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Zapatista call for Oaxaca solidarity on December 22 tristan - 04.12.2006 02:33
Zapatista call out in English and Spanish (only, sorry) for solidarity with Oaxaca. English --------------------------------------------------------- Communiqué of the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee - General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. Mexico. December 2 of 2006 To the people of Mexico: To the people of the world: Brothers and Sisters: The attack that our brothers, the people of Oaxaca suffered and suffer cannot be ignored by those who fight for freedom, justice and democracy in all corners of the planet. This is why, the EZLN (Zapatistas) calls on al honest people, in Mexico and the world, to initiate, starting now, continual actions of solidarity and support to the Oaxacan people, with the following demands: For the living reappearance of the disappeared, for the freedom of the detained, for the exit of Ulises Ruiz and the federal forces from Oaxaca, for the punishment of those guilty of torture, rape and murder. We call to those in this international campaign to tell, in all forms and in all places possible, what has occurred and what is occurring in Oaxaca, everyone in their way, time and place. We call for these actions to come together in a worldwide mobilization for Oaxaca on December 22, 2006. The people of Oaxaca are not alone. We have to say so and demonstrate it, to them and to everyone. Democracy! Freedom! Justice! By the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee - General Command of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation. Mexico. Insurgent Subcommander Marcos. Mexico, December of 2006 --------------------------------------------------------- Spanish --------------------------------------------------------- COMUNICADO DEL COMITÉ CLANDESTINO REVOLUCIONARIO INDÍGENA-COMANDANCIA GENERAL DEL EJÉRCITO ZAPATISTA DE LIBERACIÓN NACIONAL. MÉXICO. 2 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2006. AL PUEBLO DE MÉXICO: A LOS PUEBLOS DEL MUNDO: HERMANAS Y HERMANOS: EL ATAQUE QUE SUFRIÓ Y SUFRE NUESTRO HERMANO PUEBLO DE OAXACA NO PUEDE SER IGNORADO POR QUIENES LUCHAMOS POR LIBERTAD, JUSTICIA Y DEMOCRACIA EN TODOS LOS RINCONES DEL PLANETA. POR ESO, EL EZLN LLAMA A TODA PERSONA HONESTA, EN MÉXICO Y EN EL MUNDO, PARA QUE SE INICIEN, DESDE YA, ACCIONES CONTINUAS DE SOLIDARIDAD Y APOYO AL PUEBLO OAXAQUEÑO, CON LAS SIGUIENTES DEMANDAS: POR LA PRESENTACIÓN CON VIDA DE LOS DESAPARECIDOS, POR LA LIBERACIÓN DE LAS DETENIDAS Y DETENIDOS, POR LA SALIDA DE ULISES RUIZ Y LAS FUERZAS FEDERALES DE OAXACA, POR EL CASTIGO A LOS CULPABLES DE LAS TORTURAS, VIOLACIONES Y ASESINATOS. EN SUMA: POR LIBERTAD, DEMOCRACIA Y JUSTICIA PARA EL PUEBLO DE OAXACA. LLAMAMOS A QUE EN ESTA CAMPAÑA INTERNACIONAL SE DIGA, DE TODAS LAS FORMAS Y EN TODOS LOS LUGARES POSIBLES, LO QUE OCURRIÓ Y OCURRE EN OAXACA, CADA QUIEN EN SU MODO, TIEMPO Y LUGAR. LLAMAMOS A QUE ESTAS ACCIONES CONFLUYAN EN UNA MOVILIZACIÓN MUNDIAL POR OAXACA EL DÍA 22 DE DICIEMBRE DEL 2006. EL PUEBLO OAXAQUEÑO NO ESTÁ SOLO. HAY QUE DECIRLO Y DEMOSTRARLO, A ÉL Y A TODOS. ¡Democracia! ¡Libertad! ¡Justicia! Por el Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena- Comandancia General del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional. México. Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos. México, December del 2006. |
Lees meer over: Oaxaca | aanvullingen | Mensenrechtenschendingen gaan door | Carla - 04.12.2006 12:47
Van http://cml.sarava.org/ van 3 december. Het beetje informatie dat uit Oaxaca komt impliceert bij lange na niet dat het rustig geworden is, evenmin dat de mensenrechtenschendingen en de repressie tegen de sociale beweging gestopt is. Integendeel, deze totale stop aan informatie die uit Oaxaca komt, maakt het er duister uitzien voor de mensen in Oaxaca. De weinige rapporten die naar buiten komen na de verplichte overgave van Radio Universidad vertellen over razzias, het binnenvallen van huizen, willekeurige arrestaties, massale arrestaties, verzonnen aanhoudingsbevelen, illegale ondervragingen, clandestiene huizen van bewaring gemaakt in opdracht van de overheid, martelingen die ernstige verwondingen geven, geweldadige bedreigingen, verdwijningen van tientallen mensen, moorden zonder dat het bevestigd kan worden door iemand, etc.
