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Persverklaring van APPO Carla - 28.11.2006 09:21
APPO heeft verschillende persverklaringen naar buiten gebracht, dit is die van 26 november 's nachts. Ik zal die van gisteren ook vertalen en eronder zetten. Please forward and re-post Oaxaca: City of Resistance
http://elenemigocomun.net/554 Ciudad de la Resistencia
http://elenemigocomun.net/554#espanol Battle Rages in Oaxaca Over the Weekend
http://elenemigocomun.net/555 Oaxaca?s Popular Movement Suffers Yet Another Brutal Day
http://elenemigocomun.net/548 (PHOTOS and TRANSLATIONS) APPO flyers on NYC IMC
http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/11/79973.html --------- November 26, 2006 APPO Communique Oaxaca: City of Resistance POPULAR ASSEMBLY OF THE PEOPLE OF OAXACA TO THE PEOPLE OF OAXACA TO THE PEOPLES OF MEXICO AND OF THE WORLD TO THE MEDIA The Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca, after the aggression that our people have suffered in recent hours, in the framework of our fight for a profound transformation in the political, social, and cultural situation, in order to overcome the ancestral misery and hunger to which our people have been subject to by the oppressors? To frame the day of struggle that we planned for yesterday, November 25th, the APPO considered a 'mega-march', which left from the Official House in Santa Maria Coyotopec with the aim of concluding in the historic center of the city with the establishment of a siege [alt. tr.: ring] around the Federal Preventative Police (PFP) who were found occupying the zocalo of this city, and the siege would be in a peaceful manner with contact with the PFP, and in view of the events that unfolded yesterday, the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca makes the following CONSIDERATIONS: That Ulises Ruiz Ortiz has, since a few days ago, declared that the operation of a plan to obtain control of the city before December 1st was beginning. That the PFP has, in coordination with various police forces, assassins [alt. tr.: hitmen], paramilitaries, and thugs of Ulises Ruiz Ortiz, since a few days ago, began to station themselves on various roofs in the historic center, where in many cases we received complaints from the neighbors that this was done with the permissions of the property owners, the idea being that from these places they would provoke aggressions against this movement. That yesterday, after the commission of the Popular Council of the Peoples of Oaxaca went around to the majority of the intersections to establish the siege of the PFP, police, assassins and paramilitaries [who were] positioned on the roofs of various buildings in the historic center began to throw marbles, pepper spray and tear gas at our companeros at various points to provoke a widespread aggression which was unleashed in an instant, in a widespread offensive, which consisted of the aggression of the PFP at various intersections, massive detentions of companeros who were collected at various places in the city, the immediate actions of the thugs and paramilitaries that participated alongside the PFP and other police forces, many of whom fired guns against militants of the APPO. That in view of this general offensive of the aggressors, the members of the APPO and the people in general made use of their legitimate right to defend themselves, to avoid a massacre against our people, making use of rocks, sticks, fireworks, and other objects that they could find along their way, now that the majority did not come prepared for a confrontation. That after the preliminary information that we have up to now, there are 165 political prisoners, dozens of disappeared, hundreds of injured and wounded, and also various dead, which up to now we have not been able to confirm. In view of this situation, the Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca makes the following declarations: We strongly condemn this attack of repression that our people has suffered, and they continue as in the worst periods of fascism in history. We reaffirm our fight for a social, political and economic transformation, and the struggle for popular power [alt. trans.: power of the people], and we reaffirm that the fall of the tyrant Ulises Ruiz is the beginning of the reestablishment of peace and tranquility for Oaxacans, as is the immediate withdrawal of the PFP, who since their arrival have only increased the violence and ungovernability in Oaxaca. We confirm that the struggle of the people of Oaxaca and the APPO is a struggle of the masses in which the people of Oaxaca are participating and has a civil and peaceful character, which is why we declare that the burning of various buildings in the city was not under the guidance, nor a decision, of the APPO. We denounce that they, some