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20N day of action - Oaxaca. minute by minute & pics luna - 21.11.2006 21:24
Today is the Global day of action with Oaxaca, where we also demand justice for Atenco and Montes Azules.                     november the 20th oaxaca.minute by minute. Global day of action. general stricke. PFP strickes against demonstrators in Oaxaca, breaks into the faculty of Law. original and ammendments http://vientos.info/cml/ Actions of the Popular assembly of the people of oaxaca for the 20th of november: 96th aniversary of the mexican revlutio with the arrivalk of 7 motorised marches to the city of resistance to hold a political-cultural meeting and take over of Oaxaca's Goverment Palace. There wil be walking marches for all the regions in oaxaca to the city oaf oaxaca. 16:30 up until now there are 4 arrests, Limedh confirms ( limedh: liga mexicana de derechos humanos - Mexican Human rights League ) 16:25 The PFPuckers are blocking Garcia Vigil and are climbing the rooftops of the buildings over the demo to shoot CS gass at the people bellow from that position. 16:11 At the door of the camino real hotel, the PFP snatched 2 people. they didnt allow reporters to take pictures. The PFP is advancing with riot tanks and spraying gass and throwing ballbearings with slings. 16:11 The riot tanks are already in camino real hotel in oaxaca. PFP is also armed with slingshotsm, call bearings and fireworks. 16:00 South of oaxaca city there are people arriving from Zaachila, Xoxo and other villages. 16:00 The newscaster in TV azteca is saying that the barricade in Lasoriana is going to be removed, as there is a negociation going on. 15.59 La PFP is throwing CS gas and stunt bombd. One of the stunt bombs went off in one of the officers won hands. 15:58 At the Garcia Vigil and Morelos the PFP is movilising riot tanks. 15:53 There is no doubt that Local police and paramilitaries are getting ready to attack the demonstrators. 15:52 the clash now is stronger than the first one. there are several clashes in different streets of the historic centre. the police throw CS gas from buildings and hotels and people are defending themselves only with stones. 15:51 PFP continues to throw gas and advancing toward Santo Domingo Plain. There is a callout for solidarity support from doctors to go to santo doming and treat people poisoned by the gas. 15:49 there is a callout to reinforce University Radio. A report informs that younger people continue to defend themselves from the police. They were leaving St Domingo to go to their barricades, when they where stopped by the police. 15:48 callout to bring cola drinks, vinegar and water to support people under the repression of the police. 15:34 Another on the ground report. the clash on the corner of 5th of may with morelos. There is fire in one of the hotels. it is a heavy confrontation. 15:31 callout to carry gas masks and swimming goggles. 15:25 Right now they are throwing Cs gas from a building near the Church of Santo Domingo ( appo's new occupation camp ). it is coming from a restaurant, Hosteria Alcala - in M.alcala street. 15:09 On Air, Radio Universidad Reports: It is confirmed that the PFP broke into the Law Faculty main building, which is in the historic centre of oaxaca, and not inside the University campus. Ciudad Universitaria wasn't under PFP attack today. 14:40 Radio Universidad on air report: the attack is over, at these moment the injured are recieving medical attention. there is a tense calm and sinking feeling. 14:37 At this moment there is a running urgent press conference during which a sexual agression over a female was denounced. people have raised a few barricades. 14:35 Report: The PFPuckers have not broken into Santo Domingo Sq 14:26 At independencia with hidalgo there are 5 PRI supporters ( priistas ) pointing at people and recording them. 14:24 On air phone-in report: the police has moved all the way to 5 de mayo and morelos, independencia and macedonio alcala and in the "Turist Walk" - Andador turistico. people forced them to disperse. on the other side the police are posted in Garcia Vigil and Morelos. 14:23 Radion Universidad calls demonstrators to retrieve to Santo Domingo and to refrain themselves from responding to police provocation. 14:21 There is a report from inside St Domingo that the PFP keep advancing and rumours that the state police are gathering behind the church. there are snipers on the rooftops. 14:21 Near the Church of Santo Domingo they shoot gasses against people, there are injured of all ages and others that cant breathe due to the gas. 14:20 When the march arrived to zocalo, from the rooftops of " La Bambi ", Bancomer Bank and Catedral restaurant came the first CS bombs. 14:17 The PFP is advancing towards Santo Domingo. there are children that were on their way to school and are crying. they are pointing and shooting their grenade launchers straight towards people 14:15 People gathered in Santo Domingo square are fixing razor wire to prevent the advance of the PFPuckers 14:03 At Abraham Castellanos school there are children who cannot breathe due to being exposed to the gasses that the police is throwing. |
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