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Afsluiting Ontmoeting Zapatistas en Volkeren van de Wereld nina - 02.01.2007 23:44
2 Januari zag de afsluiting van de 4-daagse 'Encuentro entre los Pueblos Zapatistas y los Pueblos del Mundo', waarbij solidariteit met de strijd in Oaxaca een belangrijke plaats innam.  Op chiapas.indymedia.org is informatie in zowel spaans als engels te vinden, vele audio's van toespraken, en ook al een aantal verslagen van de verschillende werkgroepen. Zo waren er werkgroepen over 'andere' communicatie, kunst en cultuur (zie de samenvatting hieronder); 'andere' gezondheidszorg en 'ander' onderwijs. Deze begrippen komen voort uit de 'Andere Campagne' van de Zapatistas, een campagne die het huidige kapitalistische systeem afwijst en er iets 'anders' voor in de plaats stelt. Hierbij verbinden ze hun strijd aan de strijd van andere volken elders. Al eerder werden in Chiapas 'Intergalactic' bijeenkomsten gehouden, van mensen van alle sterrenstelsels. De bijeenkomst van de afgelopen dagen werd uitgeroepen door de 'Comisión Intergaláctica' met als doel dat de compañeras, collectieven en organisaties uit landen van de 5 continenten direct konden spreken met de Zapatistas en hun 'Juntas de Buen Gobierno' ('goede overheden') om ervaringen uit te wisselen over strijd, elkaars geschiedenis en organisatie te leren kennen, en een netwerk van wederzijdse solidariteit en hulp op te zetten. Zo'n 1500 mensen namen deel aan de Encuentro, afkomstig uit EZLN steunbases uit heel Chiapas, uit 18 landen van de Amerika's, 16 Europese landen, Nieuw Zeeland, Australie, etc. Het tweede deel van de Encuentro wordt naar verluidt in Juli 2007 gehouden. TABLE 4 THE ‘OTHER’ COMMUNICATION, ART AND CULTURE Only a handful of hours after the Cumbia rhythms stopped dancing through the air from the New Year’s celebration, the 4th working table of the Zapatista meeting with the people of the world got underway, talking about alternative forms of communication and preservation of art and culture. As has been the case for all of the working tables, representatives from the 5 Caracoles – La Realidad, Oventik, La Garrucha, Morelia and Roberto Barrios – began the day speaking of the forms of communication that have been and continue to be established in the Caracoles. Members of the Good Government and Autonomous Municipal Councils explained that the massive and mainstream media are little more than mouthpieces for those who seek to dominate, and that in the capitalist system this domination is as much social, cultural and artistic as it is economic. Since the poor and dispossessed are excluded from these conventional media, it is necessary that alternatives be sought so that they too can have access to forms of communication within and between their communities. Good Government and Autonomous Municipal Councilors addressed subjects as wide as transportation, radio, internet, murals, traditional music and dress, video editing and production, childbirth and many others. Most important among these has been the installation of internet in the Caracoles and community radios, Radio Insurgente, in communities in many regions. Radio Insurgente, although it transmits via internet as well, is most important in the internal communication, relaying news and cultural events to the communities in Spanish as well as the local dialect – Tzotzil, Tzeltal, Ch’ol, Zoque y Mam. Radios still need to be installed in many more communities, but they are currently in the process of training community members to set up, maintain and transmit via community radios in communities in all 5 regions. The process is slow and often difficult and one Councilor from Caracol V, Robert Barrios, told of the difficulties they had encountered as one of the transmitters failed and burst into flames, discouraging those who were being trained from continuing with the effort. Training and formation in technical skills to run and maintain computers, navigate the internet and audio and video production have also been vital both internally and externally in the 13 years since the uprising. Within the communities, to augment radio transmissions, news can be taken from the internet in order to create newspaper murals to inform communities of local, national and international news. In the past year, since the launch of the Other Campaign, this has been a vital medium for informing community members of the Campaign’s progress, especially during its halt following the May 3 and 4th repression in San Salvador Atenco. Audio and video production have been just as important for this kind of internal communication as for informing the national and international communities of developing events in the Zapatista communities. Groups such as Promedios, who have been working with the compañer@s since the uprising developing necessary technical skills produce video documentaries, were also credited for helping a great deal in this aspect of the struggle. Documentaries produced have been showed nationally and internationally, contributing a great deal to the widespread support for the Zapatista struggle on these levels. Compañer@s from a number of collectives and organizations throughout the world then participated, sharing experiences and struggles from their own communities. A Los Angeles Radio Station, working with the ‘Otra del Otro Lado’, shared its struggle to increase progressive Spanish-language programming in the greater L.A. area, especiall given the ever increasing number of Spanish speakers in the country. Another man from TV Kurdistan, representing the Kurdish territories in Syria, Iraq and Turkey, even invited the compas for training in TV production in their studios. Various member from the Otra Cultura collective in Mexico City shared their experiences, one of the most powerful describing a theatrical event they recently realized in the jail Santiaguito, which ended in family members embracing for the first time in 8 months, and all of the prisoners shouting ‘ATENCO VIVE’, ‘LA LUCHA SIGUE’. Additionally, representatives from the APPO, CIPO-RFM, East Side Café, Soul Rebel Radio, Pintar Obedeciendo, Pulpo Mecanico, Subversion Sonora among others participated sharing their achievements and struggles. The struggle for retaking communication media is a slow one, and filled with obstacles, but one that needs to continue, and as one comandante said on first day of the meeting, ‘even if we can’t ultimately change the world, we must at least make sure that it doesn’t change us.’ Website: http://chiapas.indymedia.org |
