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Indonesia and South Africa close to banning Aspartame Stephen Fox - 14.01.2007 01:06
Both nations are moving closer to prohibiting this neurotoxic and carcinogenic artificial sweetener, Aspartame, eventually because of its medical harm from its metabolic by products, methanol, formaldehyde, and diketopiperazine, all proven causes of Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, and even worse illnesses. Response to Indonesian government's action to consider banning aspartame and other artificial sweeteners. Statement for the Jakarta Post and Jakarta Indy Media, of value to readers in the Netherlands concerned about health and consumer protection (READERS SHOULD FORWARD THEIR VIEWS ON THIS VITAL CONCERN TO INDONESIA'S HEALTH MINISTER AND DIRECTOR OF DRUG AND FOOD MONITORING AGENCY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE) Encouragement that the relevant and responsible medical and judicial authorities make this ban permanent, based on sound medical evidence that aspartame causes neurodegenerative illnesses like brain tumors and multiple sclerosis, and even worse illnesses. What brilliant news, that the Indonesian Drug and Food Monitoring Agency is considering considering banning aspartame! Physicians and legislators could recommend to the Health and Justice Ministers of Indonesia that this ban must be made permanent, because of the long list of neurodegenerative illnesses caused by Aspartame/Methanol/Formaldehyde/Diketopiperazine, all proven brain tumor causal factors. Aspartame was forced through the United States Food and Drug Administration in 1981 by G.D. Searle, the pharmaceutical corporation that owned the patent. Dr. Arthur Hull Hayes, made FDA Commissioner in exchange for his cooperation, and Samuel Knox Skinner, the attorney hired by the FDA to prosecute Searle for fraud, who then hired on with Searle's public relations firm at $1000 a day: these also assisted in forcing the approval for Aspartame. Up till 1995, the FDA kept a continually growing list of consumer complaints about aspartame, and the fact that it caused brain tumors, headaches, memory loss, cardiac arrythmia, sudden death, a total of 92 symptoms. For mysterious reasons, FDA quit compiling this list, but it is still there. Physicians like H.J. Roberts, Internist, author of Aspartame Disease, An FDA approved Epidemic, and Russell Blaylock, Neurosurgeon, Author of Excitotoxins: the Taste that Kills, and What to do if you have used Aspartame, a regimen for aspartame poisoning victims, Dr. Betty Martini, Founder of Mission Possible International, dedicated to banning aspartame in every nation, and many other activists and even families of those who have died from aspartame poisoning: we are all rejoicing that this is coming from Indonesia! We all sincerely hope that your government, whether Health and Justice Ministers or the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly, many of whom I have emailed on this subject, as well as having sent a digital video disc on the subject of Aspartame's medical damages to President Yudhoyono as well as your United Nations Ambassador: that Indonesia must make this ban on Aspartame PERMANENT. This will do several things: it will extend the life span in your nation; it will lessen the spike and upsurge in neurodegenerative illnesses and cancers in Indonesia; it will clarify that the job will get done, whether the impetus comes from the top epidemiologists and internal physicians in yours and many other nations, most of which have ignored the huge epidemiological implications of adding a chemical to manufactured food products that is metabolized as methanol and formaldehyde, with proven ghastly and even more unpredictable medical results in hundreds of millions of people, and most important, it will shine like the torch of medical imperative all over South Asia, Africa, and South America, to all of the non-alligned, non-nuclear, and less developed nations of the world, that they must stand up squarely to the ostensible superiority of corporations pushing genocidal chemicals down their throat! There is sound evidence to warrant such a permanent ban, particularly coming from the Ramazzini Foundation for European Oncology Research, a three year study by Dr. Morando Soffriti, that aspartame, as well as sodium arsenite, and Coca Cola, all cause cancer. Write to Health Minister Siti Fadila Supari and to Justice Minister Hamid Awaluddin, to ask them to make this ban permanent, and to file punitive and exemplary suits against the aspartame manufacturers and corporate endusers, to recover the costs necessary to treat victims of aspartame poisoning in your nation! I am author of legislation in the New Mexico Legislature to ban aspartame in our state. State Senator Gerald Ortiz y Pino is the sponsor of this legislation, which will be introduced as early as January 17, 2007, in the coming 60 day session, and we expect the usual phalanx of corporate lobbyists, soothsayers, and liers, saying that aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde/diketopiperazine is "harmless as mother's milk." I am author of a United Nations Resolution to create a new Undersecretary General for Nutrition and Consumer Protection, which I ask Indonesia to cosponsor in the 2007 United Nations General Assembly. This might be possible, with the Foreign Minister of Tanzania, Asha Rose Migiro, having just been appointed last week by the new UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, as Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations. [Let us hope that the Netherlands can be a supporter of this plan in 2007] In short, you can see how a new Undersecretary General for Nutrition and Consumer Protection might actually work: to bring real truth about the medical effects of such chemicals to member nations, completely free from corporate manipulation and on going perfidy and lies about the obvious medical harm done by their products. If I can be of further help to Indonesia or any of the other 188 nations in which we find victims of aspartame poisoning, please let me know at this email address below. Respectfully, Stephen Fox
