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Bijeenkomst Oaxaca Woensdagavond nina - 28.11.2006 18:39
Woensdagavond, 19.00, Damrak 16, Amsterdam Bijeenkomst Oaxaca (Wij zullen niet alle vergaderingen hier blijven posten) Hey all, This is to let you know that there will be a follow up meeting for people wanting to form a working group around the current situation in Oaxaca and beyond. 19:00, Wed. 29th Nov., Damrak 16, Amsterdam (Please try and be on time!) We hope to form a solid group of people interested in updating/translating/video editing etc etc to keep current information and analysis flowing. There has already been an extension to indymedia.nl website set up www.indymedia.nl/ander But even since then, there have been rapid and major changes in the situation, with more people being arrested, disappeared, and an increase in employment of low intensity warfare tactics by the mexican government. There will be an update on the current situation as well as figuring out practical and logistic ways of responding to the ongoing struggle and organizing ourselves... See you there! E-Mail: operate@squat.net |
Lees meer over: Oaxaca | aanvullingen | Urgent : Fear of torture or ill-treatment | Carla - 29.11.2006 12:00
Oproep van Amnesty International Asl iemand emailadressen heeft, graag aanvullen! ********************************** Please send appeals immediately Urgent Action: Fear of torture or ill-treatment / incommunicado detention
http://elenemigocomun.net/580 28 November 2006 UA 322/06 Mexico: At least 149 people in detention Following a violent confrontation between supporters of the Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca (Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Oaxaca, APPO) and the Federal Preventive Police (Policia Federal Preventiva, PFP) in the centre of Oaxaca on 25 November, at least 149 people have been detained. Amnesty International believes that they may be at risk of torture or ill-treatment while in custody. The violence followed a demonstration organized by APPO supporters, to protest against the presence of PFP in the city and to call for the resignation of the Governor of Oaxaca. During the clashes with the police, dozens of people were reportedly injured by stones and intoxicated by teargas. There were also several reports that some people had been shot and wounded. Dozens of cars and buses and several public buildings, including the State Superior Court (Tribunal Superior de Justicia) and a theatre, were set on fire. According to reports, groups of armed men wearing balaclavas, believed to be state police, shot at protesters and buildings and arrested scores of people, several of whom reportedly had no involvement in the demonstrations. By the end of the day, the authorities published the names of 149 people being held in two state prisons of Tlacolula and Miahuatlan, both outside the city of Oaxaca. All detainees have reportedly been denied access to family and independent legal counsel (suspects are generally forced to rely on inadequate public defenders provided by the authorities). There are also reports that on 27 November, 141 detainees were transferred to a prison in the remote state of Nayarit. Families and human rights organizations have not been informed of the charges faced by those in detention. BACKGROUND INFORMATION An Amnesty International delegation recently visited the city of Oaxaca and interviewed scores of victims of human rights violations committed during the ongoing crisis in Oaxaca. The organization documented the repeated violations committed by unidentified armed groups, believed to be state and municipal police officers working in plain clothes, who make arrests without identifying themselves or explaining the reasons for arrests. The organization documented in several cases the use of incommunicado detention over several days. The organization also received credible reports that detainees had been tortured and ill-treated, primarily by state and municipal police, but also by members of the PFP. In May 2006 teachers initiated a strike in Oaxaca state calling for improved pay and conditions, and occupied the main square and surrounding streets. An attempt by state police to forcibly evict teachers on 14 June led to a radicalization of the protest and the formation on of the Asamblea Popular del Pueblo de Oaxaca, APPO (Popular Assembly of the People of Oaxaca), an umbrella organization of social and political groups in support of the teachers and calling for the resignation of the state governor. As the climate of violence in the city increased, armed police in plain clothes started to arbitrarily detain protesters and were reportedly responsible for several shootings. Protesters established barricades in many neighborhoods in late August and the security situation further declined as unidentified armed men continued to target opposition supporters in marches and on barricades. On 29 October, the PFP entered the city to restore order. The operation resulted in the death of two civilians and the detention and injury of scores of others. Many of those who have been detained during the crisis have been released reportedly as a result of political negotiations, but with no clear idea of whether they may face re-arrest at a future date. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible: - calling on the authorities to ensure all those detained during protests on 25 November are allowed immediate access to families, adequate medical attention and legal counsel of their choice; - calling for them to be either charged with a recognizably criminal offence or released immediately; - calling on the authorities to ensure the physical and mental integrity of those in custody and to carry out immediate and impartial investigations into allegations of torture or ill-treatment; - reminding the authorities to their duty to maintain public order while protecting the human rights of all people, and ensuring that the use of force is proportionate and necessary to confront the threat faced; - calling for an immediate and impartial investigation into the use of armed groups, believed to be state and municipal police, operating illegally to attack and detain protesters and passers-by, and for those responsible to be held to account; - urging the federal and state authorities to ensure that all measures taken to address the crisis in Oaxaca fully respect international human rights law, and calling for them to avoid taking action which may worsen the human rights situation. APPEALS TO: Minister of the Interior: Lic. Carlos Abascal Carranza Secretario de Gobernacion, Secretaria de Gobernacion Bucareli 99, 1er. piso Col. Juarez, Delegacion Cuauhtemoc Mexico D.F., C.P.06600, MEXICO Fax: 011 52 55 5093 3414 Salutation: Dear Minister/ Estimado Secretario de Gobernacion Minister of Public Security: Lic. Eduardo Medina Mora Secretario de Seguridad Publica, Secretaria de Seguridad Publica Paseo de la Reforma No.364, piso 16 Colonia Juarez, Delegacion Cuahutemoc Mexico DF. C.P. 06600, MEXICO Fax: 01152 55 5241 8393 Salutation: Senor Secretario / Dear Minister Governor of Oaxaca: Ulises Ruiz Ortiz Gobernador del Estado de Oaxaca, Carretera Oaxaca - Puerto Angel, Km. 9.5 Santa Maria Coyotopec C. P. 71254, Oaxaca Oaxaca, MEXICO Fax: 011 52 951 511 6879 (if someone answers, say ??me da tono de fax, por favor'?) Salutation: Senor Gobernador / Dear Governor Interior Minister of Oaxaca: Lic. Jorge Franco Vargas Secretario General de Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca Constitucion 519 Esq. Martires de Tacubaya, Oaxaca Oaxaca, MEXICO Fax: 011 52 951 132 5378 Salutation: Senor Secretario / Dear Secretary President of the National Human Rights Commission: Dr. Jose Luis Soberanes Fernandez Presidente de la Comision Nacional de Derechos Humanos (CNDH) Periferico Sur 3469, 5? piso Col. San Jeronimo Lidice Mexico D.F. 10200, MEXICO Fax: 011 52 55 5681 7199 Salutation: Dear President / Estimado Presidente COPIES TO: President of the Oaxaca State Human Rights Commission: Dr. Jaime Perez Jimenez Presidente de la Comision Estatal Calle de los Derechos Humanos no. 210, Colonia America C.P. 68050, Oaxaca Oaxaca, Mexico Fax: 011 52 951 503 0220 Salutation: Dear President / Estimado Presidente Human rights organization in Oaxaca: Red Oaxaquena de Derechos Humanos Calle Crespo 524 Interior 4-E, Col. Centro, Oaxaca Oaxaca, CP. 68000, MEXICO Ambassador Carlos Alberto De Icaza Gonzalez Embassy of Mexico 1911 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington DC 20006 Fax: 1 202 728 1698
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