Lees meer over: globalisering natuur, dier en mens Oaxaca vrijheid, repressie & mensenrechten | aanvullingen | Inauguration | zap - 03.01.2007 16:24
INAUGURATION (En español aquí) 30 December 2006 Compañeras and compañeros Today at 13:49, time zone of the southeastern combat zone, Comandante Felipe, of the Clandestine Revolutionary Indigenous Committee (Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena – CCRI) of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation, inaugurated the First Encounter Between the Zapatistas and the Peoples of the World, with the presence of over one thousand people from 40 countries of the world and approximately 2,000 zapatistas from communities in the tzotzil region. “We sincerely hope that this first Encounter becomes, for us and for all the peoples of Mexico and the world, the beginning of a true path to exchange and share experiences in struggle and organization, in order to unite the struggles of all peoples before a common enemy, respecting each other independently of our ideas, ways, and methods,” said Comandante Felipe before hundreds of solidarity collectives, women’s groups, human rights organizations, student committees, neighborhood educational projects, groups of Mexicans and Chicanos from the US, young anarchists, “libertarios” and punks, experiments with autonomous resistance and peasant associations, among many more present at the Oventik Caracol. In an unprecedented event in the EZLN’s 13 years of public struggle, 232 authorities from the various levels of the Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities in Rebelion (Municipios Autónomos Rebeldes Zapatistas – MAREZ) and the five Good Government Councils (civilian structures of the autonomous government in resistance) got together to launch the Encounter, during which they will share the construction of their autonomy in the areas of health, education, commerce, gender, land recovery, media, art, and culture. And they will listen to experiences in struggle and resistance against neoliberalism from other peoples of the world. Also present at the encounter was Teniente Coronel Insurgente Moisés, from the EZLN’s Intergalactic Commission. By 11:00 AM there were 1,042 people at the Oventik Caracol, from 40 countries in four continents. From America, there were collectives and individuals from 18 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, United States, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela. From Europe there were compañeros and compañeras from 19 countries: Germany, Austria, Belgium, Catalonia, Denmark, Spain, Finland, France, Greece, Italy, Norway, Basque Countries, Poland, United Kingdom, Czech Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and Ukraine. From Asia, there were people present from Israel, and from Oceania there were brothers and sisters from Australia and New Zealand. “Today we begin to listen to each other to see how we resist the bad governments and build alternatives for a world where those who command, do it by obeying,” said Oventik’s Good Government Council, in its role as the Encounter’s host. “This is our struggle, yours and ours, because everywhere there is poverty, misery, ignorance, marginalization, and exploitation. All the peoples of the world suffer these problems, that’s why we continue struggling to achieve the just demands of indigenous peoples,” said the autonomous authority. The Encounter inaugurated this afternoon with the topic Autonomy and Self-government. On the 31st there will be three workgroups: health, education, and women. On January 1, the topics will be communication, art and culture, commerce, and land defense, and, finally, on January 2 the encounter will close with a discussion on the preparations for the Intergalactic Encounter. At the time of this report, hundreds of men and women continue arriving from Mexico and many countries of the world. | Communique van EZLN Intergalactic Commission | zap - 03.01.2007 16:26
COMMUNIQUE Compañer@s, Herman@s: In a few days more will be Dec. 30, 2006, the start of the "Encuentro de los Pueblos Zapatistas con los Pueblos del Mundo" (Meeting of the Zapatista Villages with the Peoples of the World), which will end Jan. 2, 2007. The compañer@s of the support bases and the authorities of the autonomous municipalities and Good Government Committees (juntas de buen gobierno) of the Carcol of Oventic are very happy and animated, as are the compañer@s of the other caracoles preparing for the encuentro. As of Dec. 24, we have counted compañer@s from 30 countries whose rpesence is confirmed. From the American continent, we have registered compas from Argentina, Brasil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Estados Unidos, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay and Venezuela. From Europe, brothers and sisters have arrived at Oventic from Germany, France, Belgium, Basque Country, Catalonia, Spain, Greece, Italy, Norway, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic, Sweden and Switzerland. And from Oceania, we have met compas from Australia and New Zealand. We have also had communication from compañer@s who, while very animated, were unable to come this time, but say they are preparing to attend the next encuentro in July... After registering by Internet, all attendees should check in at the offices of Enlace Zapatista in San Cristo'bal de las Casas, Chiapas, Ignacio Allende Street, number 22-A, Barrio de San Antonio, telephone: (967) 6781013... For our compañer@s around the world who have access to the Internet, if all goes well, there will be information transmitted live and direct of all our activities. You can also read accounts,updates, and see photos on our page: www.zeztainternazional.org You can also write us, tell us what you are doing, what you think, or send word by e-mail: intergalactico@ezln.org.mx The Zapatistas invite you to speak with us and exchange ideas and experiences. For the first time in our history, we are bringing together representatives from our five Good Government Committees and our Rebel Zapatista Autonomous Municipalities (MAREZ) to speak publicly about our humble work and the problems and challenged we confront... We are only trying to show what we are building, with many difficulties, but also with many desires construct another world, one in which those that command, command obeying. Very well, compañer@s, we will be seeing you the days of the encuentro. We are waiting for you. Insurgent Lieutenant Colonel Moises EZLN Intergalactic Commission | |
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