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Films Oaxaca en: Opnieuw bloedbad in Chiapas nn - 14.11.2006 10:47
Maandagochtend heeft er opnieuw een bloedbad plaatsgevonden in Montes Azules, de jungle van Chiapas, waarbij 6 vrouwen 3 mannen en 2 kinderen werden vermoord door paramilitairen. Een internationale delegatie had het conflict in de regio al eerder onderzocht en de Mexicaanse overheid gewaarschuwd voor het groeiende geweld in de regio. Er werd van overheidshand geen aktie onder nomen. Lees het hele verslag op www.narconews.com Vanavond verdere films over de situatie in Oaxaca in het Operating Theatre, Damrak 16, Amsterdam. De films die vertoond zullen worden zijn Romper el Cerco en El Enemigo Comun (the common enemy). Opnieuw zullen we pogen een live interview te hebben met Indymedia Oaxaca, meer info over the Other Campaign, en discussie over aktie. Op de avond van 1 december, als onderdeel van het 2Dh5 festival in Utrecht, zal ook een programmadeel aan Oaxaca gewijd worden door mensen van het Grassroots Project. 14/11/2006 - 19:00 End: 14/11/2006 - 23:59 introduction: after a successfull benefit last friday in the oPeRaTiNg tHeAtRe, there will be a follow-up on tuesday 14 november. this time with two longer documentaries that give a deeper insight in the situation in mexico and the uprising of the teachers, followed by planning an action for the international action callout for 20 november. Na een succesvol benefiet afgelopen vrijdag in het Operating Theatre in Amsterdam, vindt er op dinsdag 14/11 een vervolg plaats op dezelfde lokatie. Dit keer met 2 langere documentaires die meer inzicht geven in de situatie in Mexico en de lerarenopstand, en vervolg aktieplanning Website: http://www.operatingtheatre.squat.net |
Lees meer over: militarisme natuur, dier en mens Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | NarcoNews: 11 doden | MM - 14.11.2006 21:28
Massacre in Chiapas: Six Women, Three Men, Two Children, Assassinated in Montes Azules Indigenous Communities and Human Rights Organizations Warned State and Federal Governments of Threats, but Authorities Failed to Act
http://narconews.com/Issue43/article2339.html Today, Monday, November 13, presumed paramilitaries committed a massacre in the Montes Azules jungle region of Chiapas, killing nine indigenous women and men and two children. The assassinated, according to a hand-written document received by Narco News from inside Zapatista civilian communities in the region, are: ... (see article) | Meer details & klare taal | (MM) Al Giordano - 15.11.2006 10:04
Hier reageerd Al Giordani op een trol "Mark in Oaxaca", die op belangrijke toeristische sites zijn gal mag spuien over APPO e.d. Het geeft veel meer inzicht door de duidelijke opstelling van Al: Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:57:53 -0600 From: "Alberto M. Giordano" To: "Mr. Alan Goodin" Subject: Re: Any Truth to this report from the Fascist conservative MarkNMexico (sent through mail-list OaxacaStudyActionGroup) The "report" by this guy is pure fiction and supposition. I received written documents from the community afflicted which are made available in my report as .jpg files for all to read and judge for themselves. This MarkNMexico guy seems like a reckless disinformation psychopath with an axe to grind. Let me count the ways he gets the story wrong... > What happened was that the Zapatista Liberation Army (EZLN), which controls > some swatches of the state, had been bringing indigenous campesinos down > from mountainous areas to the jungles below to "cultivate the land". The eleven massacred were not Zapatistas and not even civilian bases of support. They and their families were granted these lands in 1984 in a signed agreement with the Mexican government. That was ten years before the Zapatista rebellion began taking back plantation lands. Frankly, had they been Zapatistas, they would not have been vulnerable to a massacre. Anyway, the dead were not squatters: they had signed agreements, since 1984, and recently resigned this year! > The Zapatistas "consider cultivation the best way to protect the jungle". Right. > Slash and burn and create a corn plant jungle? Anyway, the local Lacondon > indigenous campesinos, who have lived in the jungle near the Guatamalan > border for centuries, objected. In fact, it is the Lacandones ("Mark" mispells the name) that do slash and burn agriculture and are part of the government-supported groups that want to take the lands away from the Tzeltales and Choles on those lands granted in 1984. Another misconception: the Lacandones were not the attackers. The attackers were Choles allied with the Lacandones (some Choles and Tzeltales were included in the 1972 land deal giving the Lacandones "stewardship" over 600,000 hectares of rainforest on the condition that they cede to the government all rights to loot the hardwoods and other resources there). They've been pissed since 1984 and have tried time and time again to chase out the families from those five communities. Also, regarding this pap that somehow the Lacandones have longer standing right to the land there, every single indigenist and anthropologist knows the opposite to be true: the Lacandones emigrated from Yucatan in the 1800s. The Tzeltales and Choles are the descendants of those who inhabited that part of Chiapas long before the conquest. Twenty years ago, when I arrived in Chiapas, I made the same mistake, presuming because the Lacandones ran around in tunics and seemed less modernized they were more native to the region. Turns out to be false. Half the Lacandones are now Mormons and all live with government subsidy: "the official tribe of the Mexican State!" Used time and time again to screw with all other indigenous peoples. The ones who did the shooting yesterday morning were all on one side -that of the government. Although allied with the Lacandones, they were Choles. > The two groups went after each other yesterday with guns, machetes and clubs, murdering babies. Big lie. The massacre occured at dawn. The six women, three men and two children now dead were asleep in their beds when four heavily armed shooters came and rubbed them out in their sleep. Many previous aggressions against the homes of the locals by this same pro-government bunch from Nueva Palestina have been documented over the years and this year too, also documented in my report. There was no shootout. MarkN made that up. > And, still in Chiapas yesterday, two more indigenous campesinos were shot > dead near Ocosingo in a confrontation over a few hundred square meters of > land. Locals went after some "squatters" who had moved in and renamed the > land "New Palestine". Probably some religious overtones in play there as > well as a fight amongst the proletariat over territory. Again, MarkN is confusing bad commercial media reports. There was one incident. The first story - by El Universal - claimed that only two were dead, that it was a shootout, etc. MarkN made up the part about the so-called squatters being from Nueva Palestina - it was the pro-government, Lacandon-allied, shooters who were from there. Later El Universal had to correct its own story and admit 11 dead. MarkN -perhaps his Spanish still is not fluent - seemed to confuse the two versions as two reports about different events. The first was the official "judicial sources" version according to El Universal. The second was after Narco News reported the facts, forcing corrections from them and others. The bullshit about "proletariat" is also straight from MarkN's fantasy world. He just hates poor people, and probably especially hates indigenous people. His reports have nothing to do with reality. They aren't even reports. They're just scribbles to please his English speaking conservative crowd, inventing any damn thing to fit his worldview. He has no idea what it is to investigate and report facts. If you have the cretin's email address, please send my comments along to him. Al Giordano | |
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