| Manifest van APPO | Carla - 04.12.2006 12:51
Van Prensa Latina, http://www.plenglish.com/article.asp?ID={CFBB5977-27B0-441D-8AD4-B82BA39271C8}&language=EN Oaxaca Releases Manifest at Book Fair Guadalajara, Mexico, Dec 2 (Prensa Latina) The Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) released a manifest denouncing the repression lived in that southern Mexican state at the 20th Guadalajara International Book Fair on Saturday. The document entitled "The Battle of Oaxaca" describes the movement of fight and resistance come out in that state as one of the most important in the last years after the incapacity of the federal and state governments to meet the people´s demands. The document recalls that after the repression to the striking teachers, the Oaxaca people organized into the APPO, a wide front supported by unions, artists, farmers, academicians, civilians, indigenous and religious citizens. Similarly, it rejects the presence of 5,000 militaries disguised as police agents who have headed the repression so far leaving 15 deaths and the attempt to take the radio station of the Benito Juarez Autonomous University, the only alternative means the people count on to express their truth. The signatories asserted that "the military invasion would not calm the thirst of justice of a people which have charged at a killer unable to govern and at an oppressive system with dignity."
| Oproep voor demonstratie op 10 dec in Oaxaca | Carla - 04.12.2006 12:58
In datzelfde manifest staat dat de APPO oproept om op zondag 10 december om 10 uur bij elkaar te komen bij het monument van Juarez (op Crucero de Viguera) om te protesteren tegen het ovehreidsoptreden en de enorme mensenrechtenschendingen in Oaxaca. | Manifest van APPO, engels | Carla - 04.12.2006 19:49
hierbij dan het manifest in het engels. The APPO Lives Communiqué from Somewhere in the State of Oaxaca, from the State Council of the Popular Peoples’ Assembly of Oaxaca By the CEAPPO The Other Oaxaca December 3, 2006 PEOPLE OF OAXACA! PEOPLE OF MEXICO! PEOPLE OF THE WORLD! From somewhere in the state of Oaxaca, as the State Council of the Popular Peoples’ Assembly of Oaxaca, WE DECLARE: FIRST: The APPO is more alive than ever in the hearts of the workers, indigenous people, campesinos, housewives, students, youth, children, and all the exploited and oppressed in Oaxaca and Mexico. The State Terror that has been unleashed on the people of Oaxaca and the international community with increased brutality since November 25 has not weakened our desire to be free men and women. Nor has it made us change our minds about whether our struggle should continue to be a political, peaceful and mass movement, despite the fact that 17 people have been killed during this stage of the struggle, dozens of people have disappeared and hundreds are political prisoners; we consider this toll to consist of crimes against humanity. SECOND: The APPO continues to act permanently; although we are not visible at sentries or heard over the radio 24 hours a day, we still live and communicate with the same indomitable spirit which we have inherited as exploited people. We are fighting and will continue to fight intensely for the fall of the tyrant and his dictatorship, the dictatorship of capital. This new stage of struggle that we have named the “Stage of Peace with Justice, Democracy and Liberty without Ulises Ruiz Ortiz” is, at the same time, a novel exercise to continue the struggle that the APPO is learning to build with patience, perseverance and wisdom. Our original peoples taught us this on November 28 and 29 at the Forum of Indigenous Peoples of Oaxaca, when they told us that the “path must be taken slowly,” which is what we are doing now, without losing sight of the common objective, which is the profound transformation of living, working, academic and recreational conditions for our people. As the faithful puppet of the wealthy and the drug traffickers who he defends and represents, URO (Ulises Ruiz) stood in the way of this path. As representatives of a people who decided to embark on the route to their own emancipation, we will remove him from this path that belongs to us. THIRD: The Council is calling all people of Oaxaca from now until December 10 to organize and carry out mobilizations and protest actions to spread the “Stage of Peace…”, the call for the release of political prisoners, the return of the disappeared, the cancellation of orders of apprehension, an end to illegal arrests, an end to gag orders, the withdrawal of the Federal Preventive Police (PFP), and what brought us all together: the departure of the murderer Ulises Ruiz from Oaxaca. We call for this to happen in all regions of the state through our regional, municipal and sectorial Popular Assemblies. We do so because on December 10 we will hold a “Grand Concentration,” meeting at 10am at the monument to Juárez, located at the Crucero de Viguera in Oaxaca City, to express our condemnation of and opposition to the baton and rifle policy to which this group of murderers and thieves who call themselves the government in Oaxaca want to subject us. FRATERNALLY, “ALL POWER TO THE PEOPLE” STATE COUNCIL OF THE APPO December 2, 2006
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