Oaxaca: APPO permanente regering: CEAPPO nn - 16.11.2006 15:52
"Ondanks de blijvende bezetting door de Federal Preventive Police (PFP) van Oaxca, heeft de Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) zichzelf opgeheven, om zichzelf te organiseren als permanente regeringsstruktuur. 3000 gedelegeerden kwamen uit heel Oaxaca bij elkaar voor de oprichting van de State Council of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (CEAPPO). November 14, 2006 Despite the continued occupation by the Federal Preventive Police (PFP) in Oaxaca, today the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) performed its final action as it dissolved itself in order to organize a permanent structure of government. Oaxaca commentator Nancy Davies reports that 3,000 delegates gathered from all regions of Oaxaca to create the State Council of the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (CEAPPO). Davies reports: "CEAPPO has formed in the face of the extreme repression currently underway by the governor Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, who operates both through his PRI and paid henchmen and police in civilian clothes. The spirit of the CEAPPO is revolutionary, in a pacific, democratic and humanistic stance which is openly anti neoliberal and based on the traditional people power shown in usos y costumbres ('uses and customs'), a method of governing which is open and face to face. Ample provisions for recall of officials, referenda and plebiscites are included in the form of the council. "In content, CEAPPO supports economic social justice, equality of persons, respect for differences, respect for the rights of women, respect for indigenous people and their autonomy, and development in benefit of the peoples of Oaxaca with high concern for sustainability and renewable resources. "...While the congress was gathering for its first day of meetings, the zocalo was occupied by the Federal Preventive Police, and the tourist area was occupied by the APPO and teachers who won't return to classes while danger exists. During the time period of November 1 to November 10, about 49 students and APPO leaders were snatched off the street without warrants by men in civilian clothing who drove unmarked automobiles. Among the apprehended were two minors. Civil rights violations perpetrated by the government included entering private homes without warrant to arrest the highly visible people of the APPO and the teachers." Despite the creation of the new, people-operated government body, danger still lingers for visible leaders of the former APPO movement, a clear sign of this being the continued blockade of University City, where radio broadcasters are unable to leave out of fear for their lives. Read the complete report, as well as other news from Latin America, at The Narco News Bulletin:
http://www.narconews.com From somewhere in a country called América, David Briones Webmaster The Narco News Bulletin
webmaster@narconews.com Vrijdagavond vanaf 18.30 vindt het vervolg plaats van de infoavonden van afgelopen vrijdag en dinsdag. Iedereen die interesse heeft om deel te nemen aan aktiviteiten om de gebeurtenissen in Mexico bredere publiciteit te geven en inspiratie te laten zijn, alsook manieren te bedenken waardoor we de strijd van de APPO kunnen ondersteunen, is welkom. Het is nadrukkelijk de bedoeling wat er gebeurt in Oaxaca en Chiapas in een breder kader te plaatsen. Vrijdagavond 17/11 18.30, Damrak 16, Amsterdam (boven Macau, deur met rolluik) Fridaynight 17/11, 18.30 Evening with further planning to undertake activities for wider publicity and support for the struggles in Oaxaca, Chiapas, for awareness and inspiration. Website: http://www.narconews.com |