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veel achtergrond informatie | Stop Deportaties! - 30.11.2006 13:52
download inspectierapport van Harmondsworth - .. en details over Harmondsworth kun je vinden op:
http://www.ncadc.org.uk/ De opstand in alle vier de vleugels van deze grootse Britse uitzetbajes, nabij Heathrow, is begonnen toen n.a.v. een vernietigend inspectierapport over Harmondsworth op televisie een ex-gevangene van dit kamp aan het woord was. Gevangenen in Harmondsworth keken ernaar. Een bewaker deed de televisie uit. Daarop ontstond protest dat al snel uitmondde in de massale opstand. Hierbij tevens het rapport n.a.v. de onaangekondigde inspectie in PDF formaat.
E-Mail: stopdeportaties@yahoo.com Website: http://stop_deportaties.mahost.org/ | britten demonstreren zondag | jk - 30.11.2006 17:10
 "sluit deze racistische gevangenis!" Demonstration at Harmondsworth/Colnbrook Sunday 3rd December - 12.00 noon Harmondsworth/Colnbrook Immigration Removal Centres Colnbrook by Pass Harmondsworth West Drayton UB7 0HB Called by Barbed Wire Britain, demanding that ; * The Home Office to be Prosecuted for Recklessly Endangering Lives * Full Public Inquiry into Home Office Repeated Failure to Act on HMIP Reports * Immediate Closure of all Immigration Removal Centres "The HMIP report revealed what we have known and detainees have suffered for many years: The report painted a picture of endemic victimisation of detainees by staff, that complaints system was distrusted and ineffective, that relationships between custody officers and detainees were "worse than had been seen at any other detention centre", that use of force and use of temporary confinement in segregated conditions was high."
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