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Oaxaca, een ooggetuige verslag Carla - 01.12.2006 00:03
Where Murderers Still Stalk the Streets, Protected by the Police Dispatch from Oaxaca Where Murderers Still Stalk the Streets, Protected by the Police Dispatch from Oaxaca By ROCHELLE GAUSE Running as fast as I can, surrounded by hundreds of others, I can hear screams behind me. Glancing back, through the darkness of night I can only differentiate between the masses running with me and the federal police by the light reflecting off their shields and face masks. They are still advancing. A hand pushes my left shoulder and I realize there are medics behind me trying to run from the police while carrying a man on a stretcher clasping a bloody cloth to his head. The medics are trying to reach the makeshift clinic that the movement set up in a building just a few feet ahead. I continue to run block after block as more people pour in from side streets. The police are obviously advancing on multiple streets simultaneously. Panic is starting to set in. Rushing through my mind are the stories I have listened too over an over in the past two weeks while interviewing those who have suffered human rights violations at the hands of the federal police; the stories of sexual assault, of beatings, of psychological torture, of death threats. A few men duck in to an alley, I follow unsure if I am escaping the danger or running directly into it. A woman and her daughter, who recognize me from the internet cafe, motion us into their home. Inside I lean against the wall and slide to the floor. Immediately I think of those who were unable to find a place to hide, of those who could not run, people of all ages had been in the streets all day. I hear gunshots. De rest van haar verhaal is te vinden op http://www.counterpunch.org/gause11292006.html |
Lees meer over: anti-fascisme / racisme Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Morgen demonstratie in Oaxaca | Carla - 01.12.2006 00:17
Morgenochtend om 9 uur (Mexicaanse tijd, 4 uur bij ons dus) zal er weer een demonstratie zijn in Oaxaca. Dan wordt er verzameld bij het monument van Juarez. Goede tijdslijnen met gebeurtenissen (in het spaans, soms in het engels) van de afgelopen dagen kan je vinden op http://cml.sarava.org/ | |
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