stephen@santafefineart.com [217 W. Water St. Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 USA 505 983-2002] ________________________________________ This is a very recent news story from the South AFrican newspaper, The Star: 'Actually, it doesn't taste just like sugar' January 08, 2007 Edition 1 Most of us laugh off grossly misleading advertising claims as a fact of life. But why should companies merrily get away with mass consumer deception, year after year? I've got huge admiration for the few consumers who take the time to write to our Advertising Standards Authority to complain that the face cream didn't reduce their wrinkles as promised; the pills didn't make them lose weight; and, in Paul Hammann's case, that the aspartame-containing artificial sweetener didn't taste just like sugar. Hammann lodged a complaint against Canderel's packaging claims that the product "tastes just like sugar" and had "no after-taste". In his personal experience, he said, these claims were not true. Initially Merisant SA (trading as Canderel) submitted documents to support the claims, but later advised the ASA that both claims would be withdrawn "on a global scale" during the course of this year. The company requested that instead of being given the usual three months to remove existing stock from the shelves, that they be given eight months to comply. At the December 14 hearing, the ASA Directorate settled on a compromise of five months. So by the end of May no pack of South Africa's leading brand of sweetener - featuring those familiar claims - should be on sale in this country. Canderel's SA website is already devoid of the claims, and now states a watered-down: "Canderel is low in calories and delicious to taste." Interestingly, the brand's UK website still carries the original claims - for now. Last year the UK media website telegraph.co.uk posted the results of a panel's taste test of several sweetener brands. The verdict on Canderel? "One teaspoon gave a good sweetness to a cup of tea, but it didn't taste like sugar." Hammann is clearly not alone. E-Mail: stephen@santafefineart.com Website: http://www.dorway.com |
Lees meer over: gentechnologie | aanvullingen | Onzin, onzin en nog eens onzin | Skepter - 14.01.2007 23:00
Een mooi staaltje van paniekzaaierij, maar er klopt niets van. Om te beginnen bevat aspartaam helemaal geen diketopiperazine, ik snap niet waar die onzin vandaan komt. De bestanddelen zijn methanol, asparaginezuur en fenylalanine, drie stoffen die in tal van andere voedingsmiddelen voorkomen. Methanol is giftig, maar niet in de hoeveelheden die je via aspartaam binnen kan krijgen; tomaten en sinaasappelen bevatten veel meer methanol. De twee aminozuren geven evenmin reden tot ongerustheid. Sommige mensen verdragen geen fenylalanine, maar deze moeten zowiezo een aangepast dieet volgen. Aspartaam is zowat de meest onderzochte stof ooit, en niemand heeft ooit duidelijk, onweerlegbaar bewijs kunnen produceren voor schadelijke effecten. Het produkt wordt heel veel gebruikt en toch zijn tot nu toe epidemieën van de vermeende effecten uitgebleven. Sinds de invoering ervan is er geen spectaculaire toename van kanker, multiple sclerose of om het even welke andere ziekte. Verder wil ik opmerken dat de kettingmail van Betty Martini, de oprichtster van Mission Possible, een hoax is. Tal van beweringen, zoals de bewering dat een vereniging van MS-patienten een klacht ingediend had om aspartaam te verbieden, bleek vals te zijn. Sterker nog, de vereniging had nog nooit van om het even wie gehoord van een verband tussen aspartaam en MS! Zoals ik al eerder beweerde, aspartaam is door ettelijke honderden onderzoekers uitvoerig bestudeerd, niet alleen door de FDA (die trouwens de reputatie heeft bijzonder streng te zijn voor nieuwe voedingsadditieven en geneesmiddelen). Het idee dat die allemaal omgekocht zouden zijn voor iets als een zoetstof (de FDA had eerder andere zoetstoffen verboden, die evenzeer door rijke en machtige bedrijven ontwikkeld waren) is gewoonweg belachelijk. Voor meer nuchtere informatie wijs ik door naar volgende artikels:
http://urbanlegends.about.com/library/blasp.htm | This is a comment by a corporate hack! | Stephen Fox - 21.01.2007 17:56
Anytime corporate hacks want to blast the truth about Aspartame, they bring up Urban Legends, Hoaxes, Hoax Busters, etc., in, of course, unsigned diatribes (they feel safer that way, I presume). That is just fine, because the truth is coming out, and the important thing that Nederlands readers should realize is that the Holland Sweetener company is out of the Aspartame/methanol/formaldehyde/diketopiperazine/brain tumor causing agent business as of the beginning of 2007, for many reasons: public pressure, concerns for legal liability from inevitable punitive and exemplary suits.....Interesting that the two lucky Nations moving in different ways to ban aspartame, Indonesia (for serious medical reasons) and South Africa (because of false advertising), both have colonial historic links to the Netherlands. To get the truth, just google one article by Dr. H.J. Roberts: Aspartame Disease: an FDA approved Epidemic. There are zillions of accurate articles written by physicians with impeccable credentials on the internet, not corporate propagandists pumping out the mendacious bilge that we have come to expect from them. The aspartame corporations have even translated their genocidal lies into dozens of modern languages. If you want to avoid this lethal destructive chemical, just read the labels, and ask your family, friends, and colleagues to simply totally avoid it. I am happy to answer any further questions, especially from Nederlanders who will take the time to contact members of the Dutch Parliament and the Health, Justice, and Prime Ministers, to ask for a total ban of Aspartame in your nation. I have been writing about these urgent preventive medical concerns to Her Majesty, Beatrix, for several years now, as well as to all of the other Heads of State. Her Majesty understands all of this quite clearly; many other heads of state, particularly in Europe, don't get it all, THUS FAR. Respectfully, Stephen Fox | |
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