moments ago, transferred various companeros who were in the Miahuatlan de Porfirio Diaz prison, Oaxaca among them the companeros Cesar Mateos Benitez and Jorge Sosa Campos to an unknown location, without a single motive, in that they have violated their most fundamental human rights. The presence of the PFP and the incidents which occurred demonstrate that in the state of Oaxaca there exists ungovernability and that peace has not returned for the people of Oaxaca. We declare that the struggle of the People of Oaxaca for the fall of URO continues because our day of struggle and our plan of action will continue developing. For the above reasons, we make a call to the peoples of M?xico and the whole World, to continue actions of solidarity with the people of Oaxaca and to stop the bloody repression that continues developing against our people, to the national and international press, to human rights organizations, to form brigades to assist this city to raise the incidents of violation of the most fundamental human rights against our people. FRATERNALLY: ALL THE POWER TO THE PEOPLE POPULAR ASSEMBLY OF THE PEOPLES OF OAXACA November 26th, 2006 |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Verzoek tot ondertekening | Carla - 28.11.2006 09:58
(hopelijk goed vertaald. Het origineel staat op http://vientos.info/cml/?q=node/6997) Persverklaring van APPO, 27 november 2006 Aan de mensen van Mexico, We hebben een dringend verzoek aan president Vicente Fox Quesada, binnelandse zaken staatsecretaris Carlos Abascal, procureurgeneraal Daniel Cabeza de Vaca en de staatssecretaris voor de publieke veiligheid Eduardo Medina Mora, dat zij per direct het bevel geven te stoppen met de criminele "Operativo Juárez", alle gearresteerden in vrijheid stellen, alle verdwenenen tonen, de PFP bevelen de staat Oaxaca te verlaten, bevel geven tot het terugtrekken van het Mexicaanse leger aanwezig in deze staat, stoppen met illegale en gewelddadige huiszoekingen en onwettig arrestaties en het mogelijke binnenvallen van het universiteitsterrein. Wij houden hen verantwoordelijk voor al het geweld dat plaats vond in de hoofdstad en in de hele staat Oaxaca, vanaf het begin van het conflict en voor het ongebreidelde geinstitutioneerde geweld, dat de rechtstaat verscheurt en de chaos in deze staat, en logischerwijs in het hele land, veroorzaakt. Wij zijn niet medeplichtig, wij hebben deze genocide niet toegestaan. Zij zorgen ervoor dat het land in een staat van onregeerbaarheid is, die alleen op te lossen zal zijn door bovengenoemde eisen in te willigen en door het onmiddellijk aankondigen van het terugtrekken van Ulises Ruiz. Hierdoor kan de rechtsgeldigheid van de rechtsstaat gestabilseert worden en de individuele rechten van de volken in Oaxaca herstelt. Aan diegene die deze eisen willen ondertekenen vragen we dat te sturen naar mujeresinmiedo(apestaartje)gmail.com of enlace.limeddh(apestaartje)gmail.com Opgesteld voor APPO: chemezcal(arroba)yahoo.com.mx Ondertekend door : APPO Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de Oaxaca, APPM Asamblea Popular de los Pueblos de México, 300 organisaties en 30,237 handtekeningen meer. Verantwoordelijk voor deze publicatie: Rosario Ibarra y Carmen Huete. We roepen op voor een grote mars in Mexico stad op woensdag 29 november, om 16 uur, van Ángel de la Independencia naar de Zócalo. Deze verklaring zal morgen, disndag 28 november, verschijnen in de krant La Jornada en is opgemaakt op 27 november in een vergadering met APPO en andere organisaties in de Club der journalisten.
| Website Obrador herhaalt: 5 doden | MM - 28.11.2006 16:51
Website Andres Manuel Lopes Obrador (AMLO):
http://senderodelpeje.com/ Dagelijks ververst, dus ik geef de betreffende inhoud hier: 5 MOORDEN - 5 MUERTOS 140 GEWONDEN - 140 HERIDOS 20 GEWONDEN DOOR KOGELS - 20 HERIDOS CON ARMA DE FUEGO 200 ARRESTANTEN - 200 DETENIDOS ¿Cuantas Vidas mas vale sostener al tirano de URO? Hoeveel levens meer is de tiran URO waard? ===== Uiteraard is dit een poster, maar niet zomaar iedereen kan op die site posten en er wordt gemodereerd. De doden zijn onbevestigd; de lijken zijn verdwenen. Zijn dit dan leugens? Er is niemand meer van de APPO. De laatste die ik bijna 2 dagen terug zag, overwon zijn angst om in contact met mij te treden. Dat deed hij na eerst te kijken wat ik op de computer deed en hem wat liet zien om vertrouwen te winnen. Hij zou terugkomen met een verklaring wat er bij de Medicijnen Faculteit was gebeurd om 22.05 die avond, waarvan ik de zware schotenwisseling heb gehoord. Er was meer gebeurd; ik zag de angst in zijn ogen. Hij kwam niet meer terug. Er zouden getuigen zijn die dekking zochten en mensen zagen neervallen. Toen ze terugkwamen, waren de neervallende mensen verdwenen.
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