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Boykott Bulgarian Officials Supporting Systematic Abuse of C Emil Kuzmanov - 02.12.2006 15:54
The missing legal pet population control is replaced by criminal collection and abuse of the great number of healthy animals. That leads to the real reduction of both increasing populations. It will make us think more so that Bulgarian institutions are colluding with black-marketers in their revolting industry. Dear Supporters, Since 1990 in Bulgaria there is an ongoing process of unrestricted mass breeding, offering and straying of unregistered cats and dogs; their mass disappearing as a result of "pick & collection" and last but not least their systematic abuse. Cat and dog lovers are continuously misinformed and misled about the cruel destiny for the better part of the "steady-bred" animals and to their end use. In the protection of pet-animals field up to May 1st of 2006 in Bulgaria there were in effect the obligations of the 1999 Veterinarian Act. In year 2000 it was appended the Governmental Rule and some of the appendices are in effect in the present. In 2004 Bulgaria ratified The European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, binding itself to make an extra and effective effort of bringing about improvements in this field. In 2005 the Bulgarian Parliament voted in a new Veterinary Act, which prohibits laboratory use of owned, stray and feral cats and dogs, as well as reduction of population number by killing. Can't go without mention it again, but in a few weeks time Bulgaria will become a full EU member and will have to comply with the European Commission's Regulation ¹998/2003. In the meantime we are witnessing lack of any whatsoever movement by the Bulgarian bureaucrats in those directions. The Convention and Act provisions are totally ignored by the Government and municipalities alike. Their ignorance is left without reproof by the Bulgarian Parliament. In 2003 and 2004 Animal Programs has pointed out to the Government numerous simple but effective measures, some included and some not in the active at that time ordinance, but no adequate reaction followed. In February 2006 we've offered to Sofia's newly elected Mayor Mr. Boyko Borissov to meet and review the circumstances connected with the huge number of abandoned dogs appearing freely on the streets; but he declined. So the missing legal control is replaced by criminal collection and abuse of the great number of healthy animals. That leads to the real reduction of both increasing populations. The Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Finance stay tolerant to the illegal traffic and money laundering. It will make us think more so that Bulgarian institutions are colluding with black-marketers in their revolting industry. I alone can't change the strangely kept by Bulgarian institutions trend. Here all my efforts are being thwarted and ignored. Here and why I call on the world community and concerned institutions alike to boycott the meetings of all Bulgarian officials abroad and also limit visits to Bulgaria till enforcement of the Low takes an effect. I plead to you: Please, limit your official contacts of Bulgarian authorities and avoid the unofficial ones. I dare all world known artists, actors, musicians, entertainers and scientists to shun away Bulgarian venues too. I appeal to be avoided organization and visiting of international forums in Bulgaria, all congresses, seminars, conferentions, symposiums, expositions and sport contests. I urge you to write reproachful and demanding letters, faxes and e-mails to the following Bulgarian officials responsible for this disaster situation (please, see below short list of contacts). Emil Kuzmanov, founder The Animal Programs Foundation 18 Yanko Sofiiski Voivoda Str. 1164 Sofia Bulgaria List of responsible officials: Mr Sergei Stanishev Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria 1 Dondukov Blvd 1194 Sofia Bulgaria Tel: +359 2 9402999 Fax: +359 2 9802056 E-mail: Contact form: Mr Georgi Pirinski Chairperson 40th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria 2 Narodno Sabranie Square 1169 Sofia Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 9392513 Fax: +359 2 9813131 Email: Mr Boyko Borissov Mayor of Sofia 33 Moskovska Str. 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 9814515; 9377261 Fax: +359 2 9810703 E-mail: Contact form: Mrs Meglena Kuneva Minister of European Affairs 2 Al. Zhendov Str. 1040 Sofia Bulgaria Phone: + 359 2 9482110; 9711408; 9713778; 9482218 Fax: + 359 2 8703041 E-mail: ; ; Mr Nihat Kabil Minister of Agriculture and Forestry 55 Hristo Botev Blvd 1040 Sofia Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 9811896; 985-11-226 Phone/Fax: +359 2 9806256 E-mail: Mr Rumen Petkov Minister of Interior 29, 6th September Str. 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 9825000 E-mail: Contact form: Mr Plamen Oresharski Minister of Finance 102 Rakovski Str. 1000 Sofia Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 9859-2021; 9859-2078; 9859-2022; 9859-2024 E-mail: Mr Atanas Paparizov Chairman of the Parliamentary Delegation to the Joint Parliamentary Committee Bulgaria – European Union; Chairman of the European Integration Parliamentary Committee 1 Kniaz Al. Batenberg Square 1169 Sofia Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 9873888; 9393282 Fax: +359 2 9875503 E-mail: Mr Younal Loutfi Head of the Parliamentary Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe 1 Kniaz Al. Batenberg Square 1169 Sofia Bulgaria Phone: +359 2 9861133; 9392106 Fax: +359 2 9818568 E-mail: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- E-Mail: animalprograms@abv.bg Website: http://animalprograms.org |
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