CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS! The Ink and Paper Collective - 08.12.2006 06:32
Submit an article/letter on your views of the 1960s for our book!  ***PLEASE FORWARD WIDELY*** What comes to mind when you see pictures of Huey P. Newton holding a shotgun? Or the images of mass marches against the Vietnam War? Or how about the students taking over Columbia University in ’68? Our generation has grown up in the shadow of the 1960s. The War on Iraq strongly parallels the situation this country faced as it was bogged down in Vietnam. The Bush administration continues its attack on a woman’s right to choose, a victory that arose from the Feminist Movement. And many people are calling the current struggle for immigrants’ rights the modern equivalent to the Civil Rights Movement. But how does our generation of political activists view the 1960s? What were its strengths? What were its weaknesses? What did it achieve and what was left out? Why did the momentum of that time finally die? And what happened to that generation of activists and revolutionaries? There has yet to be a collective voice from our generation that has openly attempted to answer those questions. Young political activists today face a complicated political climate. Change is possible, but not easy. What lessons, both good and bad, can we learn from the social movements of the 1960s to make sure our contemporary activism does not go in vain? Our goal is to compile a thorough analysis of this era. That’s why we in the Ink and Paper Collective are calling for young (30 and under) activists, organizers, and revolutionaries of all stripes to submit letters that are serious reflections on the 1960s. We want submissions to cover all the particular parts of that era whether it be the Black Power movement, the French revolt of May ‘68, SDS, the fight for ethnic studies in our schools, the anti-Vietnam War movement, the Feminist movement, the Chicano movement, the Native American movement or whatever issue you feel most passionate about. If you have something to say, we want to hear it! Send your submission (anywhere from 1,000 to 3,500 words), along with a brief bio (around 75 words) to: Submissions due: February 1st, 2007 The Ink and Paper Collective is Sam A., Javier A., and David Z. We were founded out of anti-war, labor, and independent media activism in our local communities. Some of this activism includes our participation with and dedication to work done by groups like UCSC Students Against War, the Student and Worker Coalition for Justice, the Labor Film Collective, and Colectivo Media Insurgente, as well as many others. E-Mail: |