHAT CHANNEL: NEWS AS IT DEVELOPS:
http://chat.indymedia.org/?chans=radioappo,oaxaca,mexico,indymedia,oaxacatrans,radio or download an IRC chat program:
http://mirc.com install & then fill in somewhere: server = irc.indymedia.org channel = #oaxacatrans, radioappo, oaxaca, mexico, radio, indymedia (or ask for the channel list and click them there) ALL RADIO CHANNELS & MIRRORS:
http://cxs2.info/w/index.php?title=Radio_Oaxaca ALL LATEST NEWS:
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/oaxacastudyactiongroup/links/Newspapers_001162627821/ | |
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