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Radiostations takeover + demo's | (MM) Nancy Davies/OSAG - 24.11.2006 01:02
For the first time today (Thursday, Nov. 23) I heard the broadcast of the APPO mobile brigade, which announced that it will broadcast radio for about twenty minutes at a time, from stations if will "take over". The broadcast said the "takeover" was completely non violent, with "dignity and respect" for the radio staff, who were not kidnapped "sequestrado" against their will. These mini-broadcasts are said to be in response to the jamming of Radio Universidad, by the PRI/gov forces, and the urgency of disseminating accurate information. By 1:00 or so, the station had resumed its normal commercial programming. This brigade radio is in addition to the Noticias radio which broadcasts out of Radio Hit, around 2:40 AM dial, twice daily, 8:00 and 2:00 PM., in a news format based on the newspaper's contents. APPO is not keeping its plans a secret, they are printed for public distribution: 22 Nov, activate the mobile brigade. 23 Nov meet with barricade people and colonialists at University City at 18:00 o'clock. 24 Nov. APPO meting in its customary location, at 10:00. Planning tthe mobilization of Nov 25. 25 Nov grand mobilization (mega march) of the Peoples of Oaxaca. 30 Nov grand mobilization for the defense of the popular will regarding "If Ulises doesn't go, Calderon won't pass (into office) The rest of the APPO accuerdos of Nov 21 will be posted as soon as possible. Today there will be a march of law school students (I think???) to demand that the PFP leave the city. As is usual, the APPO asks for pacific non-violent marches. The Nov 25 march, according to the APPO, will try to encircle the zocalo. ===== OSAG meeting news: 1. News from the USA included reports of Oaxaca Solidarity Committee in Portland, Oregon. Similar committees exist in many other cities, as well as asambleas modeled on the APPO (because they are formed by the same indigenous base). Nationally, eleven states attended the Asamblea Popular de Pueblos de Mexico. 2. The news published as the Declaration of Gueletao states that the indigenous pueblos of the Sierra Norte have affiliated with the APPO. They are Zapotecos, Mixes and Chinantecos. Part of their declaration includes the intention to take over the AM radio station in Gueletao (Radio Gueletao) which is said to be capable of reaching the city of Oaxaca. (I haven't been able to get it). It's around 750 on the dial. The document refers to the San Andres Accords which honor the constitution's explicit statement that indigenous peoples have the right to operate their own radio stations, for cultural and education purposes. The Declaration states that the Serranos will use their radios for community communications regarding current events.. They plan to create additional community radio transmitters. 3. The next megamarch is scheduled for November 25. Peoples of the Sierra Norte are expected to attend. The news of the meeting included the marches and their outcomes, injuries, human rights violations, arrests, etcetera. The encampment at Santo Domingo was invaded and burned by men in civil clothing, on Monday night, No injuries were reported. The day time attacks produced fifty or so wounded, some arrested. 4.Many human rights organizations are calling for denunciations, which OSAG people can assist with by checking on the OSAG site for denunciations. 5. For those requesting information on how to make financial donations, they can be made (by internet PayPal) to Radio TUPA. Contributing to any USA-based non-profit (501C-3) is a private decision.
| donate-donate... | MM - 24.11.2006 02:01
http://www.radiotupa.org/ Project TUPA was created by Free Radio Berkeley to empower indigenous, campesino and barrio communities in the Americas with the tools, technology, knowledge and skills to build and maintain their own community broadcast stations. Project TUPA (Transmitters Uniting the Peoples of the Americas) is a non-profit project under the fiscal sponsorship of Global Exchange in San Francisco, California. ... Donations:
http://www.radiotupa.org/donations.html (PayPal or USA check) | ontvangst vrije radio... & media-oorlog | MM - 24.11.2006 03:29
Overigens is er vrijwel geen Mexicaan die Radio Universidad ontvangt. Er is een sterke stoorzender met een endless-loop mars muziek, die al snel de zender overneemt, zodra je iets uit de buurt van de Universiteit komt. Wel kan men op internet Radio Universidad/APPO ontvangen, maar de meeste Mexicanen hebben helemaa geen internet, of zeer slechte toegangs mogelijkheden. Tenminste; zolang militairen dit toelaten die er in Mexico om bekend staan vijandelijke communicaties (internet/telfeoon) te verbreken als ze het nodig vinden. lijst internet radio kanalen:
http://cxs2.info/w/index.php?title=Radio_Oaxaca Dit is puur in beginsel een media-oorlog. De gevestigde orde controleerd de media en men staat het volk geen vrij media toe, terwijl men de gecontroleerde media "vrije media" noemt... Op die manier controleert men ook de 'democratie'. Vandaar het belang van eigen radiostations voor het volk en communicatie kanalen in eigen handen. Radio TUPA is daar een initiatief toe.
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