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english version | jeppetto - 08.11.2006 11:33
Call for Action on Wednesday 8 NOVEMBER 1.00 p.m. Amsterdam, Prinsengracht Court House Appeal of the Schiphol "arsonist" "There must be a scapegoat, while Verdonk keeps out of range" A year on and Ahmed Isa Al-Jabail is still in preventive custody for alleged intentional arson, while the maximum sentence for such an offence is eight months! Reconstruction of the incident by the Van Vollenhoven team points in a completely different direction and even excludes intent altogether: Ahmed was woken by the alarm only to find himself on fire. Most likely, he dropped his insufficiently extinguished cigarette butt on the foot of his bed instead of on the floor before he fell asleep. Ahmed Isa is being made into a scapegoat, while being subjected to inhuman treatment. He has been exposed to light 24-7 and is being deprived of medical or psychological care. His lawyer, Eduard Damman, argued in vain for his release at the Haarlem lawcourt. We see Ahmed primarily as a victim. Survivors of the Schiphol inferno have pledged their support and signed a petition for Ahemed?s release. They will support his cause on the steps of the Prinsengracht Court House on Wednesday. Join us there, and bring an ashtray as a symbol of protest! --------- letter from the survivors -------- Honourable Members of the Court, Mr Attorney-General, I, the undersigned, was being held at Schiphol East Detention Centre in the night of 26-27 October, when a devastating fire broke out. As a victim of the blaze, I wish to pledge my sympathy and support for my fellow-victim Ahmed Al-Jaballi. In my honest opinion, Mr Al-Jabali is wrongfully being accused of intentional arson. I regard Ahmed as one of the victims of the fire, and appeal to the Court to consider my support for Al-Jaballi in the decision whether to extend Ahmend?s preventive custody. I sincerely feel that it would be a rank injustice to prolong Mr Jabali's preventive custody and appeal to the Court to end this situation forthwith. As a victim of the blaze, I am of the opinion that my request should carry some weight with regard to the Court?s decision. Yours sincerely, Name Cell No. Signature
| vrij? | radioot - 08.11.2006 21:23
Ik hoorde straks op de radio dat die man door de rechter onmiddelijk in vrijheid is gesteld, kan iemand dit bevestigen? (bijv. diegene die oproepen tot actie, lijkt me wel zosympathiek om ook wat follow-up te geven, b.v. dank). | niet vrij | GI - 08.11.2006 23:06
Jaja, als de staat bedacht heeft dat je niet vrij mag zijn, vinden ze altijd wel een stok: Verdachte Schipholbrand in vreemdelingendetentie
http://www.ad.nl/binnenland/article787881.ece AMSTERDAM - Het gerechtshof in Amsterdam heeft bepaald dat de man die wordt verdacht van brandstichting in het cellencomplex op Schiphol-Oost vorig jaar onmiddellijk in vrijheid moet worden gesteld. De 24-jarige Achmed Al-J. uit Libië komt echter niet op vrije voeten, omdat hij illegaal is. (...) | vrij maar toch niet vrij | jk - 08.11.2006 23:20
Ahmed blijft niet meer in voorarrest vanwege de brand, heeft het hof besloten. Hij is nu echter weer in vreemdelingenbewaring geplaatst. Meer, zoals waar hij nu zit, weet ik op dit moment niet. | |
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