Meer dan half miljoen mensen | Carla - 05.11.2006 22:21
Ik heb inmiddels wat andere cijfers gevonden. Gesproken wordt over meer dan een half miljoen mensen en over de grootste demonstratie sinds het begin van de akties in Oaxaca. De demonstratie is van Vigueras tot Canal 9 (de inmiddels weer door de politie terugveroverde tv- en radiostudio) in Santa Rosa. Mensen uit alle wijken en dorpen zijn gekomen om deel te nemen aan de mars. Iedereen probeert het centrum te bereiken. De mars is meer dan 12 km lang. Vanmorgen is Marcos Manuel Sanchez Martinez bij de universiteit getroffen door een kogel in zijn borst. Hij is inmiddels geopereerd. Elke morgen worden kogels op de universiteit en de radio afgschoten. | Karavaan vanuit Chiapas op weg naar Oaxaca | Carla - 05.11.2006 22:26
Vanuit Chiapas vertrekt komende donderdag een karavaan van Zapatistas ter ondersteuning van de mensen in Oaxaca. Met voedsel, medische hulpmiddelen, geld en mensen trekken ze naar Oaxaca. Het engelstalige bericht (van San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, November 4, 2006. TO NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CIVIL SOCIETY, TO ALL MEDIA OUTLETS, TO HUMAN RIGHTS ORGANIZATIONS: We, the civil society Las Abejas, who, here in Chiapas, have suffered dirty wars, displacement, and the massacre of 45 of our loved ones in Acteal, have seen the suffering of our brothers in Oaxaca, and responding to their call for solidarity, together with individuals and organizations that have heeded our call, want to say the following: 1. The government, not knowing how to respond to the just demands of the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (APPO) with reason and dialogue, has responded instead with violence, reminding us of the worst moments in our history: the student massacres of 1968 and 1971, and that of Acteal in 1997. 2. The government and its spokespeople in the news media want us to believe that the Federal Preventative Police (PFP) have intervened in Oaxaca to restore order and free-transit, but the reality is rather different: The PFP has dedicated itself to illegal detentions, protection for Ulises Ruiz's gunmen, and it has imposed greater restrictions to free-transit on a much greater scale than existed previously with the APPO's barricades. 3. According to our information a state of siege exists, imposed unconstitutionally by the State and Federal government, as the PFP has taken over all access points to Oaxaca City. As a result of this situation, our brothers in Oaxaca are lacking food and medical supplies. 4. In light of this, we are organizing A CARAVAN that will leave Acteal this coming Thursday, November 9th, to bring humanitarian aid to Oaxaca, and so we make a call to PEOPLE IN SOLIDARITY TO HELP US COLLECT: non-perishable foods, unexpired medecine, and financial donations. 5. These items can be brought to the Cultural Center Tierra Adentra, number 24 on Real de Guadalupe. Financial donations can be made at the Human Rights Center Fray Bartolomé de Las Casas (Calle Brasil, Number 14, Barrio de Mexicanos, Telephone: 678.7395; 678.7396; and 678.3551) 6. We demand that State Government Authorities in Chiapas and Oaxaca, as well as the Federal Government respect our constitutional rights to free transit, freedom of association, and freedom of thought. 7. WE DEMAND: FREEDOM FOR POLITICAL PRISONERS, PRESENTATION OF THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN DISAPPEARED, THE STOP OF PERSECUTION, PUNISHMENT FOR THE MATERIAL AND INTELLECTUAL AUTHORS OF THE AGGRESSIONS, BREAK-INS, TORTURES, ARBITRARY DETENTIONS, LIES, AND ASSASSINATIONS AGAINST THE PEOPLE OF OAXACA. UNITY FOR THE DEFENSE OF HUMAN RIGHTS! THAT WORDS MAY BE FOR PEACE AND REASON AND THAT ACTIONS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DIGNITY! NO MORE REPRESSION! WE ARE ALL OAXACA! | 1.3 million people on oaxaca#s 6th mega march | b - 06.11.2006 20:17
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