Javier Peņoņori in concert, with Juan Palomino . Teresa Utivaitina-journalist -argentina - 30.11.2006 12:05
JAVIER PEŅOŅORI in concert, surprised by JUAN PALOMINO, JOSÉ PALOMINO and the duet TINKUKUY. " Alchemy of Possible" is the new disk of Javier Peņoņori presented in Space Tucumán such it announced by diverse media, the past Monday 6 of November 
The magnitude bellsima of Javier Peņoņori, when it takes the wonderful sounds of his guitar,
with these words abri the concert the voice of Jos Palomino, conductor of the program Our Continent, in National Radio, to give reading to the prlogo of this new disc of Javier Peņoņori with works of folclore, tango and clsico. This ltimo work impregnated with a clear message from the art and the poesa, vindicates the original towns of our continent. Sucedi the poesa in the voice of Juan Palomino, who recit the poem choral Song to Tupac Amaru II of the Peruvian poet Alexander Romualdo with the acompaamiento of the guitar of Javier Peņoņori suggesting an encounter with ours races. The opening of the concert was with the Andean Prelude, of author of he himself Javier Peņoņori. Do vocal, instrumental Tinkukuy integrated by Viviana Bonzn box and voice, White Strap, sikus and voice, sum another one bellsima surprise with vidalas, whose interpretacin marc the deep one to feel that it summons them. Falt recited of the poem and Zamba the Tucumano Hill of and by Javier Peņoņori, followed of zambas and farmers, like ace tambin subjects of Abel Fleuy, Anibal Troilo , Atahualpa Yupanqui, not finalizing with River plate Airs and Malambeando of he himself Javier Peņoņori The beautiful guitar of Javier Peņoņori, impregn of and deep sounds, the room. Who we were present at this concert vivenciamos a clido musical climate, endorsing and confirming the words of opening of Josč Palomino. We added as seala the newspaper LA GACETA of Tucumn, he himself gives 6 of November: A MUSICIAN ENAMORED WITH TUCUMAN
his work happens to comprise of the Tucumano song book
(daily LA GACETA, of Tucumn 06/11/06-Espectāculos) Teresa Utivaitina-journalist Buenos Aires- November 2006 - Argentine. www.javierpenonori.unlugar.com Related
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