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Blockade of uranium enrichment plant Gronau SOFA Münster - 06.11.2006 09:01
Since the early morning hours Russian and German anti-nuclear-acitivists are blockading the uranium enrichment plant (UAA) Gronau on the Dutch-German border. The protest is about the uranium transports from Gronau throuh the Netherlands to Russia where more than 20 000 t of depleted uranium (DU) from Gronau are stored indefinitely. At the moment the situation in front of the UAA is calm, the police is slowly gathering. The owner of the UAA Gronau, Urenco, runs another uranium enrichment plant in Almelo. For the DU-transports from Gronau the railway line Oldenzaal-Hengelo-Almelo-Deventer-Apeldoorn-Amersfoort-Rotterdam is being used. There the DU is being loaded onto ships and brought to St. Petersburg in Russia to be brought by train to the Ural mountains and to Sibiria. The Russian environmental organisation "Ecodefense!" demands an immediate stopp to these transports. We fully support this because this nuclear "tourism" is very dangerous and completely unacceptable. Of course, the uranium enrichment plants should be shut down completely and Urenco should be dissolved. E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de |
Lees meer over: natuur, dier en mens | aanvullingen | police clears entrance | SOFA Münster - 07.11.2006 00:20
In the end police cleared the entrance of the UAA and took the details of 12 activists. But the mood was good among the activists. Over the next days an excursion to Almelo is planned too, because the enrichment plant in Almelo sends the same DU to Russia. E-Mail: sofa-ms@web.de Website: http://www.sofa-ms.de | |
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