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Police harrasments against "Köpi" in Berlin Köpi-Fan - 14.01.2007 08:56
About 50 riot policemen and some other state-control institutions occupied for about 1 hour some rooms and the yard of KÖPI - cultural-autonomous center in Berlin. It was second police-ride on the house in 10 days. Police focused amoung others on gathering of the anti-g8 related materials. Since some weeks the "Anti-G8-Soli-Cafe" takes place in KÖPI on weekly basis... About 50 riot policemen and some other state-control institutions occupied for about 1 hour some rooms and the yard of KÖPI - cultural-autonomous center in Berlin. It was second police-ride on the house in 10 days. Police focused amoung others on gathering of the anti-g8 related materials. Since some weeks the "Anti-G8-Soli-Cafe" takes place in KÖPI on weekly basis... On the night from Friday to Saturday (12/13.01) police entered for a second time in this month the space of autonomous center in Berlin "KÖPI". This time they focused on the rooms of the cultural venue located in the house. About 50 riot policemen and some other state-control-inststitutions (there is still not information of what institutions exactly were involved in this ride) occupied for about 1 hour these rooms and as well as the yard of the house. They did not manage to enter any other community rooms or the house itself. Appart of the typical harrasments during the ride they focused obviously on all materials (posters, flayers, banners, stickers ...) related to the anti-g8-mobilisation. Witnesses talk about some anti-g8 stickers being literaly "scratched down" out of the walls and taken with... The people in the house were taken by surprise. However in about 1 hour around 100 people arrived to Köpi from all around the city to bring the end to this occupation. Supporters gathered on the street out of Köpi while people from the house locked themselves inside. Some people were watching police activities inside the rooms. When the pressure of the supporters on the cops become to escalate on the street, police decided to get away. Angry people helped them with some flying objects. In spontanious reaction on this obvious provocation, and certainly a beginning of the longer police strategy connected to the anti-g8 activities going on in the city, about 70 people blocked some streets and conduct spontanious demonstration through Kreuzberg-district in the middle of the night. Demonstration was stopped by cops after about 30 minutes. I do not have information about any arrestments so far. Since some weeks the "Anti-G8-Soli-Cafe" takes place in KÖPI on weekly basis. More detailed reports about the state harrasments against the KÖPI-house are awaited. Solidarity is our weapon Köpi forever No eviction
http://koepi.squat.net/ |
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