SOLIDARITY to "May 6th" prisoners on hunger strike in Greece lawaii - 19.01.2007 14:29
Letter from Gerasimos Kuriakopoulos ( on hunger strike for 36 days)  Banner in the Acu, Utrecht as published on December 8th I am Gerasimos Kiriakopoulos. I am incarcerated in Koridallos Prison, accused of participating in violent episodes on May 6 during the 4th European Social Forum. A few facts regarding my case: On the afternoon of May 6 in Thiseio ~ where no violent activities occurred ~ six riot police arrested six people, blindly and without cause. One of these people was myself. As they arrested me without reason, I believed that it was just on grounds of suspicion ~ in view of the general climate of that day. But, as you can see in my writing you this letter, things didn't turn out that way. Later, taken to police headquarters upon no grounds, upon no evidence, the police gave me a declaration to sign ~ that contained a mountain of charges. In order for the police to support these charges, they naturally stated in the six identical indictments that the arrests hadn't taken place in Thiseio but rather in Monastiraki Square where violent episodes had taken place, and presented us as being the group that had carried these out. Thus, upon no valid grounds I later went through interrogation proceedings where I was charged with serious felonies such as attempted murder and supply and possession of 50 explosives, - and without my being an escaped suspect or having been accused of such activities in the past (and how could I have been?) I was taken into custody. So I am incarcerated in Koridallos Prison upon no valid grounds whatsoever and facing serious charges. Consequently, all my applications for release have been rejected, and I am still held in prison upon false grounds. I have questioned and I have wondered how I, a simple person, can prove my innocence in contradiction to the invalid police charges, without having any proof to offer other than my word. Indeed I cannot. And recognizing this fact and having no other way, therefore, to confront all these false accusations, and knowing that ~ beyond my serious health problems (a ruptured kidney and spleen) ~ my life could become endangered, I am beginning a hunger strike in protest at the false charges brought against me, and asking for my immediate release until my case stands trial. Gerasimos Kiriakopoulos |